Thursday, July 12, 2012

School Room Pre-Renovation 2012-2013

We're contemplating serious renovation. Like move the kitchen renovation. So till then, I don't want to purchase any new furniture or recover anything, so I'm just using & keeping everything that's worn & tattered and mis-shapen till the dust settles. Literally. If you've lived through renovation and can still put to words together in coherent thought,  you can whisper a little 'Amen'.
But I need to be ready because we start in 3 weeks. Yes. 3 weeks. Upon our return from my niece Grace's wedding in Mississippi (August 10th), we embark on our first day of CC & will be fully engaged in the Fall 2012 semester of Churchill Classical Academy. I'm going to share pictures. I wish I could be so smart to circle & draw arrows on my pictures, but you'll just have to read what changes I'll be making.
This is a former formal dining room. I saved you from the glare of the brass chandelier that is hoisted into the sky. Not willing to remove it to paint it a cute red, and I'm too cheap to just replace it. So there it is. I've gone with chairs for reading & small tables separate from each other so we can actually get work done. The side with the chairs is Henry's, with his own art above his soon to be desk. There is a coffee table for now, which will have a desk before renovation.
Big Burgandy Chair... remains. So tired of her. Blue check chair still awaiting inspiring slipcover... remains. Round and too-small-for-my-growing boys- table.... remains till I get his desk too. Then too-small table will shift to a big open space infront of my desk on the opposite side of the room.

The too small kitchen can be seen  through door, and the addition will be through the windows with the blue panels in school room. Jack's side has his art supplies & books. Shelf is a precious item called 'the thing' which my Dad made for my mom in 1976. For her artistic endeavors. It's much, much smaller and a totally different color. But as I said. Nothing new structurally till renovation. Whiteboards.. a must.
                                                               I just love these birds.
My side of the room.
You know you have them. The cast-off, downtrodden pieces of furniture that just won't go away.
Well here they are. If you know me, you know where these goodies came from.  Don't laugh. But it works! And it's free! I've really contemplated after watching Eric build the slot car table in our garage asking him to split this desk in two. But I really like the surface area, for my stuff. I think we'll just build two more desks for the kiddos.

That clock on the wall doesn't even work. But Jack really likes the pendalum.
But we'll be on time. I know the teacher.

1 comment:

Between You and Me said...

can't wait to see the renovation in process......

your desk area is amazing...I wouldn't change a thing!

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