Friday, June 25, 2010

Some Fun Summer Read Alouds - June

Georgia seems to have an amazing library system. As I understand if I have a request for a special book, say one on a homeschool reading list that may not regularly be shelved on my local branch, I can request it from ANY branch in the state. Really. The on-line services for my new card are excellent, well done & easy to use. Tools for any avid reader.

Our most recent visit to the library was our smaller local branch. I re-fell in love with the library. It is small but not tiny. Book selection was amazing in the kids department. The librarian brought back memories when the librarians were happy to help you, and were not frustrated by the number of people only there to use the internet.

A book recently mentioned to me by fellow Tae Kwon Do mom spurred me on to collect a pile of books that we could read together during the hot days of June. A Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease is an excellent resource for parents & teachers, with an amazing amount of research regarding the impact of reading aloud. I had bought this just before we moved & I dug through everybox I hadn't opened yet to find it. Laura (TKD Mom) said it was a MUST READ. & I think she's right. He has an informative website with articles that he mentions in the book. His research is extensive, (not like my 6th grade reading report on horses.) His main focus seems to me to provide inspiration for the lifelong love of reading. He doesn't negate phonics or providing the tools, but has the handle on necessity to inspire by exposure & immersion in reading.
His stories about helping communities who lack resources will get your juices stirring if your looking for ways to give back.

So what did we pick out after becoming more motivated to read aloud? Books on creatures & outdoors seemed to be the theme, and sounds in the night.

I take literally the instructions to read books that appeal to me ('if it doesn't appeal to you do you really think it will appeal to them?) and consider also that boys like wild rough and tumble books too( not all wildflowers and butterflies.) I also realize they don't need endoctrination or an education in coming up with 'icky' stuff on their own. I don't buy or check out disgusting books. Ever.

So here's some fun fiction story books. We loved them all.

My Truck is Stuck (excellent & fun predictability) (thanks Leslie)

Two Bad Ants (amazing illustrations & real life ant-action)

Alan Lee, Leave that Cricket Be!(follows our Ancient History exposure theme as well, and is helping the kids understand why you can't keep bugs in jars overnight)

The House in the Night(amazing illustrations, poetic, beautiful)

Stellaluna(classic, informative for us as we have bats around our house, by author of Verdi, one of our favorites)

The Snail House (just looked to sweet to pass up)

EEK! CREAK! SNICKER! SNEAK! (boys, noises, icky characters, hillarious)

Big Day on the River(librarian's selection for story time, very cute)

Me First(we just need this book sometimes, and the illustrations are sooo cute)

The Book of Dragons(numerous ancient stories & some good classic stories, some intensity tho)
I'm sure we'll find some more before the summer's over.
Our regular read-aloud besides Bible reading is The Year at Maple Hill Farm.
Can't wait to see what July brings in the way of books.
What books have you enjoyed with kids this summer?


Nita said...

We all loved reading Sellaluna a couple months back. It was so fun to hear the kids reciting it later. They drew funny little bats for weeks after reading that one. P.S. your list is great... think I will post ours on our blog too.

Annesta said...

I wore the Jim Trelease book out when my girls were little. I hope that you have a lovely month of read alouds with your kids. Reading is the very best! I love books. Still buy picture books for my girls!

Mrs. Crawford said...

We read Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent at Camp this summer. It's had me searching the shelves for it to buy and hold onto until I have my own kids. Great illustrations too.

Jennifer said...

Laura, I love The Read-Aloud Handbook but have never visited his site. Thanks so much for the link.

Love your new look! : )


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