Joy's Hope: Happy Sunday.
This scripture is beautiful. It's not Sunday, but I'm sure it's a thought to ponder any day.
Have a good one!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Do what I say, not what I do...
A while back I heard John Rosemond speak. It was a special opportunity for me, you see I'm a groupie/junkie. When I asked him to sign my purchased book, I couldn't quite come up with anything to say. Eric was beside me and explained, 'She's read all your books, she thinks your ideas are the bomb,....', in a very matter of fact way. Ironically, he spoke to Mr. Rosemond in the hall during the break, while I must have been to the ladies or something. When I got back he told me he'd been talking to him. I really thought he was kidding, he said no, he really had. I was sure he'd finally had the opportunity I'd been looking for since our kids were born, to receive from the master, wisdom that would solve all of our parenting woes. He said they'd talked about weather, or something equally boring. ??? Really??? Your kidding... anyway, I digress. (men...)
For those of you, like me facing a challenging day of motivating your kids to do what is good and productive, this was a thought that he shared in the presentation part of the day.
You cannot move in two different directions and expect to end in one destination.
Sound familiar... You cannot serve 2 masters.. turn neither to the right nor to the left..
In parenting, this came to mind: You cannot expect children to have values and exemplify values that you do not exemplify.
Some values regarding behavior I am personally working with for myself and children, come from the following passages: Michah 6:6-8, love mercy, James 3:17, gentle, peacable, willing to yield. How can I instill the value of being peacable, merciful, humble or gentle, if I am not so myself?
Likewise, my comments, to care about what I say. We are all certain there are words that are simply profane, that are obviously not true, noble, virtuous, right, pure, full of any encouragment, (Philipians 4:8) but what about those benign comments 'whatever', 'do whatever you want, I just don't care.' Are these really benign, or parental laziness? Truly there are things that are 'little things', not worthy of sweat (you know, don't sweat the little things), but is this an attitude that needs to be dealt with from the inside of the parent? I think so. Those are the moments, probably when our words are the most powerful to our children. When we think we can't go one more step, out of sheer exaustion. Our minds are dying to shut down for the night, but theirs are still going strong. And out of exasperation, we cave in. I cave in. Is my well of strength so shallow? Or have I not armed myself well enough, whether its through rest, or keeping that well full of God's strength and resources?
Our Song of Solomon Class has been quite thought provoking in so many ways. Doug has done a marvelous job of presenting excellent thought provoking topics creating much dialogue in the class. Topics have touched on parenting & marriage both, as well as increasing our knowledge of our spiritual heritage of imperfect people. One such topic that came up yesterday, touched on delayed gratification. Does delayed gratification begin with the topic of sex, or is this a learned discipline for many things in life? I believe delayed gratification is something that each person must deal with in all things. Teaching it to our kids means tough love sometimes. Not giving in to every desire, be it a new toy, 'snack on demand', drive through before getting home, replacement of every broken toy as soon as it's broken... my list could go on for days.
I'd really like any feed back regarding this topic. Whether it is regarding modeling good behavior, or delayed gratification. Our ladies Wednesday night class continues to work through lessons on parenting, and I know there's lots of wisdom out there.
For those of you, like me facing a challenging day of motivating your kids to do what is good and productive, this was a thought that he shared in the presentation part of the day.
You cannot move in two different directions and expect to end in one destination.
Sound familiar... You cannot serve 2 masters.. turn neither to the right nor to the left..
In parenting, this came to mind: You cannot expect children to have values and exemplify values that you do not exemplify.
Some values regarding behavior I am personally working with for myself and children, come from the following passages: Michah 6:6-8, love mercy, James 3:17, gentle, peacable, willing to yield. How can I instill the value of being peacable, merciful, humble or gentle, if I am not so myself?
Likewise, my comments, to care about what I say. We are all certain there are words that are simply profane, that are obviously not true, noble, virtuous, right, pure, full of any encouragment, (Philipians 4:8) but what about those benign comments 'whatever', 'do whatever you want, I just don't care.' Are these really benign, or parental laziness? Truly there are things that are 'little things', not worthy of sweat (you know, don't sweat the little things), but is this an attitude that needs to be dealt with from the inside of the parent? I think so. Those are the moments, probably when our words are the most powerful to our children. When we think we can't go one more step, out of sheer exaustion. Our minds are dying to shut down for the night, but theirs are still going strong. And out of exasperation, we cave in. I cave in. Is my well of strength so shallow? Or have I not armed myself well enough, whether its through rest, or keeping that well full of God's strength and resources?
Our Song of Solomon Class has been quite thought provoking in so many ways. Doug has done a marvelous job of presenting excellent thought provoking topics creating much dialogue in the class. Topics have touched on parenting & marriage both, as well as increasing our knowledge of our spiritual heritage of imperfect people. One such topic that came up yesterday, touched on delayed gratification. Does delayed gratification begin with the topic of sex, or is this a learned discipline for many things in life? I believe delayed gratification is something that each person must deal with in all things. Teaching it to our kids means tough love sometimes. Not giving in to every desire, be it a new toy, 'snack on demand', drive through before getting home, replacement of every broken toy as soon as it's broken... my list could go on for days.
I'd really like any feed back regarding this topic. Whether it is regarding modeling good behavior, or delayed gratification. Our ladies Wednesday night class continues to work through lessons on parenting, and I know there's lots of wisdom out there.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Busy Hands Busy Minds: Note to Self
Busy Hands Busy Minds: Note to Self
I skipped around on blogs tonight, my favorites of course, and came across this poem. I'm trying to live this more, not letting the house fall apart completely, but letting 2 little boys show me bugs, read me books, and play whatever they want to. Several wise sisters encouraged this while I was away at a ladies retreat this past weekend. I spoke on a deep subject, but they shared some of the most practical wisdom in the hallway after the speeches were given. Thanks Janice, Pam & Jane, & Cathy too.
I skipped around on blogs tonight, my favorites of course, and came across this poem. I'm trying to live this more, not letting the house fall apart completely, but letting 2 little boys show me bugs, read me books, and play whatever they want to. Several wise sisters encouraged this while I was away at a ladies retreat this past weekend. I spoke on a deep subject, but they shared some of the most practical wisdom in the hallway after the speeches were given. Thanks Janice, Pam & Jane, & Cathy too.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Morning has broken, but I'm not awake
The house is still quiet, no kids are up. I have read several friends blogs already, and am so excited to read some of the good stuff that is out there. One blogger friend came upon a good read, 'CrazyLove', about God's love and our love for Him. Have you seen this? I'm unfamiliar, but it really sounded thought provoking. My study over the weekend was about God, the Righteous Judge. Far less warm and fuzzy than God's love. But thought provoking none the less. If God isn't righteous, or true to Himself, His love holds far less value, it can be swayed by the same things man's love can be.
I'll be investigating Genensis 1-3 a little more to look at the aspects of the 'lie' told by the serpent, and how God's goodness really is present even there. How His nature of truth is a binding factor of who He is.
For now, I'll be serving up some honey nut cheerios! The weekend away, with ladies at the retreat was wonderful, but it's always good to be home.
I'll be investigating Genensis 1-3 a little more to look at the aspects of the 'lie' told by the serpent, and how God's goodness really is present even there. How His nature of truth is a binding factor of who He is.
For now, I'll be serving up some honey nut cheerios! The weekend away, with ladies at the retreat was wonderful, but it's always good to be home.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Answered prayers.....
I really can't tell you a long list off the top of my head, of answered prayers. I mean, I have some historical biggies. When you see the answer, you know it's an answer... Perhaps you can rattle off a list, but I'm often at a loss. I think it's because I don't pay attention, but most likely its because I'm not praying. I'm just making the obligatory 'phone call' to my Heavenly Father, and not really having a heart-felt conversation. Can I get a witness? Any amen's out there?
So here's the answered prayer... I'll share, because it might be something you'd like to know about too.
So, I met someone at church last Sunday from out of town, who reminded me of a huge opportunity that has been literally staring me in the face for quite sometime. There is a school in Honduras, run with support, both financially & through individual efforts, of numerous christians I know, here and in other states. I am currently, in a small way, involved in a project of providing dresses for the students that attend this school, but have been recently made aware that there are still approximately 40 students still in need of sponsorship. This equates to what I understand to be about $35-40/month. It is one of the few charitable works, where every dime goes to the actual cause.
Back to the answered prayer... Jack had asked me, as we passed a man begging at an intersection on the way home from Wednesday Bible classes, if I had any change. I was alone w/ Jack and explained that I could not determine it was the best thing to do, to help this man, that my first responsibility was to our safety, and I couldn't help him even if I had change. ..... easy way out. No, I think that is always a difficult determination, and it's individual how you handle that.
However, when we prayed tonight, we thanked God for our blessings, and asked for an opportunity to help in another way someone who might be in need.
Then, I stumlbe upon this new friends blogspot, and remembered this opportunity. So I pass this on to you. If are looking for a worthwhile opportunity, I'd say this is one to consider. I am not the best person to give information on it, however this friend is. She was there last week, taking 300 students school pictures... See her blog.
So here's the answered prayer... I'll share, because it might be something you'd like to know about too.
So, I met someone at church last Sunday from out of town, who reminded me of a huge opportunity that has been literally staring me in the face for quite sometime. There is a school in Honduras, run with support, both financially & through individual efforts, of numerous christians I know, here and in other states. I am currently, in a small way, involved in a project of providing dresses for the students that attend this school, but have been recently made aware that there are still approximately 40 students still in need of sponsorship. This equates to what I understand to be about $35-40/month. It is one of the few charitable works, where every dime goes to the actual cause.
Back to the answered prayer... Jack had asked me, as we passed a man begging at an intersection on the way home from Wednesday Bible classes, if I had any change. I was alone w/ Jack and explained that I could not determine it was the best thing to do, to help this man, that my first responsibility was to our safety, and I couldn't help him even if I had change. ..... easy way out. No, I think that is always a difficult determination, and it's individual how you handle that.
However, when we prayed tonight, we thanked God for our blessings, and asked for an opportunity to help in another way someone who might be in need.
Then, I stumlbe upon this new friends blogspot, and remembered this opportunity. So I pass this on to you. If are looking for a worthwhile opportunity, I'd say this is one to consider. I am not the best person to give information on it, however this friend is. She was there last week, taking 300 students school pictures... See her blog.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
A Mother's Influence - It's your choice
I had forgotten about this particular site filled with such good thoughts and material for home-schoolers and godly parents alike. I came across this article which provoked me to share it with you. It is a choice, what we will do with our time, our thoughts. Negative thoughts about our lives and wasted time are not pleasing to God. I haven't utilized their resources before, but I plan to investigate the books as we draw closer to formal home school. I saw an interesting book on Roan's site, Joyful Johnsons, in her books I am reading section. She is an active homeschooler & successful homemaker. She's a huge runner too! Thanks Roan, for pointing the way to this resource.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
LIving Simply- J is for Jerimiah 32:39
Simple Wife has pointed the way to a scripture I needed this morning. Singleness of heart and action is easy to say, but not always easy to do. We are pulled in so many different directions.
Go to her site, and read this list, it's a great 26 days of reading, that will lead you to a simpler walk with a godly perspective from a godly woman's point of view. The icon is the one in the sidebar of this blog, Living Simply.
Go to her site, and read this list, it's a great 26 days of reading, that will lead you to a simpler walk with a godly perspective from a godly woman's point of view. The icon is the one in the sidebar of this blog, Living Simply.
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