Monday, May 31, 2010

Thankful - Honoring Those Who Serve Our Country

Jack asked me last week, 'What happens to soldiers killed in battle who aren't in their homestate, or if they don't know who they are?' I was proud to be able to tell him about places like Normandy & The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

I hope that he will understand in his little boy heart that although the wars and battles are interesting & exciting to his male psyche, they come at a costly price. Freedom isn't free. It's painful for those who lose a precious loved one. In wars like WWII, I believe evil was kept at bay, history was altered by men & women who sacrificed everything, even on the homefront-- it was never far from their thoughts or the impact on their day to day lives.

While men & women are abroad even now, while there are those who are presently involved in protecting our country, I will give thanks for them & their families. I will be thankful again for those who have gone before & given of themselves in this way.

Lifemeds #26 -
176 Vetrans on this Memorial Day
Counting with others at the Gratitude Community- visit Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

As we decide where to worship...

... I was reminded about thoughts shared by Edie @ Life in Grace in a post called 'Deeds not Creeds?'

Since moving, we have experienced 3 different churches, and 3 different experiences. What struck me about the worship was my impression of the people, the public worship & their interest in honoring God or the 'deeds', or even the display of the belief in a creed. Don't read to much into that, don't even try to figure out where or when. But do go to Edie's post, and read. I think Edie has really hit on something. No surprise... Edie's been reading. Alot.

Creed is a 'charged' word amongst those with whom I have worshipped for 43 years. You will hear it said commonly, 'we have no creed but God's holy Scripture.' Edie's post made me think about this word, so for myself I have looked it up....


1. statement of beliefs- formal summary of the principles of christian beliefs.

2. religion - a set of religious beliefs.

3. set of principles - any set of beliefs or principles.

synonyms - faith, doctrine, dogma, beliefs, creedo, article of faith.

I would have to say, one drawback to being of one particular denomination- for a long period of time, is that other groups tend to be lumped together, demonized even(horrors), for behaviors, beautiful demonstrations/actions of faith-- deeds or demonstration of their creed-- that they see directly from that same holy Revelation- God's inspired Word. That may sound naive, but think about it...(if you've known me forever, don't just wonder if I'm having a mid-life-crisis.)

If you've been traveling down the same familiar path, like myself, for sometime, think about it? Do you see other members of Christendom as your allies? or ... ? Are your discussions based on differences or places of strength in unity in faith? What happens when you've thought outside your regular parameters, but within what you believe God is pleased?

One opinion I have developed is-- christians all over are really, really examining their creed & demonstration thereof. More & more folks I meet are looking at what they really believe and how they want to spend the next years of their life in conjunction to their faith & coporate worship & religion. Perhaps it is the folks I'm talking to, those looking for simplicity, or answers even the careful homeschooler asks when it doesn't work out like they hoped & planned. (see # 5 ''what must I be/not what must I do')
Beliefs and creeds are not only demonstrated within the walls of a place of worship... If they are our creed, our real beliefs, it effects all areas of our life. It is our life.

'Amens' on this one are not requested, ... really, just thoughts that may have crossed your mind as this Sunday moves into a 3 day weekend for some.

Blessed Memorial Day- tomorrow-- blessed remembrance, today of the Ultimate Giver--

Phillipians 2:8

"Being found in the form of a man, he humbled Himself and became obedient,

even to death on the cross."
(for me)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Cleaning out fabric... what to do?

I am a packrat. I'm sure some of you can relate. But I have 'cleaned out' so much already, so many times... What to do with old fabric that I know I just won't use.... that's almost blasphemy around me. Any fabric can be used, but right now, it's just not a part of my life, to sew or create with fabric. If it sits too long, it becomes really dated & well, isn't fresh. Nobody enjoys it. Claire is sure that I'll never finish her quilt and at this point, she won't want to use it. It's just too.....dated.

I really love fabrics like these at Moda, & have one group of squares that would make an amazing quilt. Vanessa at V&Company is always making amazing things, shares tutorials & also sells them at Etsy. Be sure to visit the Moda Bakeshop if you sew.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lifemeds #25 - Moving Can be ...

Moving has become an unwelcome friend. Several times in college is an understatment, and 4 big moves from state to state as a kid. This prepares you for alot of life's challenges, creates a whole set of skills, you hope you never need, but often do. But it also numbs out a part of your heart, that just takes longer everytime to heal. It's kinda like scar tissue.

I used to be a 'cryer'. You know the girl you don't want to look at when something emotional happens at church. Yeah, that used to be me. Perhaps after 2 kids & a few years of marriage, it's just not quite as 'at the surface'. I have only found myself 'on the floor', a couple of times since we've moved. I think because this time, I really knew it was permanent. I tried to really say goodbyes well, be sure people know how much I love them. I cried alot with friends, because of friends, on my way to the grocery, in the grocery before we moved. When we came back from finding a house, I saw millions of LSU reminders & everytime, I would get choked. I've never been 'a fan', of anyteam. But bonding over simple things, remembering fun times, watching National championships for the 'hometeam' you can hear play from your front yard at a bowl game on national tv...

Now I'm listening to crickets, birds, boys romping, less tv(only dvd's), lots of music... Finding bird's nest all over my yard. It's a change. Change can be good. Change shakes things up. But sometimes, its just exausting. You find yourself sitting staring at the same stack of boxes, tripping over them, cursing the clutter of our lives, pictures, china you never get to use anyway, excess coffee makers.
All My Stuff is finally under one roof for the first time in 4 years. When we moved the last time to BR, we thought we'd only be there for 3 months. 4 years later, almost to the day, we moved with a whole 'nuther plan. I knew it would be a very long time before I could brace myself for a long trip back to see precious friends(perhaps not that long, Martha), but I'd have alot of things to sort out when I got here.

We just unloaded the final things, (did the final cry) in the old house. The house where we brought Jack home. Where I sat in corners praying for a child to adopt. Where I sat wondering if that tree was going to fall on our house, and did it. 2 times, and then the retro-termite damage repair. And then I saw the hydrangea's I'd planted to obscure the ugly gas meter. All I could do was cut some of it's blooms & hope they made it home without browning too badly. ...

Well there, I've had a good cry. But I'm thankful for feeling that way. Missing things. Having things, memories, friends to remember & for which to be thankful.

I can see God's timing, His blessing in so many things. We needed to keep our house for alot of reasons, not sell it, even tho it was a mortgage to carry( not the least of which was our adoption status in our home state.) When the market tanked, we still weren't sure it if it wasn't going to be our home. When we knew it wasn't, we slapped that sucker on the market & 12 days later had a contract. Blessing. Prayers answered. It made the transition, even tho still loaded with emotion and challenge, that much easier. One of the 2 things married folks argue about just loosened it's choke hold on our sense of peace. We could just focus on our house where we actually live. I don't take this for granted. So many folks are choking on life's unexpected financial challenges right now.
Thankful today for :
151 cardinal birds nest with 3 eggs
152 phoebe bird's nest above light
153 Jack being home - he always knew he was from Georgia
154 SEC conversation with friends about LSU, UofF, Georgia & Alabama.
155 Nana watching kids
156 Heidi watching kids
157 Uncle Mike, no doubt, watching kids
158 my morning coffee
159 internet that helps us look for our 'forever' home
160 a potential closing on our house, before the next payment is due
161 Eric's job that he loves
162 Martha's house that 'closed'
163 Jeannie's new house she found the day we moved
164 Kristi's house in TN that Eden loves
165 new aquaintences with common goals & interests
166 Jack's 'enhancement' course for fall
167 Jack's Tae Kwon Do class with other homeschoolers
168 A great lesson yesterday about Joshua's challenge for the Israelites to serve Yaweh, alone
169 hydrangeas
170 blow-up swimming pools that fit in your car
171 memories of Jeannie's boy's dragging our old pool down the street to it's new home
172 chow-chow relish from Burger's market
173 seeing snakes in the road while driving & not by my foot when walking
174 the Sandy Creek Nature Center
175my new washer & dryer (we went old school, more on that later)
For me it's medication for my soul. Lifemeds #25

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where's my comfortable chair?

My dogs are barkin. We've been here 2 weeks 3 days... including the days I didn't make my way out of the bedroom because of what I call 'welcome home flu'. I was a little hesitant to even go back to the garden as that's the last place I made any progress on this house, before I was ..'welcomed home'. The really sad irony was that I'd also been sick all night before we packed the truck to move. And sick the the week before Easter.

It's a wonder we made it here with anything. Let alone in any order at all. (you may be saying ... uhh... is there something your not telling us? not that, I was just really lucky to catch every flu bug that went through town. I'm sure stress and immunity being low, and eating poorly had nothing to do with it.)

Anyway, now I'm in an all white house. White walls, white, white, white. And I love to paint vibrant color. You've seen either picts or my actual house to know, I enjoy color. But for now I'm embracing white and holding back from purchasing beautiful, colorful accessories to make our home oh, so cute.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying posts like this one over at Our Surburban Cottage. Cuteness abounds. Inspiration for my decorating eye. You know my chair... the ugly burgandy one, that is really comfy? This is how I want it to look. Hello, home upholstery....

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Books for and about Boys

I must thank Mt.Hope Chronicles for this link. Hope is brilliant on her own blog, but this link is a excellent source for books for boys to encourage honor & character. Go here and read within the list to read the quote from Little Britches by Ralph Moody. Profound, for man, woman & child alike.

I also am working on a catechism of sorts to include some of our faith based life facts that I want at the ready in their minds. Catechism is, to me, a didactic way to recite facts memorized. Catechism used in a healthy balanced way with understanding & knowledge are an excellent way to also teach communication. Responses to a question are answered in full complete sentence/s.
mentioned by
is from the Baptist faith, and includes many simple components I think will be a part of our catechism.

If I could have picked it out myself...

I wouldn't change a thing.

Thankyou, Drake, Kelley, E,G,C,H.

You always know exactly what's on my wish list.

Thanks for making my birthday extra special.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Until the garden has produce...

If you aren't familiar with Publix, picture your favorite grocery store, clean aisles, great selection, delicious produce... mmm.

I was a Kroger fan until I didn't have publix. I had a Green Wal-Mart(the in-fill stores that took over defunct locations of Harris Teeter and the like). And it was new, small, quiet, clean, cheap prices. I cheered as it was .8 miles from my drive to the parking lot. But it wasn't Publix.

So today I bought B1G1 & Coupon items and saved a bundle. I also used the 5/20 coupon that came in our address change kit free from the post office. Yes, I saved a bundle. $30 off 119.
But one must consider the gas it will take me to get there. We are in the boonies. 14 miles door to door. Only 8 miles to the super Wal-mart, door to door, but I think my bargain shopping plus quality made it worth while. I will be doing some calculations and carefully purchasing items to make it worth the trip.
Get out your calculators, ladies.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

O Thou Who Changest Not, Abide With Me

In reading the daily entry from Diligently Seeking God, I was brought to this passage. 'Our frequent frustrations in life, more often than not, result from having an unstable center. In selecting our end-all-and-be-all, we select some pretty shaky things, often with tragic results. And even when we suppose God is our center, our faith often turns out to be not in God Himself, but in certain temporal blessings that He's allowed us to have. 'But like Job we need to love God for His own sake, even when His wisdom withdraws particular blessigns from us. And like Paul, we need to be grounded in God and able to say, "For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day." (2Timothy 1:12)' When I'm brought to my knees, by sudden change or unfamiliarity,will I still believe, will I demonstrate my faith, by behaving in holy manner? When all that is familiar is distant, friends, family or health seems to be a thing of the 'past', will I give way so quickly to doubt & and the self-wallowing, reviving the list of done-me-wrongs? Will my mouth sour, will my mind forget all the good that is before me, or that which has so recently been my present?

I was reminded last week by 2 of my favorite bloggers, Flower Patch & Thy Hand, who both support Katie. She has been helping mothers who survive on exponentially so much less temporal comfort. I bought some beads. But find the reminder of who made them and their lot is almost too heavy for my feeble, flailing heart. Forgive me God, when my faith is in temporal things. May I always be thankful for your unchanging love. And never substitute the perceived security from tangible, temporal blessings, as dear as those might be, for loving You who gave them. May my prayer today be for these mother's who are making a difference with what little they have and the blessing of fellowship with good women like Katie. Thankful today

135 for my mother, who is with the 'mummies' -- I miss you, xoxo.

136 my husband's mother.

137. that she stayed while I was ill. and cooked. and cleaned. and comforted.

138. mother's who try when life seems hopeless. 139 my Rock & my Redeemer - God who knows no region, dialect or hometeam 140 strength to get up and work, and time to rest & recover 141 healthy children who say they are sorry you're sick 142 a motivated husband who wants to know where the laundry basket is 143 a safe place for worship

144 a more than adequate home

145 my own copy of the Bible - thank you Brentwood friends from days gone by
146 a timeless & unchanging God
147 Who blesses with his Person & his people
148 friends we left behind - oh how I miss you
149 their love and the memories that came with us
150 friends we've yet to meet. If you haven't joined others counting One Thousand Gifts, join us at A Holy Experience. You may think you have nothing to count... go visit Katie's site, then get out a new notebook. It's astounding what I take for granted everyday. If I count my blessings, I will look to the Giver of all things, my heart will be turned to Him in grattitude. Medication I just can't forsake. Lifemeds #24.
photos: some precious memories in Louisiana, Jack and his friend-girls looking for frogs, crawfish, art class at Trinity, walks with the boys taking the pictures. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bloom where you are planted

The Unlikely Homeschooler#links is where you can find all sorts of inspiration for all sorts of things. She and her sweet family are apparently using their smarts to plant what they have and bloom where they are planted.
I find myself currently planted on many acres, but one woman can only prepare so much soil. So I've 1/2 completed one of the large raised beds in my present yard, and will complete the other half tomorrow a.m. if I can move without too much soreness.
Pictures to follow when I find my camera amongst the boxes.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

2 kids, 2 parents, 1 dog...

1 big truck, 1 car trailer, 1 canoe on top, inumerable boxes...

We can't thank our friends and family enough for all the effort to help bring us to our new home. We've already hiked the creek trail, & played all over the new house.

I'm in McDonalds with playland & Wifi to make our internet connection happen.

Internet connection without cable television. It's available, but I'm really, really not going to hook it up. Deep breath. Till football season. I promised Eric in 3 months we'd hook it up. But in exchange I had to promise him I'd do P90X for 3 months. Will it be worth it? Time will tell. But I believe so.

I've got my garden guide going as I mentioned I'd be following from Mother Earth News. Can you see the beds outside the screen porch window? They're just calling my name. First things first tho.....seeds & a washer & dryer. Any suggestions on washer & dryer? I think high efficiency is our route. I've been a nay-sayer, but I'm beginning to see the point. And these will have to last us a while.

Once Upon a Time, I was a Runner ~ February 2025

 Once upon a time, I was a runner. Well, to be specific, I was fast. I could sprint and win. There's a difference between runners and sp...