Wednesday, February 6, 2019

You Can't fix a Broken Heart with a Hot Glue Gun-- But can You?

I have been drinking hot water with lemons for some time. Like, for a few years. Dad and Uncle Jerry, who was the healthier of the two brothers, both recommended it highly. Dad was a 'believer,' in healthy food and healthy living, but loved bar-b-que (an entire food group if you live in Memphis, or the South,) and hamburgers from McDonald's. But he ate a lot of fruit and read books like 'Get the Sugar Out.' I'm pretty certain he had read 'It Starts with Food,' at Kelley's recommendation long before I knew it existed.  He knew. Anyhooo, 
I recently read a plan to avoid cancer that recommended it (hot water and lemons.) I'll take that as confirmation. 
Being assertive about food choices is a risky business. Failure is bound to occur. However, 30 days is 30 days. It's not a lifetime commitment. But relapse is a given if one goes right back to all the foods eliminated after such a deliberate effort is made to learn and become more healthy. 
Milk. Milk is my nemesis. Or better, milk with sugar. 
I've adapted to black coffee. Yay! but milkshakes, eggnog, cheese. No way. So, I've learned to read labels and avoid the large dose of these items. 
Sugar is not as tough as it once was. LaCroix is a lifesaver for needing a 'fizz-fix.' 
But sometimes the 'fix' needs to be bigger. The pain is harder. When you pull away the crutches, say of food, the causes of pain or stress don't go away. And when 30 days is up, you must decide how you will cope. 
One of the ways I've been working through the exposed needs is preparing and reinforcing my 'echo chamber.' An echo chamber get's a bad rap from believing all avoidance is bad. But avoiding negative or bad influence is setting a wall of protection. What I choose to let in or direct my chaotic world is just as important as what I put into my physical body. 
To that end, 
1)I've been checking my 'playlists,' and being certain when I need a tune to 'GET UP AND MOVE,' song, it's ready. 
2) I have an app for exercise, that is active even if I forget to start it. 
3) I'm documenting what I'm accomplishing. If it's a book I need to read, I'm dating the completion. If it's a reading group, I set a time. If it's an appointment that needs to be set for physical or mental health-- set the appointment. 
This has helped with 'analysis paralysis.' Take the time to think through the plan, set the details, and do it. Go at it with confident humility. But go at it. 
4)Decide what needs to be tossed and what needs to be hot-glued. Really. Somethings, physical and emotional, need to be tossed, while others need repair. Knowing what to let go and what to keep-- that's how efforts like a #whole30 can help. 
'It (really does) start with food.'  
I'm glad I did it. I'm glad I'm doing it. No regrets. 

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