Tuesday, June 16, 2009

P is for perfection-- Reality check

We finally got a replacement for my missing hubcap. Eric decided it was time to fix the 'hoopty', and we went shopping at Hubcap Annies. Yes, Annie came out to help us, sharing the finest of her wares. A full set of replica style volvo hubcaps that would resemble my old one or a simple replacement for $10. I thought about how it might be nice to have them all matching, and realized, I'd be dipping into the deeper pocket, and decided to go with the less than perfect match. Can't really tell at a distance, until you really zoom in. It works for now. And will probably remain the same till she, The Road Warrior, goes kaput on the side of the road. This came to mind as I read, The Simple Wife's ABC's to Simple Living(seen in my sidebar). This Particular 'Perfection' entry is extremely helpful when you're needing to 're-focus'. Lot's of changes and moments in our world that are currently not a part of the 'perfect picture.' and I'm needing to be super flexible. What mom isn't? What person in general isn't? Anyway, check out her list of ABC's if your needing a little pick-me up or help in re-focusing in an imperfect world.

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