Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lifemeds #44 March 2015

There is a delightful moment in 'The Family Man' where Nicholas Cage has taken Tia Leoni to a penthouse apartment that is only one of the minor perks he's been offered if he takes the job he 'really has' in his real life. He's trying to describe the amazing life they can have and all the amazing things that will happen and come if they just step up to the changes, alterations, enhancements. It will be so much better than their existing life
 I recommend watching with the hubs. After the kids go to bed. (maybe you can catch the edited version, disclaimer: some parts are inappropriate.)
 For us, when things get out of control and we need a reset on our perspective as marrieds or parents-- we say what Tia says to Nicholas -- we are that family, we are have what folks are striving for. Oh please, you know I'm not saying perfection, or the modern interpretation of success. We are blessed. We have longevity, a collective history, safety, warmth. HOME. We have stayed the storm of 17 years, with all the details that go with those years. And we still like being together. But it's those stress filled days of 'no answers' and 'no compromise' that seem to make us wonder - what were we thinking??
What fool commits to a life of ... - this?
Parenting, marriage, living, = challenge.
Perhaps this explains my affinity for end of the world movies- theme-- survival. Like The Day After Tomorrow. Yes, you'll catch me watching this during our personal catastrophic moments)
 But our goal is not just survival- right? It is to thrive, live, honor God by honoring one another.
The week is here. It's Monday already. Lord, accept my thanks for all that you have blessed me with. 

My cup runneth over. 

 The Serenity Prayer seems appropriate-- 
Lord, help me to accept the things I can't change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 
Give me, oh Lord in your infinite wisdom, perspective and gratitude for the smallest wonder in my life. Love for those in my immediate circle of life. May you be honored in all things, in every way, by my actions and that which is in my power to influence. May the whispers of my heart's voice be only love and self-sacrifice. 

If you wish to read and fellowship with others in life-changing thanksgiving and gratitude, consider visiting Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience
An example of her beautiful expression can be found in this post. 

If you are looking for a Lenten Series,
 visit Edie at  Life In Grace and sign up for her e-mails. I highly recommend.  I'll be heading there shortly, even though I do not strictly keep Lent.
 Go there, sign up, you won't be disappointed.
 And you'll be welcomed, even if you don't know what the ashes are for. 

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