Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And the Winner is.... Me! Liberty's Kid's Give-away

I won! I won! ... can't believe it. Kellie @ Blue House Academy offered a wonderful set of DVD's & I won the drawing. She had some duplicates, & was generous enough to have a drawing to share these. We are going to enjoy "Liberty's Kids"! These antimated stories are well done & very entertaining, while informational too. I'm glad I won't have to get up at 6:00 to watch them anymore. Thanks again... hmmm... I'd say this is lucky.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Foothill Home Companion- A good read for me

The title 'How Children Learn' caught my eye. We're a little stalled out, while we wait for a book in the mail. So as we regroup for a 'hard-start' beginning in September, we're enjoying beautiful weather & good reads.
Yesterday, we popped open a dried out sunflower, with an abundance of seeds. After, we met up with friends at the park for some energy spending playtime, vital for little boys. I'd say, even without a plan, it worked out well. Swimming for the rest of the day didn't disappoint either. I think we'll try the volcano idea from Foothill on the next day with a lull.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Liberty's Kids Giveaway! Check Out Blue House Academy

If you love History, and you homeschool, or just have kids, you'll love Liberty's kids -- a great cartoon format packed with excellent history set in the period of the Revolutionary War! Good stuff. Visit Blue House Academy for your chance to win-- be sure to read the instructions!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Curriculum - Cleaning House! (Homeschool)

I had my list as we went to the library today, and brought home some extras, as well. I removed all the stuff we weren't going to be using from my desk(where I am currently storing active school materials.) This doesn't include glue/paper/tape, just the really pricey stuff I ordered special! I cleared my bulletin board, relegated personal effects, & cleaned house!
We don't have a school room, just a family room, open to the kitchen, but now we have a new CD/cassette player, new DVD player set up, & ready for classical tunes, appropriate audio books & selected movies as appropriate.
I think I'm going to reorganize the school 'area' tho, as it doesn't provide enough active writing space, for white/black board. It's got all our memory work & some selected items in conjunction with our work, but takes up premium space. I'm also dealing with almost 3 yo H who is certain the pushpins are much more interesting on the floor than in the bulletin board.
I followed Olive Plants many organizational suggestions and almost broke something clicking over to the 'best piece of advice' for new homeschoolers. She reaaaaalllly has some wonderful advice for us organizationally impaired, over-achieving, over-planning moms. Said with a big sigh.
Pictures to follow (I know I'm not supposed to say that...)--- (but I did. )

Monday, August 17, 2009

Memory Monday - Psalm 19:14

For Memory Monday, from The Simple Wife, I chose to list Psalm 19:14. Just seemed like a great, but simple thought I could capture for today.
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, oh Lord, my Rock & my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14.
Want to participate, all you do is post it on her link FROM MEMORY! See what other folks are 'hiding in their hearts'. Her passage for today, is one of my favorites.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wish this was my festival rig

Wish I'd taken this buggy when we went to see these baloons! It was beautiful. We enjoyed it so much, even with our broken down, overloaded umbrella stroller that kept falling over. Company was great, fair-food was out of site (fried oreos), and the light show was amazing.

Homeschool Philosophies - @ The Curriculum Choice

As I've mentioned before, we've elected to homeschool. Many often ask what we use, what literature, how do we do it,... If you are currently homeschooling, you're busy getting materials together, and this may be of interest to you, but most likely you've long since known of this excellent site. The Curriculum Choice is an active site reviewing materials that even the seasoned homeschooling parent will find of current interest. However, the entry I found of most pertinent interest, as we take our official maiden voyage down the road of learning, is about the varied but current homeschool philosophies. I won't try to summarize what the authors have so well outlined, but I'll mention my personal leanings.

I have found that each has it's own personality & philosophy creating a rhythm for the day. It seems that as you use material, it seems to define you. For instance, as much as I LOVE the Konos material, and completely want to do unit studies based on FIAR, I can't break away from The Well Trained Mind, literally. Cindy who wrote a review of my new favorite, 'The Story of the World: Vol. 1 Ancient Times' , describes her school 'as a Charlotte Mason, Unit Study, Classically inspired' homeschool. I can relate. I don't see our new school as fitting one exactly, but fundamentally classical in nature. I would say, of course the way you use the materials defines the nature of the education, however some amazing folks such as Jessie Wise, and the folks at Konos have created such excellent materials they are creating new titles for former philosophies. With thanksgiving, I look forward to the months & years ahead, and hope to have opportunity to explore ways to incorporate as much as we can into our homeschool. I'm sure it will evolve. I have been up to now, working on creating good habits, for what will be our home & school. As our soft start moves into 2nd gear, we will be like most determining what works for us, what doesn't, what's available, and what we have to create on our own. There is little doubt in my mind, like most things, there's many wheels already created- I don't have to go re-inventing it. I'm grateful there is an abundance of parents who share their wealth of knowledge in this area. I really appreciate when mom's post a typical day's schedule, or a particular incident that to which the day had to adapt. I don't have a list that is formalized yet, but Darcy at My 3 Boybarians has a great post - the Not Back to School blog roll/link list. The list for this last week is Curriculum Choice. There is also a week for showing off your school room. We're still working on that so we'll wait to show that.
Off to make a schedule for this week!

Liberating Parenting Book - Looks Interesting to Me

You may have missed this one, recommended by 'Thy Hand Hath Provided'. I spotted this review when looking back through her site, enjoying the picts of newest chicks at their house. I'm envious of the little chicken farm, but even more so that she's had time to read this book!

It looks very interesting, but I forward you on to her notes as I have not read yet. Its currently at the top of my list to obtain. "Parenting is Your Highest Calling, and 8 Other Myths That Trap Us Into Worry and Guilt'. Thank you for pointing the way, dear blogger friend.

Other than that just enjoying a quiet Sunday afternoon, watching the boys swim, waiting for impending rain, & regretting my effort to cut their hair. The clippers died, but the boys were ready, so clip, clip, clip. $30 in my pocket ($15 each head at Mr. Eddies!) & only a small amount of regret. I think I'll write a book, 'Hairstyling, Not My Highest Calling.'

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pure, Virtuous, True, Lovely - Think on these things

The writer of Proverbs says 'get wisdom' 'knowledge', 'understanding', but sometimes we have to find a focus point and stop looking for the unknowns. To think about what is true, what can be known for sure, can give us hope when our feet are unsteady, when we are unsure of ourselves. To think on virtuous things helps us to guide our thoughts away from time-wasters, lifts our thoughts out of the dirt & skyward. To think on that which is pure is to sift out the waste, and find the reward in the effort - the beauty that is seen in simplicity, simple goodness.
When the world is spinning, this encourages me. I am encouraged when I have a thought that surfaces, without a reminder from a sticky note, - a thought that came from within that says I've internalized that which is good. And I think on it.

'Create in me a clean heart, oh God', that I may be what you would have me to be. That I may be no longer a part of the problem, but a part of the solution.

Putting 2 hands to work in the same direction, is stronger than 2 hands working on 2 different efforts. Especially when the efforts are moving you in different directions. 'If I had 2 hands...' have you heard this song.
My friend Leslie, put me to remember the book by Elizabeth George, Loving God with All Your Mind. A good book if you have faith, but are asking 'Lord, help my unbelief'. I know I've gained alot this week.

Be blessed by checking out other blogs that are working to (In) Courage others in their faith.
(24) Thankful also for a Gratitude Community that keeps counting gifts, reminding me to be thankful.

Not Back to School Blog Hop - Curriculum Week

I thought this looked interesting. I'm going to check it out as I have time. I'm sure there is going to be alot of great material. Also alot of new bloggers to meet. This week is school room week. Mine is in our living room as the living space is 'open' in our home. So I'll post our wall & book shelf, my desk, I guess. And the famous time-line.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Craft Hope - Giving Back

Want to get involved with a wonderful project? Check this out. I have been amazed at the response and good that has been done through this group of individuals. Can you say 'sock-monkey'? ... hmmm Be sure to get the button (see my upper left hand corner) and post it into your html add-ons. Inspire someone even if you don't sew and can't contribute to this project... you never know where it might lead.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Elizabeth Mitchell - Kids and Music

I love music. Can I just say? And kids repeat the sounds they hear, all the sounds they hear. Something to think about when I'm cruising down the street, or lounging about the house eating chocolate....(whoops, daydreaming at 8:30 a.m.... ) Anyway, 2 things you need to check out.
One is a musician that appears on Land of Nod Music CD's, Elizabeth Mitchell, of course has her own recordings. If you have kids, you must check out her gentle tunes. Not just gentle, but kick'in gentle. I don't know how else to say, check it out. Its the kind of music you hope your kids grow up singing, unless they're singing outright praise songs.
Another interesting option to explore music is Pandora on-line. It's a great way to experiment and find music you didn't even know you liked. This station is one of a million, I'm sure, with Elizabeth Mitchell and other artists that may have similar sounds or themes to her style of music. The first song I pulled up was one of our favorites from her You Are My Little Bird CD. This particular station may be a little on the folksy side, but it's the free way to hear her tunes to see what I'm talking about. Did you notice it's made in conjunction with Smithsonian Folkways? Good stuff.

Home School Day 2

Easing into this seems to be the best thing to do. Really. Folks who have been doing this for a while, say get a rhythm. The rhythm around here is usually kept by little boys bouncing off the walls(notice the broken lamp on the left), so we are working on setting a new rhythm that includes lots of physical activity, while training little minds for great things.
I find this "Weird Unsocialized Homeschooler" (said with a smile) to be highly helpful in her methods & her extensive writing for other on-line publications(not sure whether it is a actual paper version or not..), proves others think so too. This particular entry is written in conjunction with 'Works for Me Wednesday', from We are THAT Family. I have also added a new button from Debbie Young where I found some printables for writing.
We're ready for the day, should I wake the boys or let them sleep?
It's that schedule question that gets me everytime! EEEK!

Once Upon a Time, I was a Runner ~ February 2025

 Once upon a time, I was a runner. Well, to be specific, I was fast. I could sprint and win. There's a difference between runners and sp...