Saturday, December 19, 2015

December 2015 - Lifemeds #50

I was encouraged this week to continue traditions. And longevity, consistency, even with break-down, will render a few traditions. The good kind.
For two years now, we have anticipated, waited in the box office line early in the morning, and gotten ourselves ready on a Saturday night, to head down to the Athens Symphony's free performance of a Christmas Concert. This opportunity is beyond amazing. It is a fully orchestrated, exquisitely divine effort on behalf of a wonderfully talented group of musicians, accompanied by the equally talented,Athens Chorus. The first half of the performance is more somber with a first half closing performance Handel's 'Messiah'- the Chorus portion. I knew I could pass on to glory after I'd managed somehow to get my hoolilgan bunch to this moment in our lives. To hear and stand with my family during this is a taste of heaven for me.
This year, we were treated to 'For Unto us a Child is Given', along with many other more traditional carols.
Inspired to connect and synthesize by my reading this summer, we continued to listen Pandora, from a channel called 'Frederic Handel'. Delight is mine. Over the next few days, I'll read passages from The Handel's Messiah Family Advent Reader, by Donna W. Payne and Fran Lenzo.

Most of our traditions, often painfully endured by active boys, are paving and smoothing their souls. Mine and my dear husband's too, but seeing them give in, listen even briefly. And hear them draw comparisons between this and last year. My joy is complete.

Another tradition, happening for much longer, is that of savoring in a variety of ways, Charles Dicken's, Christmas Carol. The text we have is a copy I picked up in an antique store. The illustrations are amazing. So detailed, showing Marley's horrifying teeth, and ghosts in an unforgettable way.
We have watched Jim Carey's/Disney's, 'A Christmas Carol' as well as the Star Trek Captain's version. And I'm sure from the reading, their comparision's were not favorable. It seemed in this version, Scrooge was less frightened than he was annoyed by the ghost of Marley. But everything but that is perfect in that scene. Even as Marley approaches the window the sash rises, just as it says in the book. The mother and her child are in the street, and was mentioned by Jack to be accurate as the ghost tried to give them a treasure chest, but could not.
A few years ago, in a December, Eric gave what we call in our faith tradition, 'the invitation', to give one's life to Christ, be reconciled publically to His body. He referred to this passage, 'It is required of everyman......', to walk among and consider his fellowman. Deeply, a passage from which every person may draw.
Life-meds #50
~blessings which I may manage.
~needs sufficiently met
~a sovereign and faithful God
~a Savior who seeks those who seek Him.

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