Friday, January 13, 2012

Norman Rockwell

Our 2nd artist for study in Fine Arts at our Monday classes of Classical Conversations will be Norman Rockwell. He's a true favorite of mine, as I'm sure he is to millions. We had a coffee table book full of his precious artistic endeavors. I looked through it a million times.
One of my favorites is a part of the series '4 Freedoms'. I can see the deliberation in this man's simple words. Thanks be to God for our freedom of speech. As I'm tutoring a class of 5 year olds, I will probably have them pose with limited costumes to get the idea of how Rockwell often worked, with live subjects, embellishing as they went. He was a master of capturing the face. Then we are to 'create our own' Rockwell style piece of work. Should be interesting.


Annesta said...

Oh my, Laura! Can we all say patience together? Five year olds + painting + Norman Rockwell = is it time for recess, yet? ( for you, not the kids!). Seriously it does sound like fun, just challenging.
Maybe you will post an update as to how the lesson goes. I'm interested.
Oh, and I love the saying in your header. Your so clever!
Hope your weekend is restful AND full of adventure.

Kerrie said...

fun! I'm also a fan. He was from Massachusetts, I went to his house/museum a few years ago. A lot of the docents used to be models for him as children! I hope you post the art. :)

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