Sunday, May 8, 2011

Peace in the Botanical Garden

The State Botanical Garden was just what I needed. This mother's day was wonderful but long. We are packing & ready to get going, but we're really ready. And stress is high. EEk.

This is a photo of the Physic Garden, where many plants meant for human healing are planted. The benefits are some I think I'd really like to try, just about now.

Looking forward to heading back to see the 'Forged in Nature' exhibit, as we had to head to the bike park, to keep the boys contained.

The chickens are in a routine now of coming to their 'fence' in the former garden to be gathered up for bed. It's so sweet. They just wait. To go back to their brooder. They are still little and need to be back in the box but they're so excited about the outdoors. I've been protecting them from the hawks that fly over with our abandoned train table. The boys sit on it and pet the chickens. Henry is the most interested in taking care, although I have to clean him from head to toe regularly, several times a day. It's precious tho. So happy. Happiness.

1 comment:

Annesta said...

I can almost picture you guarding those sweet chicks from the hawks! And...the boys petting the chicks...sweet! Can't wait to see pictures and to hear about yummy recipes you make with the delicious eggs.
Sounds like your day was lovely! Hope your week is equally as nice.

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