Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Locks of Love & The Simple Wife's Inspirational New Haircut

I think I've had a bad day, and then I remember my friend, cousin, & extended family who have had breast cancer & lost their hair. Really, I know that sounds dramatic for an opener, but it's been a rough day, & I needed to see this, to be reminded of how important perspective really is.

I've colored my hair to the point that even if it's long enough, I don't think they'd take it, but if you have hair that's not colored and at least 8-9" in a ponytail, consider the big step of donating it to this organization, Locks of Love. I have the link in my side-bar... check it out. Wigs can be made for those who are trying to make it through some of the toughest days of their life, and need their over all appearance to not scream at every moment of the day "I have cancer & I've lost my hair from the treatment."

There are days I wish my hair was not something I have to 'worry' about, but I haven't had a day when it was falling out against my wishes. Just days when I'm pulling it out... that's a whole 'nuther discussion.

If you need inspiration, check out Joanna Heim's blog & see her & her 2 daughters new hair cuts. They (she and her daughters) are beautiful both inside and out, but have cut their hair after dedicating it at Christmas, and are showing off their new-doo's.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Thank you so much for your sweet, encouraging comment on my blog about my husband and my struggle to have children. It is so hard to listen to the endless words of wisdom like "just relax" or "stop trying so hard." No one would understand that except another woman who has struggled too. Thank you, again! Hope to see you more checking in.

Education, Easter and Early Mornings - April 9, 2023

 'No doubt I should have begun hunting a job at once, but I was hungry for books, anxious to be learning, so I rented a room in a small ...