Monday, November 30, 2009

Delayed Cooking - Oven Timer

I made this with my oven. I just can't seem to get going with a crock pot. I'm sure it has to do with watching my Mom trust that the oven would not overheat while we were at church, but it always smelled amazing when we returned home, and I don't think I've ever seen my Mom use a crockpot. Roast (beef )of any cut, 1/2 cup prepared, unflavored coffee(left over sunday morning), 1/4 soy sauce, salt pepper, one onion sliced and fill roasting dish(pyrex, pan, roasting dish...)with water and cover w/foil. Put in oven, allow for about 2 hours time cooking and set the timer. Test it while you'll be home, if your faint of heart.
I added carrots & red potatoes to this dish & served with Mrs. Shuberts rolls. Delicious Sunday Roast. Btw, these are my responsibility creating, Pier 1 , 1.99/ dishes. See other Works for Me Wednesday ideas at We are THAT Family.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Contemplation & Reflection

I was priviledged to attend a funeral today, as unwelcome as the event was. I have been blessed with a new friend as this school year started, whose mother was taken abrubtly, through tragic accident, from this earthly walk just 4 short days ago. It seems unreal that the events have transpired, yet they have. My heart has been broken, for the loss she feels, but blessed by the sharpened focus I gained on the blessing of mothers & the example hers was in this life. 'Oma'(Dutch for grandmother) was so many things to so many. There was no dry eye in the room. No heart not touched. So many kind things said by those who knew her best and those who knew her even only a little while. But each person expressed their observation of her as a servant/leader. She was. She was a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, friend, mentor, civic volunteer-- demonstrating the love of Jesus, in every action, in each role.
I am convicted, yet again, to try harder, to trust in my Lord only, and to do what I can as the Lord makes opportunity. May the Lord bless this family, as they pick up the pieces and face the day tomorrow. May God hold them, each one in His powerful hands, to comfort them, when the moment of need comes.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fun Blog by Former Pre-school Teacher

I think before I had kids, I'd have been as fun as this pre-k teacher- turned- homeschooler. I love the examples of simple math activities, especially non-standard measurement & money. It's really as simple as that, just neat to see someone doing it. If you are like me, and need inspiration sometimes, check out The Snail's Trail. Very sweet.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Computer Fasting

Computer overload... now my schedules on my computer too. What I could learn from this experiment....(20 Things I learned in a week without a computer.)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

They Call Her 'The Chicken Whisperer'

If you know my brother's family you recognize the youngest of his 4, Hope. She is the beacon that her name describes, and a joy to all her know her. This is 'so Hope', an expression we hear often, because her personality is so distinct. She has been seen practicing her violin to an audience of her feathered friends, in their barn, as well as reading a book to the willing listener. Words don't cover it, but the picture is a start (yes, that is a hen in her arms). So I share with you a precious part of my life, Hope, enjoying her schooling at home, her chickens, her dogs, Cleburn & Scout, her sister's and Mom & Dad, missing her big brother while he's at school away from the beauty of the rural New York. (wish the picture was just a little larger, but she's still cute as a button.)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Civility Project: George Washington Meets the 21st Century

Reading the book Character Matters has precipitated quite alot of thought devoted to manners & civility. The book is excellent in it's discussion of the need for civility, but doesn't stop there. There are numerous suggestions for both home & school for developing character & manners in children for a better home, classroom & community.
One primary source it recommended for reference was the list that George Washington wrote for himself at the age of 16 regarding manners and civility. I have combined it (modified to make sense to a child) with the ABC's of manners listed in Character Matters to create a book of our own in a super duper black composition notebook.

Linked to the text from George Washington is a very interesting Civility Project at the University of Virginia to see what contributions could be made for suggested modern day rules of civility & manners. My favorite was to pass carefully and quickly past an automobile accident so as not to cause further danger or gawk at another's misfortune. I think I would add to be sure you vehicle is located between the lines in a parking space, or the old faithful, don't litter. What would be yours?

Silhouette Project - Ornaments

I have been contemplating how to do this, whether in a framed format or this ornament style. Found this at an on-line crafty party at Just a Girl(she's over in my favorite's list). This example seems to provide the detail I've been missing-- how to get the actual picture into profile format, to create the silhouette. Can't wait to give these a try. Thanks Roots and Wings for this idea.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

God is Good at Water - Scritpure Meditation

While reading over at Walk with Him Wednesday at Holy Experience, I realized I wasn't memorizing scripture as often as I am trying to draw on it right now. (Here comes the excuse- new to homeschooling). However, it is crucial. The thought often crosses my mind when I'm not feeling physically, so great, that I'm thirsty, I need to drink more water. So with my effort to drink more water, I'm working on making it more meaning ful. I keep a icy glass of water on the counter throughout the day, and meditate even for a moment on the thought related to water from scripture for the day. The thought is random (some go like this -- 'day 1 woman at the well, never thirst again jn4 -- day 2 sea of galilee, calms the storm -- day 6 ocean here and no further, seemingly unmanagable). It's not planned- remember I'm a beginning homeschooler, and my planning time is already maxed out. But by the end of the week, I can see a scripture that needs to be put to memory. My memory, not the kids.

So here tis -

John 4:13 'Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water sprining up into ever lasting life."

My body is not the only thing that is often dehydrated. Often my soul is, its feeding on all the wrong things. While looking at the other links to this particular Wednesday in the Word, I stumbled upon this book title in a link.

REDEEMING THE TIME: Keller's Counterfeit Gods
This is a link to another bloggers book review. It happens to be about one of my favorite topics, modern idolatry, ie; the wrong things on which my soul is feeding. I have enough to read but may just have to check this one out. It pays to check out other's favorite blogs & links.

So this is what the method looks like, provoking me to memorize scripture so I'll have it in my memory bank. I have a stack of 3x5 cards, and as I fill my glass I think of what strikes me about water in the Bible. I write it down, as the day progresses, I might add a thought on paper, or I might not be able to think of the scripture right off, and don't have time, but I'll make the time somewhere. Drink the water as I go, and the meditation has taken place. No my knees are not crossed in the lotus position(I don't think I could do that anymore...), but my heart/mind is for a moment, and the connection is made, my heart is focused on God's ability & not my own.

One more connection. If you teach Bible class or school at home, you may wish to check out some material that has an entire series of lessons on 'God is Good at Water', as well as an entire sequential Bible study on 'Our Spiritual Heritage.' This is good stuff. Excellent & simple. This material can be used on all ages. I learned more while teaching this, synthesizing all of the material, it seemed from the years before. When I post schoolroom pictures, you'll see the 'purple' cards on the wall. Those are the time-line cards for 'Our Spiritual Heritage.'
Be sure to check out this post at Holy Experience today for tips on memorizing scripture. She has posted excellent resources that are available as well as many techniques. Be sure to enjoy the precious story about the generations of men memorizing scripture.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cortez Day- the end of Analysis Paralysis

Analysis paralysis has overtaken me in a painful way. I haven't posted because there are a few things that are taking precedence over blogging. But I'm still out here, read your's everyday, and often checking your favorite blogs that have now become mine by visiting yours. I am grateful for cyberworld, but I'm grateful too for friends and sisters who are there (Jesus' physical representatives- with skin) who give a hug, share even briefly the same angst, the same look that says 'I get you', and 'you're not alone.' and when you ask for prayers, you know they will. You know they will.

We burnt the ships today. Do you remember that story? I love Steven Curtis Chapman's retelling of this. (Who am I kidding, I love SCC...) But when a decision is made the relief alone is worth celebrating. God be praised.

I'm sure if you're reading, you've had these kind of days. So we're celebrating, enjoying the peace of the moment. The peace that needs to be there.

Here's a teaser... pictures of our schoolroom to come! Pictures of some of my recent 'lovely' moments, as well as my list begins- 1000 blessings.

But for now #0001 Peace, Peace, Peace. Thankyou, Lord for Your relief, the comfort of knowing the complications of this life will not hold us forever, nor do they need hold us in this life. You are trustworthy and will deliver. You have, will and continue to bless us. Thank You Lord.

(Btw, the video's are not from our church, but don't you love the guy coming out of the water when he's been baptized!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

River Rock Cottage: All Flours Are Not Created Equal

River Rock Cottage: All Flours Are Not Created Equal... Rachel, this one's for you. This is a lovely site, and this post is very informative about flour & therefore, BREAD. She has laid out a mission for me ('pick one flour',and get it right.) Thought you as well as many others, might enjoy, too.
p.s. School table came, it's put together, and now off to do 'Word Groups'! photos to follow soon. :)

Once Upon a Time, I was a Runner ~ February 2025

 Once upon a time, I was a runner. Well, to be specific, I was fast. I could sprint and win. There's a difference between runners and sp...