Monday, March 30, 2009

Diary of an Accidental Farm Wife: Waking Up

In Em's blog entry, Diary of an Accidental Farm Wife: Waking Up, she just summarizes many of my goals as of late. I took The Simple Wife's advice today under her Living Simply and just Got Going. I have been putting off a few things, for some of which the wait involves just being financially prudent. But I did some of these today, and boy it felt good. Really, go to her entry, it's a great task list, to 'snap out of it'. I can't put off spring like she has been able to. It's just so in your face in my neighborhood. We put in our garden, this week, so we're up and running. I have a small patch of just pretty stuff. Hydrangeas, lemon thyme, butterfly bush, mint, lamb's ear. All of my favorites. Like Em, I also have a singer in my house. He's 2, and it's all songs all the time. Wheels' on the bus, itsy bitsy spider, and now a psalms 23 song.
Be sure to check out Living Simply - G: Get Going!
H -- not watching tv, and eating a healthy snack!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Living Simply - f is for flexibility

You may have been following the Living Simply daily encouragments linked to The Simple Wife's blog. These are free downloads that I am really enjoying. I was really glad to see a little flexibility built in. I am working on lately 'what works for us.' Just about the time some pattern begins to form, day light savings happens, or someone stops taking naps, or some stage ends right before your eyes. But with that stages ending comes a beginning. Not to go all 'polly-anna' on you, but, I'm having to look at the half-full side of things, or I'll go banannas. I entered into parenthood with that positive outlook, and I'm determined to come out with the same perspective.
When quick sand fills your living room, you have to see the ups and appreciate them for what they are. Here's one for the books, Henry can fill his own squirt gun. Unfortunately, I found him at the toilet's edge....? I'm hoping he was pondering it's real use, but that would be a little unrealistic. It's those little positives I'm grasping at...
Don't forget to click on the icon at the top, and visit the Living Simply free down-loads. She's working on a degree at seminary right now, so I've been scrolling back through some of the stuff I missed out when I first found her site.

You think you've got it tough...

My mom used to always say, when things weren't going my way, there's always someone who's got it worse. Just open your eyes, and look around. Quit looking in the mirror, start looking out.

She was right. I sometimes find myself a little overwhelmed with motherhood, the challenges that come with an all male household, save myself, and the inevitable catastrophe that comes just about the time you've got them loaded in the car. But I know in my heart that persistence can be one of my strengths. I think it is patience and longsuffering, makrothumia & ... that other greek word I can't remember that encourage me from Colossians 1 to keep going. 'Just keep swimming', as Dory says ('Finding Nemo'). I just wish sometimes I had her short-term memory, to help me, so I could keep no record of wrongs (I Corinthians 13).

I had a great reminder reading MckMama's blog. She's written a blog with a word in the title I'm as opposed to as she is. But there are those days, where it's just what it is. She's under the gun, with real health issues. But if you read the post that tells how she became MckMama, you'll see she's dealing with a deck of cards that allows for a few days of listing the 'done-me-wrongs'.

She is dealing with 4 children, one of which has a severe health issue, diagnosed in the womb.

I looked outside my window, past the mirror and I found that cyber-friend who needed a prayer. Check out her story, and her interesting life.

Back to real-time. Using words that are appropriate to the feeling of the situation, but not appropriate to say is a difficult call. It's individual. I'm tired of hearing my child say 'butt', as well as 'but' following every apology, but it's not going away anytime soon.

So how should I react? Our ladies Bible class on Wednesday's has been using a great book with very practical discussion based on successful parents techniques. So I'm using Dobson's facts (boy's will grow up, quite literally, over their mother's dead body), Rosemond's advice (bringing down the boom/nipping it in the bud) and Dr. Paul Faulkner's recommendations (warm it up and keep it fun) to keep our home full of love, even when I want to say words or express feelings that just don't fit into any of the wisdom in those books (or the book.)

BTW, the book from Wednesday night... Raising Faithful Kids in a Fast-Paced World, by Dr. Paul Faulkner.

ps. I'm not a big Miley Cyrus fan, but must say she's got a song out to inspire, and captures the feeling I have on many a day. 'The Climb' . This link is on Youtube, so as always, be careful when clicking on links. Sometimes you may inadvertently hit the wrong one, and be exposed to explicit or inappropriate material. The Official Music Video Version is nice.

pss. My lack of enthusiasm for Miley hasn't been about her. I'm just not into pre-mature entry into adulthood. The nature of her shows are often geared to little girls who need to slow it down, not speed it up. She's a prodigy of a country singer, who is a part of the marketing machine. I like ole-Billy Ray, but I just am not crazy about seeing little girls exploited/marketed or encouraged to do this, in any way. Just my humble opinion.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Making kids clothes last a little longer

I found this idea looking on rocksinmydryer blogspot... she's got some great links at the beginning of her usual posts. This one was found on one Betz White's site, she is a felt designer, and I'm sure has numerous other fun projects you might be interested in.
This is a great idea for that super cute t-shirt that you just can't part with yet. Right now, Henry gets the handme downs, but I find Jack can be particularly attached to certain shirts.
Anyhow, knit is very forgiving fabric... give it a try. I have a few shirts in mind for fall that I just might use for this project. This is one of her books, you can find on Etsy.
Had a wonderful ladies day, with so many people participating. I am so thankful for the wonderful sisterhood at church. I am encouraged & uplifted. Worn out, but encouraged and uplifted.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

His mercies were new this morning too...

The morning broke with a phone call I'd prayed for... Leslie & William have a new baby boy. He's healthy and all are well. I am thankful for a safe delivery, my best friend is safe, her baby is healthy, and their family is complete. My heart is full of joy, that this waiting period is over for her, and she can finally hold him in her arms.
I pray God will grant her a full measure of strength in the days ahead, and that this baby will be blessed in everyway. Happy Birthday, sweet boy- We love you!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

His mercies are new every morning...

I didn't read my Bible this morning... too distracted. But at my desk, I noticed and picked up a book I've had for a while, No Other Gods, by Kelly Minter. She mentioned not being alone, that by ourselves we are usually bound to fail. Finding the right resources is, I guess the key. Those resources being encouraging people, encouraging books, but most of all, The Book.
I did set my alarm 2 days in a row, to make myself get up! Be dressed and start the day right. Tomorrow is a new day, and His mercies are new every morning.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm counting my blessings this morning

I've been a little under the weather the past 5 days, the kind of sick that makes you think on the dark side. Not mental health, just a bad stomach bug, with all the aches and pains that go with. Kids did alot of tv watching, because I just couldn't stay awake. But I'm back on my feet, and thanks to doctors who see the need to get you back on your feet, I am. I am thankful for that too. But I'll start with the obvious. The rest of my family didn't catch it, even if Henry gave it to me, we didn't have it at the same time. When my primary care physician couldn't see me till Monday, there was a new urgent care around the corner. When I went to the doctor our insurance wasn't declined because we'd been laid off. My co-pay didn't bounce. My prescription was cheap.. that never seems to happen. My car didn't sputter out at the light. I had a car to drive to the doctor. My husband wasn't an on an oil-rigger for 30 days, nor was he over seas serving in Iraq, where he couldn't come home for lunch to feed the boys. I'm counting my blessings. We could be here for a while. You see my point. I'll count one more. My mom is still able to make a 6 hour car ride, and is willing just for a couple of days, so I can get back on my feet. She plays with the kids, and cooks dinner. She's kind and loving. And the kids squeal when she drives in and yell 'Nannie!' She's healthy. Still counting. I'll stop for this morning. But as I watch the news, watch current affair type movies, I see what a blessed life I have. Absolutely blessed, but as I'm about to delve into a ladies day about Blessings from God, the full measure of God's Bounty, I'm curious how people out of touch with God can reconcile disappointment with living in flawed world. (I recently saw Kate Winslet, Oscar winner for best actress in most recently "The Reader" and formerly scene in "Sense & Sensibility"in another of her films. I mention her because I often read her interviews. She's a phenominal actress. I as I mention in previous blog, probably unconsciously watch her. The movie I most recently saw, 'Little Children' rated R, I do not sugget or recommend, but is a prime example of how people who make no mention of God, unless it is used inprofanity, work out their needs and problems.) It is sooooooo incredibly easy to get 'side-tracked', as Jack is fond of hearing me say, and quotes me often, into the munutiae of life. Seeing the picks in the rug, rather than what a nice rug I have. Or even worse, wanting another one to replace it because I found this one I really wanted on sale. Is Christmas over, or am I still hoping for the after-christmas-sale excuse to wear off?
Lately, I've been working on several faith endeavors, Bible study type activities, ladies day, retreat studies, for upcoming events. It was mandatory I put the time in. I find this helps, but sometime ago, I stopped for a while, because I felt I wasn't ingesting what I was studying. Studying for the test. The cause was good, but was I really taking it in? Was I buying what I was selling? I think in part yes, but in our hearts we know, at least, after the fact, the real nutritional value of what we've ingested in a day. One of the thoughts for our upcoming ladies day has been 'Are we settling for spiritual junk-food, a happy meal on Sunday or are we taking in the full-measure of God's Spiritual Bounty?'
Along with my spiritual studies, I've had all the other responsibilities, I'm grateful to have. I mentioned to Kristi yesterday, 'I'm a little tired, but I'm glad to have such good things to do.' I'm glad. I'm fulfilled and rejuvenated. But Lord, please Lord, help me to count the blessings you would have me see, not just the tangiable goods I can buy on clearance. Help me have enough not to want, as so many do of necessity. Help me have enough to share. Remind me where it all comes from. As Jack reminds me, in his little scientific ways, it all starts with raw-materials somewhere, men just got a hold of it, for better or for worse.
It's up to us for what we thank God for the most. Start counting, but consider the exemplary blessing of grace of God. It teaches us to be merciful and loving, to survive in life's ups and downs. That's one. I'll be thanking God for that along with all the afore mentioned. What about you?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Diary of an Accidental Farm Wife: Purposeful Distraction

Diary of an Accidental Farm Wife: Purposeful Distraction

I love this blog. Thank-you, Farm Wife- you nailed it. I love the wikkepedia comment/question. is possible to be diligent and still diverted from what is valuable.
Perhaps my discussion which originate with the proverb in previous blog, wasn't as connected, but this is right on.
Great Read,,, who am I kidding. I do all those things. Eat, plug into worthwhile as well as less than worthwhile stuff.
I would call it ESCAPE. Do I really need to escape, or make a list of to-do's which includes refreshment & recreation at appropraite intervals? Check out Em's blog- good stuff.

CWO Snipets does it again

Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished, but he that gathereth by labour shall increase. (Proverbs 13:11)

What's the first thing that ran through your mind? Movie stars, whose hair I worship, whose kids clothes I covet, and often perceived ease of life I long for. Did I put it all on my sleeve or did I save anything....? I've been tv-less for 2 days. I've just drawn the line... again. I do this once and a while. When football season is over, and when family isn't on the horizon for a visit. I admit having the tv is a convenient 3rd party in the room, making some ease for conversation.
But I have to say, In my tv watching, I probably spend more time looking at the rich and famous more than anything. I confess, I've watched the housewives of whatever county(yes, I realize I dropped about all my super consciencous readers on that one), and I often find myself watching E-TV. Can't get beyond some of that flat-ironed hair & perfect style. But when I'm not watching, it doesn't cross my mind as much. Duh? Can I get an amen from the readers who are going to hang in there with me? The Simple Wife posted a great tip for saving money last week. Timely in our current economy. Don't shop, don't look, and you won't want..... Simple, huh? Case in point, I'm working on our ladies day concepts-- Blessings from God-- and the Pottery Barn Catalog comes.... hmmm... yes, there it is the rug for the foyer, that I've been wanting, oh it's perfect... it will fit just fine, color is great, price is, well, right for the moment... then my mind starts wandering, really wandering around the room. What else can I perfect in this house? What else needs tweaking, what else needs just the right color, pillow, thing. I'm not worrying about me, just the house, just making our house a home... right?
I'd say there's a little vanity involved. Just my humble opinion. What brought me to even ramble about this... oh yes, back to our verse.
Wealth gotten by vanity. -- it's diminished. Seems like there might be some connections there worth persuing( I always misspell that word). Perhaps the folks I'm watching for guidance, even subliminally, will find there objective short lived. Sort of a short sighted objective. Sort of a waste of good time. Frivolous. I read a column in our newspaper today, that described today's local fashion person- neat huh. Shows one random person's style with quick interview. The first line read, fashion is my life. Modeling is everything to me. Didn't read any further, but something to consider. Am I a poser or a laborer? Am I a good steward with my time and energy? Where I allow my affection to dwell? My fleeting moments no one else will ever have to account for or see? What do you think, what do you get from this verse?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Even Millie misses Nana

When I married Eric, I had no idea how blessed my life was about to become. I knew I'd found a catch, he was super. But what I'm about to say may surprise some of the readers out there. I became related to one of my soon to be best friends- my mother-in-law. God knew I needed a special friend, in my husband's mother.

She has been a friend to me in so many ways, and is so dilligent with our children. Deliberate in her actions and able to navigate what might be rough waters for some, she sees the joy in a day and finds a way to 'make it work.'

We were very sick this last week, the week she'd planned to visit. She came anyway, and was, as usual, priceless in her assistance in a never ending mission to do the laundry, or whatever needed to be done. She hustled Jack in to the car and off they went, when Henry needed a break from big brother. And as always, was ready to watch the kids so we could have an evening out.

Some time ago, I wrote about her and one of our early experiences.

Millie, our mix breed, is getting up in years. She's our first and only dog so far in our marriage. Once again, at my mother-in-laws suggestion, I have considered getting a new puppy to be trained by the older. She normally knows what she's talking about, so I'll have to give it some consideration. Nana reminded me of how we got Millie while she was here. So if you will indulge me the personal essay, I'll post a salute I wrote to Millie, the Dog who Raised our Family, in honor of Nana & her dog, Bertie's, recent visit. Come back soon Nana. (realized it isn't so brief, so skip down to blog on Proverbs, if it doesn't peak your interests. I'll be back to 'treasure and trouble' next blog)

Millie, the Dog who Raised Our Family
Throughout the early years of our marriage, one of the most enjoyable experiences we had was going to the fair. Simple small town enjoyment that only greasy corn dogs and icy coca-cola’s can provide. I’ve always been fond of fair-food. I had been accused of being a specialist in the art of fair-food when we married. I knew exactly where you could get fair-style fries, and the best year round corn dog anywhere in the city. Even salted pretzels with mustard must be located with care. No micro-waved pretzels must be allowed into the repertoire of fair-food. Anyhow, how we came to enjoy the fair was solely due to my mother-in-law’s connections. There are many perks to a government job. They may seem small and odd to the Wall Street style lawyer, but to your local small- town style girl, they were a delicacy.
My friend & mother-in-law informed us when the fair would be and how many tickets did we want? Can you imagine my delight? Anyone who has naively gone to the fair at peak hours knows you can spend a life savings just on admission. To have any sort of a discount is mandatory. The tickets are just as expensive as a ‘Les Mis'. Yet could it be? along with a magnificent husband, I had been blessed with a man who had connections into the fair-- at a discount? County workers family day was the prize as far as I was concerned. As the years passed we took all of our nieces & nephews to the fair in varying combinations, as tickets were made available and made numerous memories made, even taking our new born babes just as my mother-in-law retired. That was a year to remember. Almost a rite of passage, from one era into the next.
I have to tell you, we were ‘older’ when we married. Many we knew began to doubt if we’d find our soul-mates. We had ourselves begun to doubt, yet God provided, in so many ways, that which our souls had longed. I was the beneficiary of a one of a kind. – I was in many ways the envy of my many girlfriends who had married in a timely fashion, acquiring in-laws we were all too immature to appreciate. I still get stares when I mention my mother-in-law and actually have something nice to say. But it would be ridiculous to call her anything but an integral friend and part of my life I can’t ever imagine having lived without. She so often would mention (note there are no italics on the word mention) particular bits of information to us that would alter our life in some way or sort. She would think to herself and outloud say the name of an apartment complex that was safer than most, and tell the location. Perhaps this might work for our first home. The most practical things that might go unnoticed by someone else or be perceived as twisted manipulation, were often a part of our conversations, and thus change our worlds forever.
One such conversation included the perk of a lifetime. Little known to the outsider, in our county government, county employees receive a discount when you choose to adopt from the county animal shelter. We had looked at many animals, but both knew we’d bring our pet home from the shelter. After all, this was practical, and neither of us felt compelled to have a dog that had a pedigree. We knew that the dogs with the best disposition were obtained with no papers, except those that indicated how many were in the litter, when it was dropped off and what the vet techs supposed was the breed.
I went most every afternoon after work to look at dogs. Especially, puppies. We never really determined I would be the one to choose the dog, but that’s how it happened. I happened in and found the dog of our choice. I really had no idea what this puppy would turn out like, but she was the most lively of the bunch and she had good markings. I grabbed the paper from the tags hanging on the pet’s cage and went to the car to call my mother-in-law. It would be necessary for her to adopt our puppy, as she was the one with the connections, and later I realized the money. We would be the one’s to adopt and care for this dog, but in name the dog would belong to her until we chipped her at the vet.
As usual, with my poor planning, when we came to the desk, I had no money in my wallet. No money. Once again my mother-in-law came to the rescue and found just enough in her wallet to make the deal happen. I think Millie cost us approximately $14.00 that day. I made a joke with the clerk, and asked if that included food for the pet. She thought I was serious. I had to promise I would feed Millie.
Thus Millie was adopted into our family. The first of, at the point in our lives, 3 of our adopted babies. She is our firstborn. Even Jack says so. It’s amazing how integral an animal can be in your life. She is often the basis of decisions that shape our vacations and always our daily routine. She has exercised us, and tempered us and loved us no matter what.
Millie has served as a sounding board for our lives decisions as well. She is the voiceless part of the too-numerous-to-count conversations my husband has had over the years. Where I am the alpha-dog to her pack, he is the companion. They have their secrets about me, but they know they wouldn’t last a day without me. For she knows that we ‘sisters’ brought her home to her pack, and we’ll be around long after the boy’s have gone to bed.
My life is infinitely richer by having Millie with us. She has probably stopped us from many a fight by her willingness to listen without answering back. She has exercised our physical bodies by demanding a daily exercise over and above 1 walk a day. And she has trained us in the art of love and care so necessary to parenting. Our commitment level to seemingly unreasonable needs was brought to bear by her existence in our lives.
So to Millie and all the other 1st borns out there who have trained their humans for life’s adventures, thank-you. Thank-you from the bottom of my alpha-dog heart, for raising my family, and continuing to do so through so many of our life’s adventures.

Once Upon a Time, I was a Runner ~ February 2025

 Once upon a time, I was a runner. Well, to be specific, I was fast. I could sprint and win. There's a difference between runners and sp...