Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Konos Timeline

(what hydrangeas are supposed to look like...)
Yesterday, I took both boys with me to Hobby Lobby to finally get some flannel for our Konos Timeline. I've got my mini-laminator out to protect the little figures that come with the 'Obedience' box/unit. We read a 'ready to read' book the other day, "The Trojan War" and we've got to put it in order. Not necessarily focusing on dates, as much as before and after. Flannel is a good option for me, to be used with the rough loop of sticky side flannel. I plan to stick that side on the back of he figures and use the flannel to attach them. I've seen it work, perhaps it will again.

Hobby Lobby is conveniently located on our path, and that's a good thing, because for all the effort it takes to keep the boys from knocking over every display in the store, there's got to be something simple about it. I didn't go to the grocery tho. One store is enough for me in a day.

I did pickup some super cute ribbon & fabric on remnant sale, to perhaps inspire me to get the sewing machine out again. It's a real effort with such excellent helpers on standby.

I also am planning to paint the inside of the eternally changing cabinet where I currently store overflow glassware & coffee cups. It has a great lower section that has been mostly useless up till the boys figured it was a great hiding spot.

So perhaps it will be cute and useful. Pictures to follow, but I was inspired by the furniture in this post about painted floors. (I've painted floors and the outcome is very rewarding. I did a checkerboard, I just never sealed it.... have to complete the project, or it won't last!)

1 comment:

Anita said...

I would love to see a pic of your timeline. I have had the wallchart, the strips posted on the wall and now the strips attached to display boards. They are covered with clear packing tape so they are there to stay!!

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