Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's all I can do --- When Homeschooling Just Jumps Out at You

Since I was a kid, I've been teaching school. I mean since I was 7, I lined up my dolls, put papers on their desks, and taught my little heart out. I liked the order, the papers, I'm sure I liked the worksheets & I definitely graded the papers. I taught in real-life a long the way in a variety of capapcities, but now I'm on the 'final frontier' of my teaching experience. Actually, I don't personally believe I'll never teach outside my home again. But for now, this is where I'll be teaching.

I like to think of this year ahead as 'the year that would be kindergarten.' In my humble, but much thought out opinion, kindergarten just ain't what it used to be. When 4 year olds have homework(yes a friend just told me about her son's pre-school homework), there is something wrong with the system. (btw, Jack will be 6 in August)I won't delve too deeply into that abyss this morning, but that 's why I've never been that worried about putting the kids in a program somewhere. It's just too high pressured. But that is for another day, entirely. What I wanted to share it what keeps coming to the surface. I have been looking at curriculum for years, lots of years, because it often overlaps with Bible class material. And one area always rises to the top. Medieval Knights and Chivalry, and all things related. So when my son asked me many months ago, "Can you make me a knight suit?" I laughed thinking to myself, ' this is one of those moments where a mom thinks to herself, 'ah, it's all fitting together, he really wants to homeschool, ' confirming the answers to questions that have plagued her as to the best way to educate her child (as tho his opinion was educated enough to make such a decision). I didn't immediately give in. I didn't have the plan to make the suit, (you know I have studied costumes & I can't always leave behind authenticity, which in this case would have put me making actual chainmale.) But after several months, when I realized this might be a worthwhile investment, I agreed to buy one and found on e-bay an excellent interpretation in polyester. He's beside himself. But baby, this has snowballed. While looking for materials for our 'year that would be kindergarten', materials that would help guide study, & inspire learning while not putting him in front of endless worksheets, I stumbled upon http://www.konos.com/ . Yes I say, stumbled because I'd never heard of this exact company/product. It is exactly what I wanted. It incorporates secular & Biblical study with character building focus & includes a time-line for putting these people & elements of history into sequence. It can be used for elementary to middle-school kids which is perfect. As much as I wanted to jump into everything in schooling, it's not age appropriate (consider Bludorn's ideas about '10 things to do before age 10') and there are so many other things we need to work on before concentrated study. But this curriculum allows for it. More of a natural transition into schooling. Soooo, lo, and behold, what do you think one of the areas of study included under 'Obedience' was? Knights & Castles. Oh my, we have so much fun stuff to do, I can hardly wait! He can't either. I can barely keep him out of the box!

But this story get's better. My husband is super creative. He's an engineer by trade, but they are all artists of some sort in his family. He decided the boys (or he) needed shields with insignia on them to complete the picture. He has produced some of the most beautiful shields, with personalized detail. I made sure the swords were made of swim noodles, but the shields are cut with a jig-saw from a 1x12 & have leather handles on the back. He's working on an idea for helmets, that will fit, but for now, 'Fort Hope' our $25 play fort has become a castle, and is the site for many a future battle. I'll be doing my best to embrace the moment and not 'curricularize' 'the moment'. There will be plenty of time for concentrated study. For now, I'm just optimizing the opportunity.


Anita said...

Reading your post, I am thinking...she's gotta try KONOS! And then, you said KONOS!! Yeah for you! I was a KONOS rep for a few years and have used KONOS for about 20 years.

Your Jack would love to play knights with my Jack who will be 5 in August. We did the obedience unit last spring---it's lots of fun. Roan at Joyful Always is also a KONOS user. If you have questions ask away.

Rebekah said...

I'm with you on homework for kindergartners. That's just nuts! My daughter is just 2 1/2 so we're not yet at that stage where so many parents begin to think that they have to put their children into all kinds of extracurriculars, but I have already decided that I will not fall victim to that. Children need time to think, rest, play, and read.

I love your son's fascination with medieval times, and am mightily impressed with your (and your husband's) enthusiasm as you encourage him to learn.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Sarah said...

Sounds neat...I'll have to check into that.
And thanks for your comment on my last post...you hit the nail on the head and said exactly what I wanted to say with your last sentence!

Laura at By the Bushel said...

Hi Sarah- I'd thought I'd left a comment earlier on your post, did you see it? If you removed it, I understand, your thoughts were so well needed, and saying it was so appropriate. I knew you may have had 100 comments and needed to remove some that may not have fit. I really understand that, but maybe it just didn't come through. I posted something on my fb page related to the 'village' & received a firestorm of comments and private messages. I felt your pain today, but really think you are brave to throw it out there. Really. I could not have handled the pressure of what you sorted through today. But as a housewife & mom of littles, it is sometimes over-whelming not to step out of the blissful life I lead and say, 'somethings wrong with this picture!'. I want to provide a stable environment for my kids and I don't share thoughts about terrible things I read in the paper about neglected children being taken in by DFACS because of an infested, filth ridden home. But as a 40 somthing adult, I need to stand up and be heard. Organizations like CASA, advocacy for children, are imperative. -- if you read this, let me know, just wanted to say thanks. I often have 'Jerry McGuire' moments I want to turn loose, and am afraid. I just want you to know, I still think your blog is the coolest on the block. Not that you need that vote of confidence, but condescension can come at you quickly, when folks read the truth, and see too much of themselves in it. - Best always-

truly blessed said...

My kids want to come live at your house.

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