Thursday, October 9, 2008

Temper tantrums and bad behavior in public

Check this blog out.... talk about timely... We left Barnes and Noble today because of a double duty meltdown. One actually had the other in a headlock, then a punch came, and then H hurled a train past a 'nana' type person just missing her sweet grand-daughter. Ok, all the reading has paid off. I 'lowered the boom' per Rosemond's several books. I set my stack of carefully selected books down, apologized to 'nana' and left with 2 sad boys. I explained we don't behave that way in public and we'd have to go. When we got home 1 hour in room followed. Nap came about for H, but repentance came from both, especially J.
It feels good when it works.

I also attended my neighbor, friend's ladies' Bible class at her church. They are studying Beth Moore's study book on the Fruit's of the spirit from Galatians. "Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit." We watched the video, which was outstanding, and then had a disucssion group, followed by prayer. It was GREAT!

Gotta run, DH wants to use my computer(note it is 'my' computer) Ha.


Sara said...

It sounds like you did a good job with the Barnes & Noble meltdown. I think those kinds of things happen to every family. At least you dealt with it and apologized to the "nana." Every time I see a mom (or dad) handle a meltdown effectively, I always want to tell them that they're doing a good job for not tolerating the behavior and that their kids' teacher will thank them later. :)

Roan said...

Laura, Dianne also has linked me to your blog. I am enjoying it, and plan to make the time soon to read it in its entirety. I am adding you as a link.
Super job on leaving B and N!

megeddins said...

Hey, I wanted to check and see if there was anything new on your blog and this post stuck out to me. I know it's from awhile ago, but it's very timely for us tonight:) My lesson for the evening is that I need to make sure JD and I are consistant in our parenting. Sometimes I fail to notice that we have different expectations for our kids in terms of punishment because I am the one usually handing out the punishments. Instead of getting frustrated (which is so easy) we as a couple need to sit down and talk about the specifics prior to the tantrum or meltdown. Doesn't parenting/communication/marital relations seem so easy in retrospect?

Laura at By the Bushel said...

Yes, ! Marital communication is the key! Even if you disagree, there is a need where consistency outweighs being right. We had the same discussion on the way home from church, ie.. children's behavior in church. Our children's-- not other peoples! We have different expectations on many things, and I suffer from parental inconsistency disorder. If I can say one thing that has helped me... I try to stay out of attatck mode, and try to be brief. Note I said try. I am usually so bewildered I feel ambushed. Being ambushed puts you on the defensive. Its not an intentional ambush, it's just a lack of communication-- its reactive parenting, and not proactive parenting. Then the solution becomes punishment, and not discipline. And around my house, everyone ends up in tears.
Good job last night, BTW. Way to follow thru! We sat behind you today, you couldn't see OUR small circus. It was quite a show.

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