Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Common Phrase - Uncommon Outcome

I Peter 1:13-21
A common phrase we hear 'change we can believe in' is beginning to affirm in my mind, a common problem. Most people believe we can only mask what needs to be changed- we can't really change what's wrong in our hearts or lives.
Really? That's it? I'm doomed to repeat all my sloppiness & carless ways? Or can I really be holy? Sanctified, purposed, set-apart for the glory of God. Change.... is it possible?
Holiness is not always descriptive of divinity, deity, God. We are called to be holy, blessed to be partakers in a holy walk, a fellowship with Christ, fellowship with God.
We are called to partake in His salvation, purposed by Him, and then given the opportunity to choose how we will conduct oursleves. Our souls, created in His image, feel the emptiness when our lives are filled by aimless pursuits. We are deceived when we derive our faith & confidence in anything but the promises & their fulfillment by God.
But we have to present ourselves before God- not sloppy or carless, but holy, prepared, blameless. Are we not sanctified & set apart? A sacrifice made that requires nothing isn't acceptable. A sacrifice that doesn't require the life completely, isn't acceptable.

"I am Thine, Oh Lord, I have heard Thy Voice, and it told Thy Love to Me...."
'Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer blessed Lord, to the Cross where Thou hast died,
Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer blessed Lord, to Thy Precious bleeding side.'
I am Thine, Oh Lord by Fanny J. Crosby

Ephesians 4:22 '...that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness."


Unknown said...

Deep thoughts for a longing heart! I recently read in Forgotten God by Frances Chen that we often don't ask God to do something in our lives because we really have doubts that He'll come through. So we try to cover for God by not asking.

How often do we not ask for God to actually change us because we doubt it is possible? Something to meditate on...

Misses you last week! Glad to see you back!

Annesta said...

I read your post early this morning but did not have an opportunity to post a comment because I was rushing off to work.
I thought about the verses that you posted and the thoughts about change all day.
I know that change without the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives in fruitless. I like what you say about "feel the emptiness when our lives are filled by aimless pursuits. We are deceived when we derive our faith & confidence in anything but the promises & their fulfillment by God."
We are truly empty when we fill our lives with anything but His holiness.
Thank you for the reminder today and for calling us to live a holy life...set apart.
I thought about that all day.
grace to you

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