Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Charlie Brown - The Great Pumpkin - October's flying by...

This day is almost over, but realized the month is going to zip by, & I have soooo much in my head I want to blog about. So here are just a few things.

  • Yes, I'm a Charlie Brown junkie, with the 'whole set'. Jack will 'let' me pick a movie, but will often say, 'anything but Charlie Brown.'

  • I have a new Math book with super activities for early hands on math. We're doing Measurement in October. Really fun stuff.

  • Gymnastics rocks. Both boys love it, & I have a full hour of down time. I'm managing no kids for a solid hour. I sit in solitude, willing to watch whatever for whoever while they walk the LSU track, but I'll be reading or planning for an hour. :)

  • I have been enjoying the library's copy of 'Character Matters'. More on this in a full length blog, but for now, suffice it to say, I just purchased my own copy. Good stuff.

  • The library can be a real resource. Be sure to look into all the free things that are available. I actually checked out a full size beautiful piece of art, with a remarkable beach scene, just like a book. The librarian told me one day, 'anything you see on the walls, you can check out.' I used to decorate/design interiors. It's a far cry from some of the art I used to haul around from Miami Circle, but it's still inspiring. Really. Jack suggested we put it above the fireplace(above our tv, which is in our never used fireplace, ha, lol), which is the only place it really could go. It's beautiful. A temporary exhibit, if you will. Can't wait to see what comes home next.

  • I am watching oranges ripen, instead of leaves changing. I am beginning to slowly adjust to pretend fall, here in Louisiana. You have to know, I LOVE snow, & cold weather. I mean LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, it. But I felt a sense of.. mmm.. connection, this week when I picked a ripe orange/satsuma from our own tree & ate it in my yard. In October.

  • I still need to do the dishes.
  • I consumed another book I picked up at the library. 'Boy's Themselves', about University School, an all boy's school in Cleveland, Ohio. More on that book later too. But consumed is an understated. I couldn't put it down.
  • Did I mention it's football season? We look like real LSU fans, don't we? We are in the 'nosebleeds', which is a riot, since I am terrified of heights. I wonder if it's as steep as UT (tennessee's) stadium. I've heard that's a doozie. Eric went to the Michigan game the next week, with all the men-folk. I visited the women folk in GA.
  • Jack's question repertoire, includes 'but who made God?' I said, 'we'll ask Grandpa'. (I did give my answer/didn't chicken out-for what is there to fear?), but in our family, Grandpa knows everything, or at least he gives the coolest explanations.)
  • Still quite sure that God is good, great, awesome and in control, no matter what rediculous things go on in our government or tragedy occurs in the world. Just as Daniel spoke in his prayer, He makes kings and can take their kingdom's away.... He sees all and is in all. Let my confidence be in HIM.

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