Friday, January 3, 2025

New Year, Continued Goals - January 2025

 I'm saturated with books, podcasts, and my 'circle of 5.'

I don't think I've ever been more effectively poised to look around and determine a plan & follow the path. 

What I know is the goals are continued, it's just the calendar turned. It's the micro tasks that will create the success in the plan. 

Books I'm currently reading: 

Be Your Future Self Now, by Dr. Benjamin Hardy.

The One Thing, Gary Keller with Jay Papasan.

This is January 2025. I determined to keep the Audible subscription which will cause me to invest in myself with audio as well as the hardback versions. 

Moving forward, I'm going to journal consistently, document small tasks and successes and see what focusing on One Thing will bring to the surface. 

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