Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Could there have been an intelligent Designer?"

Ben Stein's movie "Expelled-No Intelligence Allowed" .... 'things that aren't properly answered don't go away.' says Ben Stein in the afore mentioned movie. I live this problem...
The other day when trying to solve one of the Encyclopedia Brown mysteries, which is at the top of Jack's desired bedtime reading stack, one of the solutions depended on dinosaurs being present on the earth before man. And not just before, but before and died out/ended existence before man walked the earth. So even tho I have graduated(informally as it was) the amazing Lord, I Believe classes & workshops, I had not the answer organized and ready to explain to my son exactly what I thought about this. How do the numbers 12000 BC, 68 million years, etc.. line up with the time line I'm creating for understanding time & history? But more importantly, how do I explain the introduction to Jack's DK Book about the world, that says there was a big bang and then the world was? Ben Stein interviews numerous scientist of real/significant consequence who have been outed & ousted for merely questioning Darwinian Evolution and even mentioning Intelligent Design. This is a very interesting film, shining a light on the rediculous claims and lack of evidence that actually provide the foundation for many athiestic beliefs. I stand in the camp of Divine Designer, Supreme Creator, confessing my ignorance on many levels, respectfully appreciating those who are far more well-versed in subjects, even when I may fundamentally disagree with them, when all the dust settles. Lord help me to read & study more fully understand the greatness of Your Creation, to glorify You more.

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