Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Answered prayers.....

I really can't tell you a long list off the top of my head, of answered prayers. I mean, I have some historical biggies. When you see the answer, you know it's an answer... Perhaps you can rattle off a list, but I'm often at a loss. I think it's because I don't pay attention, but most likely its because I'm not praying. I'm just making the obligatory 'phone call' to my Heavenly Father, and not really having a heart-felt conversation. Can I get a witness? Any amen's out there?
So here's the answered prayer... I'll share, because it might be something you'd like to know about too.
So, I met someone at church last Sunday from out of town, who reminded me of a huge opportunity that has been literally staring me in the face for quite sometime. There is a school in Honduras, run with support, both financially & through individual efforts, of numerous christians I know, here and in other states. I am currently, in a small way, involved in a project of providing dresses for the students that attend this school, but have been recently made aware that there are still approximately 40 students still in need of sponsorship. This equates to what I understand to be about $35-40/month. It is one of the few charitable works, where every dime goes to the actual cause.
Back to the answered prayer... Jack had asked me, as we passed a man begging at an intersection on the way home from Wednesday Bible classes, if I had any change. I was alone w/ Jack and explained that I could not determine it was the best thing to do, to help this man, that my first responsibility was to our safety, and I couldn't help him even if I had change. ..... easy way out. No, I think that is always a difficult determination, and it's individual how you handle that.
However, when we prayed tonight, we thanked God for our blessings, and asked for an opportunity to help in another way someone who might be in need.
Then, I stumlbe upon this new friends blogspot, and remembered this opportunity. So I pass this on to you. If are looking for a worthwhile opportunity, I'd say this is one to consider. I am not the best person to give information on it, however this friend is. She was there last week, taking 300 students school pictures... See her blog.

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