Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday - Laundry & Lysol

I don't consider myself a germa-phobe, but I don't like putting clean laundry in a dirty laundry basket. Enter, spray lysol. It's not the healthy vinegar water sanitizer a purist might use, but when I empty a basket of dirty clothes, I give the basket a spray of lysol and let it dry before I put in a clean load of fresh clothes. Simple isn't it, but it's one of those things like a purse-- we don't picture that it ever get's dirty, yet it touches everysource possible to pick up those pesky germs.
I mention the 'healthy vinegar spray' option, you know, the least foreign chemical cleaner. It works, but I'm like the die hard on somethings. I'm all for the nedi pot for preventative medicine, but when it comes to cleaning, think... the dad in 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding', with the Windex bottle.

1 comment:

Eliza Welch said...

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