Monday, August 16, 2010

Laundry on a Monday - Life-Meds #30

(that title sounds like a Magic Tree House book doesn't it?)

I spend alot of time doing laundry. So eventually, I get around to decorating our laundry room, wherever, and for however long. It just eventually happens. I used to put things that 'didn't fit anywhere else'. And then I realized, I spend half my life in this room. And now it's up there on the make it nicer list. As I scrolled the net today, I came across a redo of a laundry closet that was amazing. Big punch with just some paint. Be sure to click over to see how cute.

You may remember my old one in BR(pict). Our current one has lots of storage & I'm working on a simple plan for the new.

This same post above was the day I accepted the challenge to Count One Thousand Gifts.

I've been so busy county my 'done me wrongs' I just haven't had the time(gasp). One might say that's just stupid. It is stupid. Because gratitude is the medicine of the soul. It really draws you to God and to see what God has in store, what God's choice of blessing is. Trusting in Him, and not being anxious sounds simple enough. But it can be challenging. Even when desires have come to fruition. So-- thankful, I'll be today. I promised you Marla. & I'm keeping my word.

Life-Meds # 30
hand-me-overs from a friend (clothes for kids)
care package from my mom
love from a new church family
laundry to fold
a husband who can iron -- & does
a husband who grills -- & does
comfortable place to call home
fresh water
books written by seasoned homeschooler's
amazing curriculum that's interesting to me
friends who encourage & share ideas, thoughts, cares, concerns, faith
Must go get on with the day, but the Life-meds are better than any vitamin I could have bought on the shelf. better than the coffee. But the day has started, & I better catch up.


Annesta said...

Oh, Laura, you are so right! Gratitude does indeed draw one closer to the Lord.
I join you in gratitude for hand me down clothes and for a church family that welcomes and loves and for mom's who know just what we need when we need it!
Your list is encouraging today and I am so thankful for you. Pray that God will bless you abundantly this week.
grace to you

Sarah said...

laundry - on my list today. As always a joy to splash around in thankfulness. Your blog, simply delightful.


Kellie said...

You've encouraged me to be more thankful today as I too tackle laundry. I'd love to slap a coat of paint in there, but until that day arrives I can still think of the ways God has blessed me while I fold. : )

Unknown said...

That laundry room you liked to was really cute - especially for such a small space. So the photo above is your old laundry room? Very nice! Can't wait to see the new.

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