Monday, January 18, 2010

Psalm 139 He's in the Darkness & Light

I have set out on a mental journey to memorize Psalm 139... you know the one, 'You know me when I sit, when I stand, when I lie down.'.... 'You have formed my inward parts'... 'I am fearfully & wonderfully made'..... 'You have hedged me in before me & behind me'...'The darkness does not hide from you, the night shines as day.'

When I lay the boys down for sleep at night, the night lights go on. I always tell Jack not to worry, if there is really something going on Millie will let us know. Millie has been a faithful dog, for which I am grateful.(17) She is a working dog, in our non-agrarian lifestyle. I know an intruder would put her down in a moment, but she has been faithful to me & helped me be calm when I'm concerned about safety, at our home & away. At night she sleeps peacefully, unless she hears 'something'.

But there is a deeper night & One who watches, not just my body but my soul.(18) My family's souls. When going out at night, especially in winter, I'm reminded of the Maker. I'm thankful for the stars(19) the heavenly host, which show me how great He is. To find one constellation, (20) small in my view, and hear Jack say 'that's Orion' pronouncing it so unlike how I hear it in my mind. I'm thankful, I might have an astronomer who can finally guide me through the starry sky.

(21) I am grateful for men of integrity, who first formed our government. Men who thought. Human enough, but read, wrote, prayed, failed, perservered. Men to whom I can point when teaching our sons about life.

(22) I am grateful for an honorable husband. With a good reputation & the goods to back it up.

(23)I am grateful when he says 'lets go to the beach late spring, I'll plan to take the days off.' Then I can try to count the grains of sand, and consider again how 'many and precious His thoughts are' to me. Psalm 139:17.
My gratitude journal continues, so much for which to be thankful.
Read with others counting today at Holy Experience
I'm always thankful for them.


Mrs. Edwards said...

What a great way to meditate and pray through the Psalm! Thanks for sharing.

Jenny said...

What a great list! I loved the baby diaper picture...adorable chubby legs!

Annesta said...

Memorizing Psalm 139...that is a great goal.
I love your list.
Thank you so much for sharing.

Natalie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, Laura. Wow, what a wonderful goal, to memorize Ps 139. I love your gratitude list. It reminded me of some things I am thankful for, too!

Unknown said...

A beautiful list for meditation! And yeah for you - memorizing Psalm 139!! I'm still praying for you on your reading through the Bible this year! I'm working on it, too. Slowly, but surely. By summer, I hope a steady habit has formed where I don't skip days!

Heather said...

A faithful, furry companion tops top my gratitude list, too :)

And honorable husbands, and the comfort we find in God's Word, in His heavens, in His creation... thank you for these precious reminders!

Hope you have a blessed day and a wonderful week ahead~

argsmommy said...

Oooo... the beach sounds wonderful! I love your list of blessings.

Thanks for letting me know how much you're enjoying the Liberty's Kids DVDs. We just finished going through the whole series last week and loved it. It has helped so much in our study of that time period.

Kathleen@so much to say, so little time said...

Psalm 139 is my favorite. Always has been, because of hte poetry. But now that I have carried three babies in my womb, it means so much more.

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