Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bread Pudding with Blueberries (instead of raisins)

Bread pudding... never thought I'd go wack-a-doo, for ... yes, I said bread pudding. But here in Louisiana, it's a staple, a delicacy. We had some recently at a local heavenly restaurant, Lagniappe, with blueberries. Umhmmm, I said blueberries. and that 'heavenly' sauce. 'Sauce' literally. So I went through the recipes, and voila' - c'est magnifique.

I found it in a recipe chronicle book I purchased since arriving in Louisiana, Cajun, A Culinary Tour of Louisiana. This fine cookbook has plenty of delicious recipes that include bread pudding, gumbo, & include numerous local ingredients: pecans, sweet potatoes, crawfish, shrimp, & so many combinations thereof. The photos are wonderful- full of local culture, places famous like, Breaux Bridge & Mulates. Plenty of Plantation photos, the backwater-kind.

So here's a recipe (a good stand-in) for this tasty delictable dessert. Enjoy!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Revolutionary War on a Rainy Friday

Sounds like a treehouse title, doesn't it?

Actually, it's raining, and one of the boys is a little under the weather.

So after some other activities( we reloaded the pinecone birdfeeders with peanut butter & seed), we've hunkered down with ramen noodles(yes, I said ramen noodles) & Earl Grey Tea, for our own 'tea party' & are watching 'Johnny Tremain'.

We have enjoyed 'Liberty Kids' but this is like so many other excellent resources,'Johnny Tremain' offers another view into one amazing part of our country's history.
One resource book I found at the library has offered a great activity ideas, for now and later.
'The American Revolution, for Kids: A History with 21 Activities' by Janis Herbert. It is better for older children than mine(K-1) more for older elementary to read on their own, but for us now, it has been material for excellent read aloud learning, & some super activities, with simple instructions.
I also checked out an illustrated version of the Declaration of Independence, which really brings it to life.

I have a feeling we'll have a new song to sing for a while. Click on the emblem above to hear the 'Son's of Liberty' song from the movie.

One Thousand Gifts - Seasons

Still counting

Hot coffee, oatmeal with blueberries, 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families(see Simple Mom Bookclub) & Vivaldi's The Four Seasons.

A Husband who will watch kids while I go to coffee with a friend, kids who missed me and hugged me when I got home, quiet time to talk after they went to bed.


Counting with the Gratitude Community because - gratitude is the antidote.

Did I Say That Outloud?: Rules for Kids by a Mom#links

Did I Say That Outloud?: hit a thought I shared with a friend last night. See this link:
Rules for Kids by a Mom

It seems some kids are not satisfied with 1 fun activity, but start asking about the next before the first is over. Read her rule #1. Thanks, Amy for stopping by the blog. I look forward to reading more of your delightful posts.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

One Thousand Gifts - Friends

Still counting (40)
So thankful friends, who share real life.
Counting with the Grattitude Community.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Catching up on Life - Cooking & Schooling

We finally got around to finishing the Jesse Tree Ornaments from Ann Voskamp's Book 'The Glorious Coming'
and enjoyed Cranberry Bread that I meant to make before Christmas,

Made French Onion Soup, for dinner last night,

These are some of of the fruits of our homework, but our January has been busy!

We toured the Oakley House, where John James Audubon tutored a student & lived for a summer with Jack's Art Class (aren't the girls the sweetest!) He completed 32 of his drawings in his famous book 'Birds of America'. They also have numerous animals that are just fun(remember the turkey, he along with the chickens we saw as babies in the coup were out and about.)

We enjoyed the Audubon Zoo (New Orleans, on MLK Monday) same day we saw Drake,

Whew.. these are just a few of the things, visits, activities we started & are enjoying but sometimes it seems like its time to clean out the cupboards, organize and start to baking!

I mean, Charlotte Mason would roll over in her grave if I said I followed her ideas....

I realized I just don't stay at home like I used to. We've had a trip to go somewhere since we returned from our trip at Christmas. And even then, before Christmas we missed out on some good things with just being busy.

When this is how you roll, life needs to slow down.....

So after our visit to John James Audubon's 'house' & zoo & had a surprise visit with my brother in New Orleans, on our way to the Audubon Zoo, we just needed to settle down.

I need to plan some menus, buy the groceries & feed the tribe.
and iron shirts- (really...)

So today we read our Bible story, ate our cereal, did our chores, practice writing, counted by 5's, and enjoyed more of the 'Flying Creatures', as well as all of the other fun aspects of schooling at home. It's been a good day.

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Day - A Better Day -One Thousand Gifts

When things don't go right, it helps to look back through a journal, unintended as that journal may be, to look at the past. And I found this back in August. Before I found the Gratitude Community, and before I began counting. And before I begin counting today, a prayer is in order, to 'create in me a clean heart', to straighten things out again. Our path seems to be muddy & rutted, the shoes I'm wearing seem not to fit, and I just sit down. If someone asks me to get up and walk, I don't respond nicely. Understatement. Serious understatement. Lacking purity, loveliness, truth.... So before I count, the innumerable blessings, I need to take off the mask I've put on covering my eyes to the loveliness around me and, ask for some forgiveness. I need a bottle of that Garden Soap to clean out my brain & mouth, to make it ready to offer thanks. Gratitude is the antidote, but one must know their sick. And I'm sick, & tired.

So I'll count, because I need healing. I need to see the truth of the abundance of God's gifts.

- birds to watch eat from out feeders we made in studying 'Flying Creatures'.

-I have hot coffee.

-more than enough milk for a quick cereal breakfast.

-sunshine instead of mood altering rain.

-art class with 2 special family's children.

-a fun field trip to Oakley House to see where John James Audubon stayed.

-seeing a young, strong Marine home from training, that inspires my son to do his best.

-a husband who works on a pinewood derby car, tirelessly.

-a fun night out with husband.

- a gentle, godly & fun babysitter to watch kids.

-all the books I could want to teach my children at home.

-a car that runs & can tote kids to & from a store full of food.

-running water, both hot & cold.

-a budget friendly library system where I can check out books & all sorts of media.

-2 healthy children.

I'm feeling better, my attitude is better, thank you Lord, for seeing what needs to be cleansed from my mind. Help me to focus on these gifts. Just a few out of the thousands.
If you would like to join the Gratitude Community go over to A Holy Experience, to see what others are noticing in the abundance of God's Gifts.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Books 2010

In no particular order, but because January is almost over.....

Diligently Seeking God: Daily Motivations to Take God More Seriously by Gary Henry

C. S. Lewis - 3 choices

The Abolition of Man

Till We Have Faces

Christian Reflections
(Read Surprised by Joy last year.)

Alexander McCall Smith - The Isabel Dalhousie Series
(author of The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency Series- I've read all but 2 of these)

Andrew Jukes - The Names of God

Wallace Stegner - Angle of Repose

Dorie McCullough Lawson - Posterity, Letters of Great Americans to Their Children

Steven R. Covey - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families (Simple Bookclub)

Marilynne Robinson - Gilead

I have a few additions, and will add soon enough.
The bookclubs are something I plan to follow and try to keep up with.
I also plan to read through the Bible. And the plan seems do-able.

Boy's and Their Behavior

I have mentioned a couple of books in the past regarding boys- Boy's Adrift by Leonard Sax & Raising a Non-Violent Child by John Rosemond. These books offer excellent insight into often what concerns but most baffles parents. What is behavior that should be of a concern, the kind you need to quickly & seriously address. But what is it that still rubs me wrong, when my child 'line's me up in his site/sight?' Imaginary as that gun is, & being a proponent of the right to own guns (for use & not decoration only), It still gets old. If you have a boy, you know that they make that sound, almost as soon as they begin to suckle. That rapid fire of some weapon, that is amazing, impressive. While playing with other children, Mom's cringe all around the room, not knowing what to say (is he destined for newspaper headlines, the kind nobody wants to read? should I be concerned about letting my child play with this child, or if its mine, which it normally is, do they worry about their child playing with mine?)Because, I believe, we've been sold a gender-neutral bill of goods, wwe aren't sure of ourselves. Regarding guns as toys, there's always that first discussion, with other mom's about firearms, & usually if there's disagreement, there's usually a polite parting of the ways. It's not based on this one thing entirely, but it is a symptom of very different parenting styles. This article shares well this dilemma, & interestingly enough I think the comments display the different approaches in solutions and exemplify to lack of understanding about boys, and thus, the differences between genders. I can't tell you how many times I wish I had a mute button or a medication that would subdue the wildness that is my boys. I won't take that approach (& have had personal experience in the use & withdrawal of available drugs of this kind in a treatment situation for children I have taught). For now, I'll continue to channel it into healthy & safe channels, while teaching virtue that guides the heart.
post script- I did not purchase weapon of mass destruction(see pict)- Poppa Bob supplied the 3 boy cousins with these beauties. Henry can't even load his, but it is the weapon of choice these days, loaded or not. BTW, he's shooting at a snowman on the wall.
I didn't write this post to precipitate debate over whether or not boys & girls are different. That is an assumption one can put down in a side bar list on this blog page. However, many mom's (often myself included) have no idea how to deal with current trends, situations, conversations in public. My experience has been that the behaviors mentioned in the article above are real. I spend alot of time teaching 'gentleness'-- to what feels like, no avail. To the person who feels like these are trained behaviors, to say 'channeling into healthy & safe channels' may seem rediculous. I mostly wrote it because I think the lady at First Things who wrote this article titled The Killer Instinct was watching me the other day. And had me in mind when she wrote this article. Perhaps you'll glean something that helps you too.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Psalm 139 He's in the Darkness & Light

I have set out on a mental journey to memorize Psalm 139... you know the one, 'You know me when I sit, when I stand, when I lie down.'.... 'You have formed my inward parts'... 'I am fearfully & wonderfully made'..... 'You have hedged me in before me & behind me'...'The darkness does not hide from you, the night shines as day.'

When I lay the boys down for sleep at night, the night lights go on. I always tell Jack not to worry, if there is really something going on Millie will let us know. Millie has been a faithful dog, for which I am grateful.(17) She is a working dog, in our non-agrarian lifestyle. I know an intruder would put her down in a moment, but she has been faithful to me & helped me be calm when I'm concerned about safety, at our home & away. At night she sleeps peacefully, unless she hears 'something'.

But there is a deeper night & One who watches, not just my body but my soul.(18) My family's souls. When going out at night, especially in winter, I'm reminded of the Maker. I'm thankful for the stars(19) the heavenly host, which show me how great He is. To find one constellation, (20) small in my view, and hear Jack say 'that's Orion' pronouncing it so unlike how I hear it in my mind. I'm thankful, I might have an astronomer who can finally guide me through the starry sky.

(21) I am grateful for men of integrity, who first formed our government. Men who thought. Human enough, but read, wrote, prayed, failed, perservered. Men to whom I can point when teaching our sons about life.

(22) I am grateful for an honorable husband. With a good reputation & the goods to back it up.

(23)I am grateful when he says 'lets go to the beach late spring, I'll plan to take the days off.' Then I can try to count the grains of sand, and consider again how 'many and precious His thoughts are' to me. Psalm 139:17.
My gratitude journal continues, so much for which to be thankful.
Read with others counting today at Holy Experience
I'm always thankful for them.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Moneywise Moms: Saving Money on Groceries (with NO coupons!)

I believe in coupons.(this annoys my mother, but she loves me anyway.) But my kids are, well, slightly distracting in the grocery. I laugh to myself, the $ it would cost me to pay the sitter, is what I'd save in coupons if I made this arrangement to shop. This is always the suggestions to mom's for shopping. One day, sigh... but for now- this post caught my eye.
Moneywise Moms: Saving Money on Groceries (with NO coupons!)
It also helps to read writers and savers who you haven't read before. There are so many wise folks out there. So grateful for the internet to stimulate my little noggin.

A Foothill Home Companion: Haiti

I can't watch. I just got a handle on 'my world'.
Feeling helpless, but wanting to offer hope?Go here:
A Foothill Home Companion: Haiti to read what see what she's doing & visit the Etsy Store using the cute button on the right.
She said it well, go to Craft Hope for something crafters & lovers of crafts can do.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thankfully Walking With Him - Vital Joy

I realized I was only reading other's post & wasn't writing one. It wasn't as tho I didn't have anything to say, but I'm in that post-new-exercise-plan-burn. When you're debating quitting 'the workout'. (not the Gratitude Community.., the Plans....)

I want to keep up with the plans that I've set out upon. I want to get up early, go to bed on time, read the daily devotional upon which I've decided. I desire to effectively participate in classes of which I'm a part, peacefully parent our children in agreement with my spouse. Love my spouse. Devote time to meal planning to more effectively spend grocery money. Read more, play more, watch less. Be proactive. Doing all this, as it's what I'm supposed to be doing. I don't need to hear 'take it easy,' I need to hear 'don't quit', 'keep going', 'it only works, if you work it.'

The list could go on, but I want just one more thing. I think it's important. Vital. To have a spirit that wants to please God. An obedient spirit, a spirit that doesn't just go along, but desires to do what God has for me to do. Desires sincerely, with joy in my actions.

Joy knowing He did come to earth, the angels did sing, men did come to worship Him as a babe.

Joy in the work when it's successful, but even more-so, because it's when I need it, when I'm weak & my joy can only be found in Him. Joy because He doesn't see me as a failure, just a work in progress. But let me feel the joy, recover, & not re-invent the wheel. The plan wasn't a failure, just new, just needing consisitency, needing practice. Let the joy in my bucket, spill out, because it's so full. Lord, patch my bucket so what joy I have stays in. Joy.

In my diligence to seek Him, serve Him, let me not miss how He created me. To experience His joy, a sustaining joy that is not fleeting. Joy.
Thankfully Walking with Him- Other's are too. Visit A Holy Experience and read with those Walking With Him on Wednesday's & Counting One Thousand Gifts.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

EIditarod & Flying Creatures! School is in Session

We registered today, although our first activity isn't till Monday-- to make our map of the Iditarod Trail. We'll be mushing vicariously along with the teams right into Nome. I can't wait!

Jack is sure the dog on our 'button' to the left is 'Steele' the bad lead dog that thwarted Balto's efforts in the movie, 'Balto'. I love this story, and hope one day to visit both the race & the statue erected to Balto in Central Park, in NY. I assured him that alot of sled dogs look just like this, and we'll see that for ourselves as time permits.

We are also officially 'birding' these days. Must go load the feeder to attract some friendly creatures. Hope it's lots of cardinals, I love cardinals.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

God has put Eternity in our Hearts

What does walking with Him look like?
Perhaps this simple phrase found in
Ecclesiastes 3:11 will help me claim my place walking with Him each day.

After the writer has written 'to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven,' in verse 11, it is said that God has put eternity in our hearts. We are eternal beings with a soul. '..we instinctively reach out for concord with the Source of our being. As creatures we are made in God's image, we long for relationship with other personal beings. And if we need relationship with our fellow creatures, we need it even more deeply with our Creator.'.... 'without that essential involvment, our spirits waste away in emptiness.'(DSG, Henry)

As much as we long for fulfillment we'll never be complete or feel filled and whole without our Source being God. It just can't happen. We'll be empty and still looking. Like drinking soda, when we really need fresh water. Like sitting in full sun when we need God's shade.

This is in part, holiness (websters says: set apart to the worship of God). Looking to Him for the answer of every question. One does not need to be divine to be holy, but seeking God who is Divine will develop that provable virtue (the 2nd part of human holiness from Webster's) that allows one to 'be holy,' as He is holy. (I Peter 1:16), without 'aimless conduct', but dedicated to Him. Without ignoring the answers He gives.

Meet other's Walking with Him

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gratitude, the Anecdote, the Antitoxin...

"Gratitude is the vaccine, the antitoxin, the anecdote."

I'm finding this is the answer to allowing God to have and change my heart.

The theme selected for our church as a whole for the year is "God is in Control", and the text referenced is Hebrews 11:6. What jumped out at me is the phrase 'diligently seek Him'.
I have been reading/using a daily devotion book by Gary Henry titled Diligently Seeking God - Daily Devotion to Take God More Seriously, and have already found it profoundly insightful. I began it beginning in December & the end is just as good as the beginning.

I highly recommend this book for a healthy daily measure to look at God more closely, less on that which distracts us away from what will really fill our souls, and makes us what God would have us to be.

I am thankful today for books(17), reading & language (18), my Bible (19). I am more than excited looking forward to the new year to jump start our schooling and to also challenge my self with some reading, fun & for study.

I haven't selected officially my books for my list of reading, but I have selected a handful of books for Jack for reading aloud. All follow a theme of Discovery & Adventure. We are going to begin the year with Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift & see how it goes. Dr. Doolittle's adventures were a HUGE success. So many lessons (for me as well) involved in that precious book. But I'm a little hesitant on Gulliver's Travels. But the only way to find out is to crack the book & read!

We have listened to 'Undaunted Courage' by Stephen Ambrose several times, which is an amazing book, even in the abbreviated recording we've listened to. The theme I am beginning to create for Jack is that wise men journal. They record what happens & what they've seen. It helps to empty the mind for space for more learning, but also helps to see what has happened & learn from that. Over the holiday's we read the book Snowflake Bentley, who documented his findings about snowflakes with photography in mid 1800's. Our break in the theme was a Christmas classic, A Christmas Carol, which created a super family time reading opportunity.
We have also recently read The Boy Who Drew Birds about John James Audubon. (some boys journal with pictures of what they've discovered)We will soon be taking a field trip with the 2 other students in his independent art class to the site in Louisiana where Audubon drew much of his work, and where he stayed while in Louisiana. I also see a trip on the horizon to the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans to see the bird sanctuary. So much to see!

Thankful am I, ... a little overwhelmed with exhaustion from travel, an active demanding 3 year old, & in need of a shower,... but what mom of little folks isn't?
Haven't started counting your blessing's yet? January is a great time to start.
Join the Gratitude Community at A Holy Experience, officially or on your own.
You won't be disappointed. I'm shooting for the quarter year mark(April 1) to make my official count. Again, I'll reassess as needed. Just making some goals to keep sight of my objectives. Don't I sound organized? (don't laugh too hard...)

Once Upon a Time, I was a Runner ~ February 2025

 Once upon a time, I was a runner. Well, to be specific, I was fast. I could sprint and win. There's a difference between runners and sp...