Sunday, December 28, 2008

Visiting 'Diary of an Accidental Farmwife' blog proved very helpful for me tonight. Reading her post 'Let it Be' shared the thought 'Character is Cumulative.' After reconnecting with several old friends on FB, I'm glad to read this and hope that they know this too. Your past is what it is, even if it's only a few days old. You can only do the next right thing. Whatever that may be for you. And letting it go, may be just that. In order to move on to that which God has in store. Thankyou blogger friend.....for sharing your thoughts.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

One year later....

I won't try to be profound it's late, but Christmas day has come,and gone. I'm so grateful for all the blessings I have in my life. We have had a peaceful day.... keeping potential mayhem at bay. We read the Nativity story from the Bible last night, and sang Silent Night. Jack lit candles, with help from us, and it was precious. We haven't always done this, but I've owned a nativity set since I was 4 or 5. Dad brought it back from Israel, while on a tour/dig. Those pieces, even as precious as they were, became scattered. But we have 2 now, thanks to Dad, once again. One is mine, and one is Jack's. This year during the reading, Jack illustrated the parts with his stable and characters. We had kept our decorations in the house to a minimum this year, but he reminded me the other day, we needed to get them out. We've been a little under the weather, and just haven't had the energy to do much at all. But it's made it's way into every evening's Bible reading, and especially last night. I've added the funniest picture of all of our set. Taken last year, Jack created quite a stir with his new addition to the stable's purpose. But this year was different. He believes, and that brings joy to my heart. He knows why our Savior came, in his simple way, and he knows sacred carols are different from Santa songs. Lord, help me to continue to guide him, and Henry & our home, to see you in every season, in every day, for You are there. Let no rock cry in my place, for You Lord are worthy of praise, and let me never forget it.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Memories of Sneaux

Well, we're back into the 70's and I'm thinking about my garden for the spring. That's how long winter lasts around here. I love Louisiana, I even appreciate the warm weather, but I really miss seasons, really miss snow, weather that is not hot or sweaty. some of my picutres look like Michigan, it is so snowy.

I've been facebooking lately, but I think I enjoy blogging to much to abandon. Just a different conversation altogether. But I have connected with people, family & friends, that I just wouldn't have talked to otherwise.

We've been sick lately, just colds, so I've been a little 'off my blog'. But I am having a very slow & gentle Christmas season, and intend to blog more.

I highly suggest The Simple Wife blog on Monday's for memory Monday, as well as a recent questionarie that she posted that was very sweet.
One more thing, Meg mentioned this book in LBC last week. Great for gift or starting a New Years Resolution or memory monday for the family

Best from the Bayou....

Friday, December 12, 2008

Snow in Louisiana

We actually had 3" -- about 15 minutes away there was 5.5 inches! Amazing. Jack made a snowman in our front yard! Can you believe it!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Christmas music is already on! Oh my...

We watched the grinch the other night, but for some reason I hadn't heard the 'seasonal music' yet. I listen to xm radio usually. I drive a 'hooptie', but it has xm radio... something fell off the exaust pipe last week, and I'm waiting on a part for my repair man to install. But until then, I'm driving a car that sounds like a lawnmower. No complaint, we love not worrying about dents & scratches. And xm bluegrass always sounds great. We just don't hear the radio much. We have a few CD's in right now. A cajun CD, an excellent spiritual/acapella CD, & a kids music CD from Land of Nod. Some really great songs.
But the point of all that is... Roan has a great list of Christmas tips started. Check it out. she has her christmas card posted, with some of the most precious children I've ever seen. You've got to see it just to see them. She's also a homeschooler, so if you're looking for a good spot for info...
I was reminded in ladies Bible class today, that I was memorizing scripture. I won't even try to pretend like I've been able to work on the verse like I should this week. 2 kids and 1 spouse sick this past week. I didn't qualify since I didn't actually go to the doctor, but it was enough for my parents to take pity and drive down to step in for a while. Thank-you Lord for parents who keep on caring. We all enjoyed their visit, and miss them already.
Ladies class was amazing. Thank-you Katie for such a tremendously encouraging class. Study to show ourselves approved, and don't just read it... live it. Thanks Katie-

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Memeory Monday... on Tuesday

So,,, I clicked on "linky".. and realized I needed/or probably should have posted the memory verse I am memorizing. I've been 'thinking' about a few... here's one that struck me during study. I read about this, Memory Monday on Joanna Heim's website The Simple Wife. Check it out.. You won't be sorry!

"Behold, what manner of love the FAther has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is." I John 3:1-2

My longterm challenge is... Romans 8:31-39.... yes 8 verses. Thanks Leigh H. for your inspiration from last year to memorize scripture. I'll never forget Ebony's recitation in class!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pretending to have seasons

I found this recipe for pumpkin muffins this morning... be sure to click on link to see beautiful picts of muffins. We didn't have any eggs! So it was cinnamon toast and Hot Choclate, in his own Hot Choclate mug, and we even read Snow a PD Eastman book. It was dark outside, and cold so we pretended we were in a fall/winter house, warming up to the day. It was a hoot!

I know I'm in denial, I have Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow, as my new phone ring. It's kind of funny. Eric was tired of my 'screamer' ring, of Love Song by ___ Barellis. I like it, but it does kind of break the mood. He thinks I should get stand by your man, however,,, didn't that relationship end up in Divorce?

So we were off to City Park today. It's a new park revived in a sort of fantastic old style way. There is a fantastic kids playground, tennis center, art gallery, golf course, beaches w/ducks to feed, and 'lakes'. There is also a dog park, sponsored by Cane's Chicken. Yum!

Anyway, we met Meg and girls and had a ball, we actually were in a BREC advertisement for a Christmas event... well, Meg & I weren't, the kids were. We picked up take-out at Zeeland Market, veggie plate and a turkey sandwich for boy's and we were off. Super yum... Sweet potatoes, green beans, dressing, & butter beans. Sweet tea!

I promised myself a few things when I started to blog. One of those things is to not be negative. I blog on a day where hot choclate & cinnamon toast & a trip to City Park were more for Mom than for kids. I am prayerful today, with some simple efforts to distract myself from the newspaper headlines. Can't say I'm surprised at the headlines. But I'm not a blogger in denial. I may have a rediculous ring-tone...and blog about restaurants, but if you know me at all, you know I'm concerned for our nation. I trust you & I will be mindful of our newly elected president & his family, in prayer, for our nation, for our new & incumbent members of house & senate.
That said, I ran across an 'old faithful' sister read. Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World written by Joanna Weaver was the book I had read. And just picking it up to share, I realized I had come across a new book from the same author. The title of this read is Having a Martha Spirit. The book is filled with inspiring information... helpful information...timely information.

From her chapter entitled 'Rooting Out Bitterness' she mentions 9 suggestions for avoiding the 'shriveled soul syndrome.' I won't attempt to post all of these. I found this book in our public library, but I will share one idea that spoke to me.

'#9 Think globally. Enlarged souls follow the Lord of the universe. Shriveled souls want a village God who attends to their whims... Enlarged souls see their role in serving the world. Shriveled souls make their world the whole world." Her comment was footnoted from another book titled "The Shriveled Soul Syndrome: How to Live Large for a Lifetime,"by Paul Borthwick. The same term 'village God' I read in a book from renowned author Madeline L'Engle, writer of "A Wrinkle in Time."(and at least 20 other books...) News to me, she is quite a faithful believer in God. Understament. Her spiritual maturity is far beyond mine, not to mention her life experience maturity by age and event. But back to my point, she writes in her book The Rock that is Higher about this same village God.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Soup's on

It's cream of mushroom soup for lunch today. I'm going to keep looking for my old recipe. But this one will do for today. It just doesn't quite have that punch I'm looking for. Anyway, I have another tomato soup recipe for fresh harvested tomatos with pictures and everything! But it would be a little bit of a waste of time, since most people don't have fresh tomatos right now.
I'll look for my butternut squash soup recipe too! My favorite 1 time in the season.
Heidi makes BNS for dinner, with salmon and salad... soooo yummy. Peel, seed, make into chunks and roast with olive oil & S/P. At least that's what I remember. It was so good. Just be sure to cook on high heat, and be sure they've glazed and are soft.
Henry's washing dishes, must run.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

This says it all... 2 hours after departure, the this is where we found ourselves, watching Charlie Brown's 'The Great Pumpkin." The boy's had a ball. We took the big stroller and Henry only had a few breaks. Jack wanted to turn around until he saw a neighbor friend, and then the game was back on. I realized I like chewy lifesavers better than nerds, and tootsie rolls are still my favorite. Henry likes Reeces cups. ERic pretended like he didn't want any, but he kept sneaking some.

I really have to hide this stuff. You'd think I'd be the one to gobble it up, but I'm the hider. I found Henry on the kitchen island yesterday eating skittles. 4 times! He kept sneaking away, and using the drawer pulls for a ladder. At least afterward he'd move on to the bathroom counter, and work on brushing his teeth. Off to soccer!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Word of the Day

Literally, Meriam and Webster posts a word of the day and will send you an e-mail if you subscribe at this address. I've been recieving it for sometime. I may be reminded of a word, or learn the meaning of one that I've heard. Or better still learn a new one altogether. MW provides an example, and the explanation or origin of the word. It's really fascinating.
It has helped me exercise my brain in the face of 5 year old vocabulary. Exercising your brain is just like exercising your body. People who do crosswords have got it going on. Before you flick on the 'boob tube' next time, consider a book or a crossword puzzle. But definitely subscribe to word of the day.

Have a good one!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sunday in the Park

This weekend, we attended Sunday in the Park, located in LaFayette Park. The band playing was the Pine Leaf Boy's, a local cajun band, from LaFayette, across the river. Its really something to behold, the dancers all moving to such a unique rhythm. You can't help but enjoy the music, even if the lyrics are all in French! We had jambolaya, and greek wraps(?) from Arzi's, a locally delicious fast-food style restaurant-- although not fast-food quality. The jambolaya was from Opie's! So yummy! My kids eat it up! LaFayette Park is located just in front of the Shaw Center which houses a coffee house, Tsunami's roof-top restaurant, Capitol City Grille, the Theatre, & the LSU Museum of Art. While I enjoyed some music, Eric walked the boy's over to the Old Capitol which is a beautiful building. It was mighty hot and it was a nice break for them to take a walk. The band was great & if your headed to Disney World this week, you'll see them there. They will be performing through Saturday. Almost made me want to pack it up and go! Living in southern Louisiana has had it's effects on me.... and on Henry.

I've attatched another video besides the outdoor cajun music/dancing from Sunday. We often go to Boutin's restaurant for a little local music. It's kid/family friendly, and is always entertaining. The couple in the video, which I hope is not too dark, told me that they'd been going there every Saturday night for about 25 years. They are not young... in their 70's to be more specific. They could dance the socks off all the young one's there. They were skilled and classy. Really something to see. The older ladies always dress up. Always in a skirt that flows with the music, or heels that put them ready to dance. There are some fine men there, some of which we have met at the CFMA, The Cajun French Music Association. It is an organization with a mission to preserve that which is cajun. They offer *free* cajun dance lessons once a month at a regular location in Baton Rouge. They can often be seen in the community in other capacities offering exhibitions or information regarding that which makes this culture so unique, and makes people feel transported when they cross the state line. Did you know the state welcome sign reads in 2 languages-- "Bien Venue en Louisianne" Come on down... My dad is sure he will visit us at some point and find ERic in the front yard with a pot of crawfish over an open fire. I'm not sure he's far off base. .. forgive the poor video quality.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Soccer, lunch, naps, thoughts

Blogging I'm sure comes in waves. The composition on the way to soccer this morning, is tucked away on a clipboard in backup memory, while this current detail surfaced. I started notifying people that they are on my favorites list, and ran across a beautiful, personalized "ICor. 13".
I don't think that was her intention. (I have to put a label on everything) But it's beautiful. This mom-blogger is a beautiful writer, and she captured my oh-so-often-thought-about words. The poem that follows is beautiful, it reminds me of kind friends who listen to the chatter that flows so freely from my mouth. Mrs. K said it all. How beautiful.

Joy, Autumn & Prioritizing

Ok, our fall fest was last night, & I must say... we had a ball. How fun to see little kids dressed in 'merry-not scary' costumes. Eric always says... I 'don't like Halloween'... & I'm not crazy about the gross ghoulish aspects. I like the friendly pumpkins and could easily be completely steered away from all aspects of the H part of it into a Autumn Celebration. So there. Anyway, we dressed up, as did our children. Brenda G made a costume for Jack and it was precious. Anthony brought home patches, the real ones, and she knew just what to do to make it look so real! How precious, she's always sharing & thinking of others. Henry was Charlie Brown, and Mom & Dad... well, we were Dorothy & Superman. My sparkle shoes were too small so I went with red crocs & Eric, well, he looks just like him don't cha think! Jack didn't understand what a phone booth was,, and in the walmart looking for the S-t-shirt for Eric, he kept saying 'mom, your getting side-tracked again, ... what is a phone boof?" th's are f's at this point in his pronunciation. Ha! He didnt' know what a phone booth was, and he hasn't seen a land line in a long time.

Yes, we actually went to Walmart in costume. It was a hoot! We picked up our subs and headed that a way. It was a ball. Katie & Danny really outdid themselves in the planning. Fantastic! so many people helped out! What fun!

There's a hum about organizing going around... just read Roan's blog on Joyful Always about parenting, and Joanna Heim's on The Simple Wife about organizing & scheduling. Both godly women and worth a read. I noticed Roan's because of the title of her blog. Our lesson this week from Beth Moore's study book, Living Beyond Ourselves, A Study of the Fruit of the Spirit, was on Joy. Oh how amazing is the work God has done for us. What a wonderful encouragement to think about and consider the bedrock of joy, the gift of Jesus for us, and the hope of reconciliation through Him. I highly recommend her book for a leading into daily study! I've got to get busy on the next chapter, Peace. Check it out.

Got to run! The big H is up and bringing down the house! 'Juice Mom!' 'Juice Mom!' He's wearing my vera bradley headband... it's pink.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Temper tantrums and bad behavior in public

Check this blog out.... talk about timely... We left Barnes and Noble today because of a double duty meltdown. One actually had the other in a headlock, then a punch came, and then H hurled a train past a 'nana' type person just missing her sweet grand-daughter. Ok, all the reading has paid off. I 'lowered the boom' per Rosemond's several books. I set my stack of carefully selected books down, apologized to 'nana' and left with 2 sad boys. I explained we don't behave that way in public and we'd have to go. When we got home 1 hour in room followed. Nap came about for H, but repentance came from both, especially J.
It feels good when it works.

I also attended my neighbor, friend's ladies' Bible class at her church. They are studying Beth Moore's study book on the Fruit's of the spirit from Galatians. "Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit." We watched the video, which was outstanding, and then had a disucssion group, followed by prayer. It was GREAT!

Gotta run, DH wants to use my computer(note it is 'my' computer) Ha.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Manners of the

Well, I'm up and going, we've had breakfast, but I'm going to have to corral the boys soon and head off to the grocery.... But, before I do, I wanted to post a link to a couple of websites and Youtube videos. In the sidebar of my blog, I have a feed to Youtube for Jill Rigby, founder of Manners of the Heart and author of book of same name. She has also published 2 other books that are excellent resources on parenting in our current family climate. She is a parent of the Self-Esteem movement, and works dilligently sharing an effective anecdote to the woes it caused. I was priviledged to hear her speak at a recent parenting conference locally in Baton Rouge, where she and John Rosemond guided parents to some clarity for this generation. Their teachings are Biblically based and straight forward. Incidentally, she became a single parent, and has been a working parent for many years.
Please look into the websites for further information about how you can help your community, on a volunteer basis to share manners of the heart with school age children.

Note regarding You Tube. If you have never used YouTube, it is a tool for effectively sharing all kinds of information. Please carefully click on icons, as you may inadvertently view selections which you may not wish to view. Be careful using when children are around. Items of Shock value and inappropriate material might accidentally be viewed if you are not certain which video has been selected.
I highly recommend Jill's videos- she is a voice in a wilderness of parenting confusion.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Valentine's idea for showing family Love

Our kiddos are so sweet, but oh how hard it is to get a really good posed picture. Eric says it doesn't matter, but once in a while it would be nice. I'm pushed to the brink sometimes, but then I have to think about 'what really matters'.

I found this wonderful passage in a search for a good parenting -paraphrase

Love never gives up.

Love cares more for others than for self.

Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.

Love doesn't strut,

Doesn't have a swelled head,

Doesn't force itself on others,

Isn't always “me first,”

Doesn't fly off the handle,

Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,

Doesn't revel when others grovel,

Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,

Puts up with anything,

Trusts God always,

Always looks for the best,

Never looks back,

But keeps going to the end.

Please see the following link for all the ideas regarding the month of February & Valentines ideas. Great stuff, can't wait to search the site!

I'm still looking for one with specifics regarding parents, a paraphrase of I Cor. 13, so send me links or your own ideas for even a verse of this wonderful chapter.

The first paragraph below is another paraphrase I found (see link for source).

Love is slow to lose patience,
it looks for a way to be constructive,
it is not possessive,
it is not anxious to impress,
nor does it pursue selfish advantage.
It is not touchy,
it does not keep record of wrongs,
or gloat over the faults of others,
on the contrary,
it is glad when truth prevails.
Love knows no limits to its endurance,
no end to its trust, no fading of its hope.
It can outlast anything.
It is, in fact, the only thing that still stands when all else has fallen.”

Please click on link to see origin of these beautiful selected verses & paraphrase of
I Corinthians 13

I have used this to attempt to create my own parenting paraphrase of this powerful chapter.

Though I have produced all documentation & reference to validate my right to legally parent a child,
And though I could scrapbook & create the most noteworthy announcement of the birth of our child,
And dress them in the most flattering clothing for their genetic coloring,
But haven’t considered what God wants me to provide for my children, I am hopeless.

And though I have read every book on parenting, and deciphered & determined what will help me implement God’s plans,

And have written a brilliant mission statement for our family, saved to our computer,

And have confidence that I can will this plan to work with or without my husband’s assistance,

But do not demonstrate my commitment through day to day loving effort (even with all of my gifts and talents)

I am hopeless & and leading our family into a wilderness with no hope of return.

Love doesn’t expect children to understand the mission statement
It demonstrates & guides through simple daily activities to established Godly values in their hearts

Love doesn’t envy other parents whose children are cooperating in the grocery store
Or the family with the new play system in their yard.

Love does not boast claiming a child’s accomplishment as my own.

Love shares its confidence in our Creator & the origin of all love

Love offers a heritage built on God’s principles and values
And who we are in Christ

It teaches the first shall be last, by not favoring the squeaky wheel(even though it would shut them up), the biggest, oldest, loudest, quickest.

Love does not exaggerate by using words like ‘always’.
Love remembers to acknowledge accomplishment.

Love does not delight in evil or embrace justification or excuses. “boy’s will be boy’s”

Love doesn’t buy new tennis shoes and ignore the (tedious ) lesson in shoe-tying.

A loving parent isn’t a child’s best friend, but shows what a friend is.

Love will read ‘Brown Bear’ 1 million times.

Love will stick to bedtime rituals and be there for songs & prayers.

Love practices tough love when it would be easier to ‘let it go.’

Love proactively creates a plan an patiently waits as family gets on board instead of keeping a tally of how many times spouse messes up plan.

Love keeps no record of wrong, but helps child own mistakes training them to be responsible.

Love confidently looks into the future, even though it may not live to see their children’s greatest accomplishments- the fruits of their labor as a parent.

Love does not complain, (no matter how much responsibility is generated by parenthood), but seeks the opportunity to serve mankind by training children who will seek to be good citizens.

Love has reasonable expectations that are attainable.

Love is able to say ‘no’.

Though we cannot see how we will pay every bill, or how we will explain our sick day to our boss, or how we can explain divorce or untimely death, Love will overcome because it comes from the source of all light and leads to the source of endless Love.

This is a work in progress.. with lots of gramatical & order errors... but its a jumping off point.
I have tried to be as respectful of scripture as I can. Its such a wonderful passage as it is, but this personalized it a little more for me.

See what you can come up with- leave your comments & additional thoughts.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Some of the debris

It was amazing the number of trees in Baton Rouge that fell due to winds.
4 large trees fell in our yard alone, our street was blocked completely, and power was down for 10 days.

Just catching up-- post hurricane

Only so much time, but we're slowly getting back into our routines.
Cant' believe October is already here! Even in a seasonless Louisiana, it's beautiful-
Thank you, Lord.
Just working on my format, it's so neat, I'll add the link when my computer allows me.
When I close an internet window it closes all, so I'll have to do that later, and pray I can add this!
Best to all readers and more later, with some video of storm damage here.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

What happens when you are reading e-mail...

The other day, while reading e-mail, it got realllly quiet in our house. I went to find the boy's and this is what I found.
Fortunately for me, it was washable markers. My brother cut my past-shoulder length hair when we 'got quiet'. At least Jack didn't give home-tatoos' a try. I really think this was his effort at the whole thing.
We've had a BUSY July, and now we're into the season of birthday's. Friends and family have birthdays from here on out. We are working 'towards' a party. We're just not there yet.
I keep looking at 'blondy'. Slightly reminiscent of Kiss.
I prefer batman & robin.
We just returned from the beach, and are about to venture into a Kindergarten Co-op. Homeschool is now our objective for future education. We are on track for an exciting fall of learning. We are currently reading Swiss Family Robinson. We are also working on the 'I can Read' series. I purchased a couple from Barnes & Noble, but also from e-bay. Ebay provides so many more. We've also checked out Arnold Lobel's books. He's famous for The Wind in the Willows. 'Grasshopper on The Road' is hillarious. I have laughed out loud. It is sooo funny. It so like people you meet everyday, and real insight into myself. What a laugh. Jack thought it was hillarious.
That's the kid's blog, but I've got to go, put them to bed.
HOpefully I'll get to blog about my latest adult literature. Can't wait!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

15 Ways to Stay Motivated and Motivate Others from...

15 Ways to Stay Motivated and Motivate Others From

I am into blogging these days, I read/write them all the time, or at least the 3 minutes a day Henry is not awake or climbing out of his crib(2 nights ago....)
But I found this article on this wise ladie's website while seeking the bargains she was reporting on money saving mom Soo, I thought I'd 'share'. I really liked the part about 'paralysis', and why people are sometimes in paralysis. I'm not a 'green-gal' to the extent this particular blogger is, but I think/thought her points about motivation were well taken, and somewhat universal to any cause or interest. Perhaps you'll be encouraged on your way to Bible class today, or on your way to work on Monday. Whatever you need motivation for, or however you might encourage another to 'keep the faith', or keep your own, perhaps this article might help you. Her pictures are delightful, but the article is the jist of this blog. Just scroll down to find '15 Ways to Stay Motivated and Motivate Others '. I will not try to summarize but send you directly to her thoughts.
Have a wonderful Sunday- May God be glorified in all things, especially today.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Creativity or Copycat?

My Mom tells me sometimes how creative I am... I told her one day,"I'm not creative, I'm simply good at copying what other creative people do." I have enjoyed Pleasant View Schoolhouse Blog at for this very reason. I love to find a super cheap deal (free is always the best), and make something super cute, special or just unique. This super creative person has used an idea I have fantasized about... making wonderful items, such as unique aprons, from out of style clothes, that are made of absolutely wonderful fabric. Fabric is my trivial love. I don't hoard like I used to, but I have a few piles in hidden corners waiting their day in the sun. I recently purchased a king set of Pottery barn sheets on e-bay for much less that retail, to make matching light weight blankets for the boys for summer. It is the A to Z pattern and as usual, I LOVE IT. I will get these made,.. the design is simple. But the pants for which I have a pattern will just have to wait. I still owe the Raggedy Ann's I made at christmas for my nieces, pants and an apron. But quilt/blanketing is just straight sewing. With very limited intricate details. My Mom made one for me when I changed size beds. I still use it, in fact Jack has it on his bed. Sewing is so cathartic, and when VBS is over, I'll get it done.
But back to the thrift store. I didn't really shop items that can be recycled, as much as I did items that would go into immediate use. I used to shop everything and collect items that I might need in 2 years(children's clothes etc.) But I have a new rule these days. If I don't think I'll use it in the next 3 mos, especially children's clothes, I don't purchase. Which caused me to pass up a coat Jack might wear in a year. It was 7.50. It was perfect. I just can't buy everything. & that had to wait. However, I found several items of pajamas perfect for Henry in this summer sizes and fall sizes. He also scored 3 pairs of very lightweigh shorts, perfect for our hot weather. Now these I couldn't pass up because they were .39 each. One of them was Ralph Lauren. Jack found a toy oil tanker for .15 Yes .15. He also found a bug box, for all the super big black grass hoppers that eat all our plants, for a mere .59.
I knew I'd entered the 'thrift store zone', however, when a lady tapped me on the back and told me, in a Louisiana, cajun accent, 'Lady, yo baby is stickin his gum in his hair.' With my hands full, and the top of Henry's stroller loaded with my finds, I couldn't do anything but retrieve the gum from the side of his head, and hope that was the end of it. It was for the time being. However in the bathtub that night, ... I found the rest.
I've spent a little time organizing future purchases at CVS, with the $25 gift card I got for a new prescription. I'm finding with a little thought & planning I can stock up on items we use for pennies on the $. check out Money Saving Mom for details.

It's late, and gymnastics starts early. BTW, Jack is loving it!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Where did the day go?

As I talked to several friends and family throughout the day, I realized it was the first day in a while that I had successfully managed a day where Jack was happily busy, and I was too. He's four years old, and sometimes our ideas of a fun day just don't mix. Well, that's an understatement, but I'm addjusting to not having babies, but having kids. Kids need interaction and just don't sit in that shopping cart like they used to. Jack went to a gymnastics class today, where he was highly stimulated, while Henry & I worked the bargains at the Wal-mart. I did the coupon offer for V8 Splash juice. It's the fruit juice w/veggies. If you use the on-line coupon for $2.00 off at Wal-mart where it sells for 2.98, it's a deal. It contains no HFC(high fructose cornsyrup), and actually incorporates real veggie juice. No it is reconstitued, however, it is still nutritious, and low in sugar. See the deal for the on-line coupon at . I really will figure out how to hide the web address soon, but wouldn't you rather know about the deal instead. I also purchased Stouffer's frozen bag pasta & chicken dish for 3.92 a bag. Now, that is a serious convenience food. But I have needed a few quickie meals lately. That aren't papa johns pizza. One bag will feed our family of 4 (2/2) if I add 1 squash or 1 zuchinni, or one broccoli. Just wash, chop, & throw in. We usually always have salad, and that really seals the meal. The one I purchased today was the Chicken Alfredo. It is really delicious. I've had the others and they are good too.
I have to tell you about the first time I had my brother -in law Mike over for dinner. He & H, my SIL, were engaged, and we were just getting to know each other. They came for dinner.
I am a souther girl, whether I like it or not, and you must have 3 veggies with meat and bread at a formal dinner, even if everyone is wearing flip flops. So I cheated, in a Godly sort of way. I purchased 3 boxes of frozen Stouffers creamed corn at a premium price, I think they go for about $2 buck each right now. So $6 for a dish, and dumped those puppies in a casserole. Baked them, and served them as if I'd scraped it right off the cobb that afternoon. Mike raved. He of course had been a bachelor in recent months, and was enjoying food prepared with loving hands by his prospective bride. Heidi is no shabby cook let me add. But I fooled them all. Unintentioinally. But to this day, Mike looks in my garbage can to look for any evidence.
This is a belated happy father's day to many DH's. We celebrated at Bass Pro shop (?) eating in their new dining establishment. We saw the Adam's and heard the Shaw's were there too, but never saw them. We sat next to the fish tank, which helped keep Henry entertained. It was a fantastic lunch, and then off to the Capitol building to see the sites. Baton Rouge's Capitol building is a don't miss, even if you are driving through on your way to Texas. Stop, and take it in. HP Long had an Art Deco vision that is worth taking in. The steps leading to the doors have the states in order of their becoming states, with the 13 star circle emblem from the flag denoting the first 13. The year of statehood is beside each one. Their are enormous statues outside that represent the Acadian people coming from Cananda leaving religious persecution. The inside is breathtaking. The Senatorial halls are recently resorted and are a perfect example of the period. The chandeliers are fabulous. Here, I will digress momentarily, for at this point we went up the elevators. I am terribly, terribly afraid of heights, especially open spaces. I will never have a open loft style stairway in my home. I have been to the top of the world trade center, before 9/11, and pressed my nose to the glass, but I knew the glass would hold me. I can fly anywhere and and can be seen on a roller coaster. I've even been up the Empire state building. HOWEVER, when there are open spaces, over 30 stories high, with railing only at your waist. I told Eric, never, & I repeat, never will I go up there again. I left the elevator, to watch my children run to the observation deck, and almost collapsed on the floor. I suffered a mild panic attatck, and scared another family who had just been outside. I told the clerk in the gift shop, who said he'd never seen that kind of reaction before, that I'd be down stairs praying, and to tell my husband to bring 2 children back with him. Safely.
There is no describing a phobia. Can't put it into words, but if there was a check for a million at the top of the Eiffel tower made out to me.... it would eventually blow away, because I'll never ascend those open cages of elevators, leading to a window to the world.
Don't get me started on the Grand Canyon. Eric wants to go there too.
So, back to fathers. I'm grateful for all the Dad's out there, including my own, who are men of integrity, honor God, and love their families. Thanks Dad's for doing your best, giving when it hurts, & doing your best 'under fire'. Love you, Eric, Dad, Bob, Mike & Drake.
Must go and cook the Stouffers dish.
The boy's napped after our long, long, day. & time to wake them, so they'll go to bed!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Priorities come to the forefront, if you let them. I spend my day trying to carve out a few minutes for what I really enjoy, but priorities seem to bubble to the top. With gas prices so high, I've been doing alot of thinking about where I shop. I clicked on today where I found endless ideas for saving the almighty $. I actually ran into my friend Meg ( ) at CVS where she and I were grabbing the same bargains that generate Extra Care Bucks (ECB's). We were both on our way to swim lessons, and both running late, I might add, but we got the bargain! We're both newbies at this CVS thing. I did it a while back before I had 2 children, but the multiple store thing just didn't work for me. Or at least I wasn't using it. I really went where my son's soy formula was sold. I followed the deals there, but really find when you can keep your driving down, it's worth it to go to 2 or more stores. I'm following money saving Mom's advice tho, and I'm going to give it 3 months. I'm going to track my receipts, which isn't difficult to do, and keep track of grocery spending. I think I've already done well. I'm pleased.
Back to priorities, I made a list of things that folks request from me and/or things I share with others. I'm not a recipe guru, but occasionally I have brought a dish to a party where the plate was licked clean. I read voraciously-- now there's a name for a blog--and I love to share books, or at least the title. I'm going to give the on-line swap I've seen a try... I'll have to find that link later, as my boy's are falling asleep while watching baseball, & I've got to get them in bed.
One thing I plan on sharing, from my list in the other room (HA) is some secular book titles and how I regularly read and how I mention God as we go. It's a natural thing around here. I teach little kids in Bible class, specifically 3's & 4's. I love it. I've taught this age for over 12 years. And now I actually have one of my own using material I've created. It's a real litmus test for how effective the stuff you've been using really is. I remember one of the mother's of one of my students 4 year old Nicholas, tell me she kept a waste basket in the car for all the stuff that came home from church. She is a teacher and a brilliant person I respect. I was stunned. But to tell you the truth, there are times I really think the glue and construction paper go to waste. Especially on boys, but that's another day. Finding a balance is where it's at.
I purchased a book today at Barnes & Noble for my DH Eric, about Canoeing in Louisana. He purchased a canoe the week after Mother's Day, and we've been heading out to the lakes ever since. Alligator's you say? Yeah, me too. There's a regular debate about whether you can survive a canoe trip in the presence of a gator. But we've been in tame water so far. I'm much more prayerful, since our boy's have become old enough to fit in a life jacket. My husband is a dilligent father who is determined not to produce vidiots. Remember that word? When we married, he didn't own a TV. He's not opposed, just an active person. He also knew what kind of temptations are brought into the home. We limit our TV, to after 8:30, when kids are in bed (but why is Jack still watching baseball?), but occasional movie is selected and enjoyed during our opressive heat during the day. Actually Jack's library card is working overtime on media. It's just soooo hot in Louisiana. Did you notice how I completely didn't discuss my addiction to television......... so many blogs, so little time.
One of these times I will figure out how to code in the links behind the names & titles of websites, but you get the idea. I'm working on little sleep.
I hope you like the new format, I love the green, and the dots were groovy. I used to think blue was my favorite color, but it's not. It's green. All shades.. green, green, green.
Photo's to come, one of my ideas of how I used Eric Carle's The Hungry Caterpillar in Bible class a few weeks ago. And at home. See Deuteronomy 5 & 6 -- where is your 'doorpost'?
2 boys and one husband fast asleep- must put everyone to bed.
Sweet dreams everyone-

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

first on-line blog

Every blog spot must have a first blog. This is mine. I am a SAHM, homemaker, and christian who finds life very challenging & very enjoyable at the same time. I have greatly enjoyed reading other's blogs. I send links all the time, and hope that joining the blog world will only be beneficial to someone. I have life experience with family, marriage, adoption, interior design, parenting boys, gardening, cooking occasionally ... and I'm sure there is something else. Specialist in nothing, but dangerous in many areas. I've moved throughout my life, that finding a hometown has become a life pursuit. I find I am primarily from the south east. The South. But I was born in California, which gives me an entirely different perspective and appreciation for that which doesn't align with tradition. My values tend to be traditional, but that which pleases God is not always traditional. So I hope that the categories into which I divide my blogs will help me, if no one else, sort my priorities and interests.

Once Upon a Time, I was a Runner ~ February 2025

 Once upon a time, I was a runner. Well, to be specific, I was fast. I could sprint and win. There's a difference between runners and sp...