Friday, February 6, 2009

Revisiting the 23rd Psalm

We are on our way to visit family to celebrate a 70th birthday. Eric's 97 year old grandmother will be there, from Michigan, as well as all of his siblings. On the way we did everything, except for our old favorite, hide and seek. Yes, we play hide and seek in the car. Its on the honor system. You pick a location, our house, Nana's house, someone's house or building, then you take turns hiding. You have to tell when you are found. It's really quite entertaining. I'll have to remember that for tomorrow...
We did read the story of David and Goliath aloud. I read it all, even the part when David cuts off the Giant's head. You always read something new or forgotten when reading a favorite story. Today didn't disappoint. Jack asked as we read along, " who did the PHilistines call out to? Who were the gods they worshipped?" So glad Eric was with us, he answered Dagon-- I couldn't remember. But I do remember that Dagon was the statue who's arms fell off when they had stolen the Ark of the Covenant. Love that story. He even falls over. It's really a great illustration to kids about idolatry. Anyway, I had forgotten that they had been calling to their gods, but David called back and said he'd feed their carcasses to the birds, and kill Goliath. He declared that God would deliver him and his people. He didn't need the armor that Saul tried to provide for him, but he used 1 stone in a sling to bring that giant down. He didn't even go with a sword, but picked up the massive one that belonged to Goliath and cut off his head. Remember later that this is the same sword stored in the Ark of the Covenant? And David used it again, when he was hiding from Saul...Ill have to check on that one.
Anyway, we read aloud the 23rd Psalm which we are renewing in our memories or learning for the first time. It is precious to hear Henry say, 'He restores my soul.' and 'No evil'. I am reminded of the many times we learned this in Bible classes as a little child. And how precious it is to know that even in the presence of our enemies or facing calamity, we can look to God as a little child and know He will protect us as a dilligent shepherd. He will lead us beside still water, and restore our souls, if we will only turn to Him.
I hope one day when my kiddos are bigger, and in need they will look back in their memories and this Psalm will be stirred up, and they will find comfort when they need it.

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