Sunday, May 9, 2010

O Thou Who Changest Not, Abide With Me

In reading the daily entry from Diligently Seeking God, I was brought to this passage. 'Our frequent frustrations in life, more often than not, result from having an unstable center. In selecting our end-all-and-be-all, we select some pretty shaky things, often with tragic results. And even when we suppose God is our center, our faith often turns out to be not in God Himself, but in certain temporal blessings that He's allowed us to have. 'But like Job we need to love God for His own sake, even when His wisdom withdraws particular blessigns from us. And like Paul, we need to be grounded in God and able to say, "For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day." (2Timothy 1:12)' When I'm brought to my knees, by sudden change or unfamiliarity,will I still believe, will I demonstrate my faith, by behaving in holy manner? When all that is familiar is distant, friends, family or health seems to be a thing of the 'past', will I give way so quickly to doubt & and the self-wallowing, reviving the list of done-me-wrongs? Will my mouth sour, will my mind forget all the good that is before me, or that which has so recently been my present?

I was reminded last week by 2 of my favorite bloggers, Flower Patch & Thy Hand, who both support Katie. She has been helping mothers who survive on exponentially so much less temporal comfort. I bought some beads. But find the reminder of who made them and their lot is almost too heavy for my feeble, flailing heart. Forgive me God, when my faith is in temporal things. May I always be thankful for your unchanging love. And never substitute the perceived security from tangible, temporal blessings, as dear as those might be, for loving You who gave them. May my prayer today be for these mother's who are making a difference with what little they have and the blessing of fellowship with good women like Katie. Thankful today

135 for my mother, who is with the 'mummies' -- I miss you, xoxo.

136 my husband's mother.

137. that she stayed while I was ill. and cooked. and cleaned. and comforted.

138. mother's who try when life seems hopeless. 139 my Rock & my Redeemer - God who knows no region, dialect or hometeam 140 strength to get up and work, and time to rest & recover 141 healthy children who say they are sorry you're sick 142 a motivated husband who wants to know where the laundry basket is 143 a safe place for worship

144 a more than adequate home

145 my own copy of the Bible - thank you Brentwood friends from days gone by
146 a timeless & unchanging God
147 Who blesses with his Person & his people
148 friends we left behind - oh how I miss you
149 their love and the memories that came with us
150 friends we've yet to meet. If you haven't joined others counting One Thousand Gifts, join us at A Holy Experience. You may think you have nothing to count... go visit Katie's site, then get out a new notebook. It's astounding what I take for granted everyday. If I count my blessings, I will look to the Giver of all things, my heart will be turned to Him in grattitude. Medication I just can't forsake. Lifemeds #24.
photos: some precious memories in Louisiana, Jack and his friend-girls looking for frogs, crawfish, art class at Trinity, walks with the boys taking the pictures. 


Annesta said...

Your post always bless my heart abundantly and turn my heart and mind toward the Lord. Your words glorify and edify Him in such a way that makes me a better person.
It's been a hard 24 hours since my mom had a stroke. I am grieving so much and simply exhausted but these words have given me strength and reminded me of the great God that we serve and His great love for us.
Thank you, dear friend!

Jennifer said...

I just love number 142. So sweet (and funny). A lovely list... thanks for sharing. It's a joy to count along with you.


Kerrie said...

Wonderful list! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's day! :)

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