Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where's my comfortable chair?

My dogs are barkin. We've been here 2 weeks 3 days... including the days I didn't make my way out of the bedroom because of what I call 'welcome home flu'. I was a little hesitant to even go back to the garden as that's the last place I made any progress on this house, before I was ..'welcomed home'. The really sad irony was that I'd also been sick all night before we packed the truck to move. And sick the the week before Easter.

It's a wonder we made it here with anything. Let alone in any order at all. (you may be saying ... uhh... is there something your not telling us? not that, I was just really lucky to catch every flu bug that went through town. I'm sure stress and immunity being low, and eating poorly had nothing to do with it.)

Anyway, now I'm in an all white house. White walls, white, white, white. And I love to paint vibrant color. You've seen either picts or my actual house to know, I enjoy color. But for now I'm embracing white and holding back from purchasing beautiful, colorful accessories to make our home oh, so cute.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying posts like this one over at Our Surburban Cottage. Cuteness abounds. Inspiration for my decorating eye. You know my chair... the ugly burgandy one, that is really comfy? This is how I want it to look. Hello, home upholstery....


Anita said...

Love that chair. I have gone through the country blue and rose stage, the burgandy and navy stage and we are now in the burgandy, green, gold stage. I am ready to move to bold and bright. I think age is doing it to me!!

I did get a new piece of furniture last year. A rocker glider with ottoman. We have lots of babies to rock around here, but I wanted a brighter color thinking a new sofa and other chairs might be coming in another year or two....or three....or more. I special ordered it in RED!

mary katharine said...

Discovered you via Planted by Streams ... looking forward to learning more about you!

Drucilla's Stitches said...

Just discovered your blog today, look forward to visiting again!

Katherine@Raising Five said...

We made the move to a small town two years ago...I think it has taken that much time to get settled (and then re-settled as I figured out where I wanted things to go). Lots of work, but no regrets at all.

So nice to meet you and your family here. Your boys are precious.


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