Thursday, March 5, 2009

CWO Snipets does it again

Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished, but he that gathereth by labour shall increase. (Proverbs 13:11)

What's the first thing that ran through your mind? Movie stars, whose hair I worship, whose kids clothes I covet, and often perceived ease of life I long for. Did I put it all on my sleeve or did I save anything....? I've been tv-less for 2 days. I've just drawn the line... again. I do this once and a while. When football season is over, and when family isn't on the horizon for a visit. I admit having the tv is a convenient 3rd party in the room, making some ease for conversation.
But I have to say, In my tv watching, I probably spend more time looking at the rich and famous more than anything. I confess, I've watched the housewives of whatever county(yes, I realize I dropped about all my super consciencous readers on that one), and I often find myself watching E-TV. Can't get beyond some of that flat-ironed hair & perfect style. But when I'm not watching, it doesn't cross my mind as much. Duh? Can I get an amen from the readers who are going to hang in there with me? The Simple Wife posted a great tip for saving money last week. Timely in our current economy. Don't shop, don't look, and you won't want..... Simple, huh? Case in point, I'm working on our ladies day concepts-- Blessings from God-- and the Pottery Barn Catalog comes.... hmmm... yes, there it is the rug for the foyer, that I've been wanting, oh it's perfect... it will fit just fine, color is great, price is, well, right for the moment... then my mind starts wandering, really wandering around the room. What else can I perfect in this house? What else needs tweaking, what else needs just the right color, pillow, thing. I'm not worrying about me, just the house, just making our house a home... right?
I'd say there's a little vanity involved. Just my humble opinion. What brought me to even ramble about this... oh yes, back to our verse.
Wealth gotten by vanity. -- it's diminished. Seems like there might be some connections there worth persuing( I always misspell that word). Perhaps the folks I'm watching for guidance, even subliminally, will find there objective short lived. Sort of a short sighted objective. Sort of a waste of good time. Frivolous. I read a column in our newspaper today, that described today's local fashion person- neat huh. Shows one random person's style with quick interview. The first line read, fashion is my life. Modeling is everything to me. Didn't read any further, but something to consider. Am I a poser or a laborer? Am I a good steward with my time and energy? Where I allow my affection to dwell? My fleeting moments no one else will ever have to account for or see? What do you think, what do you get from this verse?

1 comment:

truly blessed said...

What great thoughts. I find myself doing the same thing. Though the t.v. is usually on Disney channel, when I do have time to watch what I want to watch it's usually something that has to do with fashion or celebrity news, home decorating :) Though these times are few and far between, I'm sure my kids know what Mom would rather watch. What magazines Mom would rather look at. How much energy do I put into how I look, what I wear, how the house is decorated, etc. What kind of message am I sending to them; what am I teaching them. Having a house filled with girls, this is really important. I find myself's okay if you have a healthy balance of all these things. But, what's a healthy balance? Should I even have to balance it? I think compared to most, I'm actually not that bad when it comes to the whole vanity thing, but should I be comparing myself to "most"? Thanks for the thoughts Laura. I needed them. You've got my wheels turning this morning! :)

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