Friday, May 29, 2009

Intentional Parenting

After looking at We are That Family's beautiful pantry, I scanned her articles about parenting.
I have a 2 year old, and sometimes I feel like I'm dealing with Helen Keller, before Annie. The chaos will over-ride all reason & order. But I liked her article about setting the tone of your home. I am going to be brief today. I'm trying to keep things moving, but I find reading a blog of a well-guided cyber-friend, in addition to scripture, is helpful. It's like a wake-up call from a friend, with a 'GET OUT OF BED' message included.
So go to her site for some really good reads. Be sure to see her pantry- waayyy cute. I did reorganize my pantry, but forgot the befores. The afters are less than spectacular if you didn't see the before, so just look at hers!
Have a blessed day-

"Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all transgressions." Proverbs 10:12

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday- it's not Tuesday

In my last post, I lost track of what day it was. Works for me Wednesday is still a great thing, but that Tuesday deadline is for next week. Try it out! I found some great blogs, and some really helpful stuff on that one day, just skipping through the ideas listed. There are so many smart people out there! Today's post was about -- Tips for Parents with small children. There were over 200. Next addresses that summertime, dreaded statement "Mom I'm Bored". Post your entry by 8:00 p.m. Central next Tuesday. She gives great instructions on how to post your idea. I'd post one, but I can't put to ideas together... here is a typical reason why....

I have to tell you, I"m a little frazzled, we 'lost' H tonight at church. He seems to escape everyone so quickly. He was in the 1 yr olds classroom mixing glue all over the table. Everyone, & I mean EVERYONE was looking for him. It happened so fast, but everyone knew from prior experience w/ H to take it seriously. He's done this before. Jack suggested handcuffs. & also a positive reward, stickers when he doesn't lock doors or hide.

We're just in that stage of survival. I know we're thriving on many fronts, but there are just stages that happen. I love that I am blessed with friends who keep me encouraged & pray with me, so that I'll not just hang in there, but get up and parent.

That's why I'm back on line tonight. Everyone's aleep and I'm getting a little quiet time, to re-focus & read some other bloggers entries, and enjoy their encouragment, even when its not written directly to me.
Here's wishing you a great day tomorrow- not just getting by but a great day- thriving in the crazy world of living & parenting.

Muslim Stamps

Just couldn't do it. Just couldn't put Muslim stamps all over my nieces birthday package.
It was all my postman had left, and I walked out without them. I'll use my own Liberty Bells I was trying to save. Somtimes its the little things that are the most annoying that make the biggest statement. Let Freedom Ring.

Works for me Wednesday - add yours by 8p.m. Tuesday

On Wednesday's you have to go to this site. This week the subject was ideas for parents with little children. Tomorrow's Works for me Wednesday is about Combatting Boredom in the Summer. I can't wait to see this one.

Also, if you live locally- that is to me, Bayou Birkenstocks, on Lee Drive is collecting shoes for Soles4Souls. Shoes that still have good life but sit in your closet can go to someone who needs them, not just wants them at a discount at Goodwill. Nothing against Goodwill, that's my favorite place to shop. However these are given away. Directions are simple, clean shoes, in good shape should be rubber-banded together and taken to the donation site. They take care of the rest. Checkout their site -- That's a good thing.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swimming Against the Tide : Vintage Parenting

I have run across the most excellent blog. Sarah at Clover Lane has shared some fantastic, common sense & quite humorous blogs regarding parenting in the collection including Clover Lane: Vintage Parenting in the 21 Century: Chapter Eight: Swimming Against the Tide .
I really hope you'll visit her site. She has really hit the nail on the head with many of my thoughts I can't capture and put into cyberspace, nearly as well as she has. You won't regret a visit there, beautiful pictures as well as a wonderful bit of conversation about many super fun and relevant things--put on your clogs & sunhat and wander on down. I guarantee you won't regret it. Be sure to check out her formal boxwood garden... very pretty.

Once Upon a Time, I was a Runner ~ February 2025

 Once upon a time, I was a runner. Well, to be specific, I was fast. I could sprint and win. There's a difference between runners and sp...