Wednesday, January 6, 2010

God has put Eternity in our Hearts

What does walking with Him look like?
Perhaps this simple phrase found in
Ecclesiastes 3:11 will help me claim my place walking with Him each day.

After the writer has written 'to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven,' in verse 11, it is said that God has put eternity in our hearts. We are eternal beings with a soul. '..we instinctively reach out for concord with the Source of our being. As creatures we are made in God's image, we long for relationship with other personal beings. And if we need relationship with our fellow creatures, we need it even more deeply with our Creator.'.... 'without that essential involvment, our spirits waste away in emptiness.'(DSG, Henry)

As much as we long for fulfillment we'll never be complete or feel filled and whole without our Source being God. It just can't happen. We'll be empty and still looking. Like drinking soda, when we really need fresh water. Like sitting in full sun when we need God's shade.

This is in part, holiness (websters says: set apart to the worship of God). Looking to Him for the answer of every question. One does not need to be divine to be holy, but seeking God who is Divine will develop that provable virtue (the 2nd part of human holiness from Webster's) that allows one to 'be holy,' as He is holy. (I Peter 1:16), without 'aimless conduct', but dedicated to Him. Without ignoring the answers He gives.

Meet other's Walking with Him


Elizabeth Dianne said...

eternity in our hearts--I love that! Thanks for bringing it to my remembrance! Dianne

Lisa notes... said...

Nicely put. We do long for relationship, and he alone can truly satisfy our need. Blessings to you.

Anne said...

this makes me think of all the one-another passages. it also makes me think of the teacher, who so long ago said that, "relationship is relating to another while on the same voyage cause you are in the same ship". the comfort of being on the same voyage with God is indescribable.

Traci Michele said...

Good stuff! So nice to meet you. I am reading The Pursuit of Holiness, by Jerry Bridges. Have you read it?


Annesta said...

"As much as we long for fulfillment we'll never be complete or feel filled and whole without our Source being God". Thank you for that's so true. We try so hard to fill ourselves up with stuff when the King of Kings is really all we need.
grace and peace

Deidra said...

That verse is one of my absolute favorites! It helps me to stop trying to figure it all out and to just be still. Thanks for the reminders!

Angie said...

Just beautiful and oh you are so right our Spirits will waste away without HIM!Thank you for sharing!! Angie in GA

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