Wednesday, November 11, 2009

God is Good at Water - Scritpure Meditation

While reading over at Walk with Him Wednesday at Holy Experience, I realized I wasn't memorizing scripture as often as I am trying to draw on it right now. (Here comes the excuse- new to homeschooling). However, it is crucial. The thought often crosses my mind when I'm not feeling physically, so great, that I'm thirsty, I need to drink more water. So with my effort to drink more water, I'm working on making it more meaning ful. I keep a icy glass of water on the counter throughout the day, and meditate even for a moment on the thought related to water from scripture for the day. The thought is random (some go like this -- 'day 1 woman at the well, never thirst again jn4 -- day 2 sea of galilee, calms the storm -- day 6 ocean here and no further, seemingly unmanagable). It's not planned- remember I'm a beginning homeschooler, and my planning time is already maxed out. But by the end of the week, I can see a scripture that needs to be put to memory. My memory, not the kids.

So here tis -

John 4:13 'Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water sprining up into ever lasting life."

My body is not the only thing that is often dehydrated. Often my soul is, its feeding on all the wrong things. While looking at the other links to this particular Wednesday in the Word, I stumbled upon this book title in a link.

REDEEMING THE TIME: Keller's Counterfeit Gods
This is a link to another bloggers book review. It happens to be about one of my favorite topics, modern idolatry, ie; the wrong things on which my soul is feeding. I have enough to read but may just have to check this one out. It pays to check out other's favorite blogs & links.

So this is what the method looks like, provoking me to memorize scripture so I'll have it in my memory bank. I have a stack of 3x5 cards, and as I fill my glass I think of what strikes me about water in the Bible. I write it down, as the day progresses, I might add a thought on paper, or I might not be able to think of the scripture right off, and don't have time, but I'll make the time somewhere. Drink the water as I go, and the meditation has taken place. No my knees are not crossed in the lotus position(I don't think I could do that anymore...), but my heart/mind is for a moment, and the connection is made, my heart is focused on God's ability & not my own.

One more connection. If you teach Bible class or school at home, you may wish to check out some material that has an entire series of lessons on 'God is Good at Water', as well as an entire sequential Bible study on 'Our Spiritual Heritage.' This is good stuff. Excellent & simple. This material can be used on all ages. I learned more while teaching this, synthesizing all of the material, it seemed from the years before. When I post schoolroom pictures, you'll see the 'purple' cards on the wall. Those are the time-line cards for 'Our Spiritual Heritage.'
Be sure to check out this post at Holy Experience today for tips on memorizing scripture. She has posted excellent resources that are available as well as many techniques. Be sure to enjoy the precious story about the generations of men memorizing scripture.


Debbie Petras said...

I love how you equated the water with Scripture memorization. I will check out the links you mentioned too. Too often we focus on good things instead of meditating on the best; God's Word.

Thank you for sharing today.


A and C from GA said...

Yes, HE is our Living Water! Thanks for sharing!!

Unknown said...

Great post! Love the connection and reminder for our need for spiritual water to refresh our souls!

Cherie said...

Love your post today. For some reason as adults we seem to get a little lazy when it comes to memorizing scripture. I have been convicted lately to do more of that. My girls ages 8 and 9 just recently joined AWANA and they are memorized 3-5 scriptures a week! That has been so exciting to watch. So thanks for this reminder. I should be memorizing right along with them!

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