Sunday, November 24, 2013

Common Core Standards ~ The Crashing Scaffolding 2013

I refer to a curriculum in a recent post about children's literature and C.S. Lewis. And I am regularly reminded that a government school, which is systematic in its efforts to provide for a collective population that is incredibly diverse, a one-size fits all education, will ultimately fail. Proponents of this set of standards may disagree that one-size fits all is not accurate. I disagree. Based on personal experience of our family. And that it is detrimental to the love of learning far beyond any other effort in public education in America.
But I knew this. Going in. So it is for me to deliberate when I can muster the energy. But as professors of law are often at their desks, with time to write, I will defer to this letter written by Law Professor from Notre Dame, to Catholic Bishops in opposition to Common Core.
An article about the letter and Common Core can be found here.
I reject it unequivocally, and felt this was one of the best shared synopsis of reasons in which I share belief.

C.S. Lewis on Children's Literature

'I am almost inclined to set it up as a canon that a children's story which is enjoyed only by children is a bad children's story. The good ones last. A waltz which you can like only when you are waltzing is a bad waltz.'
The passing of C.S. Lewis was marked 50 years just this week. I am currently carrying a copy of 'The Abolition of Man' in my purse. Perhaps as a talisman against current curriculum. I was so pleased to see National Review on-line quote this precious book. But it is not for children, but about how the education system of his time was failing children, and in turn, society. A culture crashing down on its flimsy 'scaffolding.'
But this reading shared at this link, is one worth considering. It inspires me all over again to consider that book for children, young and old alike, that stands the test of time. Perhaps the woods will inspire, or the cold of this November Day.
God is in it all, Creator of the Universe, Creator of all mankind. God be glorified.
Marshall, California, on the road to the Coast ~ 2006

Once Upon a Time, I was a Runner ~ February 2025

 Once upon a time, I was a runner. Well, to be specific, I was fast. I could sprint and win. There's a difference between runners and sp...