Monday, July 5, 2010

Adjusting takes Time Lifetime Meds #29

It's been 2 months since we made our big move to Georgia. What seemed like a plane crash landing with sparks coming off the plane, is now beginning to seem much more, well, peaceful.

We find ourselves 'missing home', wearing familiar colors, (on UGA's campus no less-- totally on accident), and then we find ourselves pulling out a 'Dawgs' shirt and not thinking anything of that either.

We just keep walking the path, trying not to sit down. That's life isn't it. Some days it happens so naturally, some days are a struggle, full of unfamiliar. Then one day it looks a little more like 'home'.
blueberry patches
fresh corn
new friends
welcoming gifts
blessed worship with christians
kids playing with kids
Tae Kwon Do class & camp
foster parents for kids in need
good food
riding in the back of a pick-up
magnets for fetching keys down a drain in a parking lot(yes this happened...)
petting zoos with chickens & pigs
4th of July parades
fresh laundry
Galatians 6:7-10
'Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all , especially to those who are of the household of faith.'


Amy said...

I understand the adjusting to a new home thing. It is hard sometimes.

Blessings and keep counting all the joy!

Missional Mama

fingerprints said...

I just found your blog on Ann's...I hope to get back to it when I have more time to look around! I hope you like Georgia; I used to live there when I was little.


Unknown said...

Glad to hear that you are adjusting to Georgia! Did I mention that we moved from TX to CA 20 years ago and I still get homesick once in a while? First, I can NOT believe it's been that long, but over time, CA has become home. Now when I go back, I realize that TX is not the same. It has changed, and if I did try to go back, it would be like starting all over again.

When the homesickness gets REALLY bad, I remind myself that this world is not our home and I try to focus on the mission Christ has for us here in CA. Keep the gratitude list going and it will definitely help!
(Love the new header photo!)

Sarah said...

fresh laundry, ahhh

Delighted to meet you. Hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit. This looks like a refreshing place to slip off my shoes and soak in thankfulness alongside you.


Annesta said...

I am so glad to read your post and enjoy your gratitude list. Moves can be so stressful and I am glad that you all are adjusting and you are continuing to move forward. I pray that each day will be easier and that the summer will be full of adventure and wonderful lessons learned.
grace to you

Anonymous said...

I am James McDermott. My wife Cindy and I have been blessed by God with 13 children. We also homeschool and believe in purity in the courtship process. Above all, we are Christians. We recently started a website called Christian family meeting place ( Many who hold our views are isolated and are looking for online fellowship, personal fellowship, churches, and even spouses. I am inviting you to register. It is free. If you're not interested, that is perfectly fine. May God bless you in all you do for Him. - In the Vine, Jim for Cindy and the rest
P.S. We also publish SALT Magazine. If you would like to check us out go to

emily freeman said...

It is hard to move, isn't it? I've never done it as an adult with a family, but we moved from state to state a lot when I was a kid. I feel like I've lived a thousand lifetimes in just this one.

So glad you visited today while Shannan guest posted at my blog. It is nice to meet some new people :)

Shannan Martin said...

So happy to hear that you're getting settled in, girl. And I love your list.

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