Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Classical Education Before and After School - #3 Content and Scheduling What/When - Day #3

Jack on a drink break during a 1.5 hour practice which starts at 6:00 pm.
I illuded to the planning for the days ahead. When football wouldn't be such a deciding factor in our lives. I am an 'old-school' mom who has had to do some adjusting to the idea that our lives revolve around our childrens activities. Sometimes our beliefs & hopes just don't coincide with real life. I have adapted. Half full.
But yet, I still believe in the method of Classical Education. So if you just joined me, I'm Channeling the Classical Passion Before and After School for 31 days with The Nester's Link-up.
Day# 3 -- Content & Scheduling - What/When
Do you remember 'Baby Boom' with Diane Keaton? I was always grateful when she finally got to Vermont and decided on a simpler life, but before that she had to figure out 'what' she wanted her child to know. Do you remember the flashcards in 'The Center' -- JFK & Whoopi Goldberg?
Finding the right content to memorize is important. If I left it up to the outside world there would be a regular memorization of pop-lyrics & the sing-song non-sense from other kids. Sometimes harmless, sometimes not. For now, we're in elementary public school, in a conservative community, and the grammar they are asked to memorize coincides with what I would see important. Mathmatical operations, properties of identity & commutative are all consistent. He is currently being required to memorize these facts. Timed tested at least everyother day. Skip-counting has helped and we started this with CC (Classical Conversations). I have mentioned CC quite often, and Heidi at Mt. Hope does an amazing job incorporating CC into her already rigorous life of learning. Visit her to better understand what its all about.
Academically the content & subject matter of history & science are exactly what I would have planned myself. (Greece & Georgia Geography) but to compliment I have sharpened the focus with intensity & frequency. I continue to review specific facts he has learned but realize the history sentences & the science facts  are more systematic (frequency & intensity of focus.) The repetition factor is up to me. But I have no disagreements to date except that Greece was presented as a democracy, not a republic. A detail oftend argued about the United States. Again. very little have I noted that was worth 'arguing' about. He was able to research and present a living report on a Greek god, and he chose Poseidon. The class had a day of presentations and a party celebrating with Greek Food. Intensity. He won't forget it.
Why did I choose for us to read at home the Odyssey? One might say that's a little over the top... don't you think? Can't he just read 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid?'  Content. I expressed my dismay over that book when it came home with him, and over time, whether he continues to bring home a book like this or not, or have access to them at school, or not, he will know what my desires are. And he LOVES hearing this particular collection of stories from antiquity. Really. And whether he does or not, I'm the adult. The parent. Who guides the content. Who makes the choices about what we hold dear in our family. I choose time tested books that have held up under the scrutiny & enjoyment of millions through history. There will be alot of dribble (twaddle) for my kids to shuffle through in life. But if I don't set the sights high, ever, when will they ever see it?
Being brave to challenge the status quo of what's acceptable to kids, inexperienced untrained, underexposed to quality kids, is real parenting, and real teaching. and I plan to go there with content.
Will I still follow the grade-level readout for Jack, provided by his school?  Yes, as a benchmark of skill level. Will it determine what selections I make throughout in all areas of my influence? Certainly not.
Classical Before & After School. It's where I am. Right now.
Visit others focused in on a variety of topics for 31 days at The Nester. I'll be here, folding laundry, clipping coupons, and reading about John Adams.  As well as Edie's choice at Life in Grace.

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