Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm counting my blessings this morning

I've been a little under the weather the past 5 days, the kind of sick that makes you think on the dark side. Not mental health, just a bad stomach bug, with all the aches and pains that go with. Kids did alot of tv watching, because I just couldn't stay awake. But I'm back on my feet, and thanks to doctors who see the need to get you back on your feet, I am. I am thankful for that too. But I'll start with the obvious. The rest of my family didn't catch it, even if Henry gave it to me, we didn't have it at the same time. When my primary care physician couldn't see me till Monday, there was a new urgent care around the corner. When I went to the doctor our insurance wasn't declined because we'd been laid off. My co-pay didn't bounce. My prescription was cheap.. that never seems to happen. My car didn't sputter out at the light. I had a car to drive to the doctor. My husband wasn't an on an oil-rigger for 30 days, nor was he over seas serving in Iraq, where he couldn't come home for lunch to feed the boys. I'm counting my blessings. We could be here for a while. You see my point. I'll count one more. My mom is still able to make a 6 hour car ride, and is willing just for a couple of days, so I can get back on my feet. She plays with the kids, and cooks dinner. She's kind and loving. And the kids squeal when she drives in and yell 'Nannie!' She's healthy. Still counting. I'll stop for this morning. But as I watch the news, watch current affair type movies, I see what a blessed life I have. Absolutely blessed, but as I'm about to delve into a ladies day about Blessings from God, the full measure of God's Bounty, I'm curious how people out of touch with God can reconcile disappointment with living in flawed world. (I recently saw Kate Winslet, Oscar winner for best actress in most recently "The Reader" and formerly scene in "Sense & Sensibility"in another of her films. I mention her because I often read her interviews. She's a phenominal actress. I as I mention in previous blog, probably unconsciously watch her. The movie I most recently saw, 'Little Children' rated R, I do not sugget or recommend, but is a prime example of how people who make no mention of God, unless it is used inprofanity, work out their needs and problems.) It is sooooooo incredibly easy to get 'side-tracked', as Jack is fond of hearing me say, and quotes me often, into the munutiae of life. Seeing the picks in the rug, rather than what a nice rug I have. Or even worse, wanting another one to replace it because I found this one I really wanted on sale. Is Christmas over, or am I still hoping for the after-christmas-sale excuse to wear off?
Lately, I've been working on several faith endeavors, Bible study type activities, ladies day, retreat studies, for upcoming events. It was mandatory I put the time in. I find this helps, but sometime ago, I stopped for a while, because I felt I wasn't ingesting what I was studying. Studying for the test. The cause was good, but was I really taking it in? Was I buying what I was selling? I think in part yes, but in our hearts we know, at least, after the fact, the real nutritional value of what we've ingested in a day. One of the thoughts for our upcoming ladies day has been 'Are we settling for spiritual junk-food, a happy meal on Sunday or are we taking in the full-measure of God's Spiritual Bounty?'
Along with my spiritual studies, I've had all the other responsibilities, I'm grateful to have. I mentioned to Kristi yesterday, 'I'm a little tired, but I'm glad to have such good things to do.' I'm glad. I'm fulfilled and rejuvenated. But Lord, please Lord, help me to count the blessings you would have me see, not just the tangiable goods I can buy on clearance. Help me have enough not to want, as so many do of necessity. Help me have enough to share. Remind me where it all comes from. As Jack reminds me, in his little scientific ways, it all starts with raw-materials somewhere, men just got a hold of it, for better or for worse.
It's up to us for what we thank God for the most. Start counting, but consider the exemplary blessing of grace of God. It teaches us to be merciful and loving, to survive in life's ups and downs. That's one. I'll be thanking God for that along with all the afore mentioned. What about you?


Johnson A GoGo! said...

Thanks, Laura! I need this reminder this morning. Now if I can just quit being jealous that your Mom drove all the way down to take care of you and your boys! LUCKY girl!!

Love you,

truly blessed said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. Listing your blessings, taking the time to put the pen to paper or fingers to keys and really think about the many, many blessings we have been given in our lives. It really puts things in a different perspective. I need to find a quiet place and do just that. Thanks Laura.

Laura at By the Bushel said...

I did find another quiet place to stop and take a break tonight. we just finished reading from 'The Black Stallion', a chapter. The movie I mention above, is very rough. It has dark humor, & includes,some highly, & I do mean highly inappropriate material. I don't place this in as a teaser, but a strong warning. It does portray peers tho, peers we live with and around. The world we live in, but Lord willing, but are not of. We can easily kid our selves tho, to think we are not immune to what is in the world.

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