Sunday, January 29, 2012

Classical Conversations Week 16

We are firmly into the Chemistry Grammar of Foundations level. And I'm going to have to look at those Timeline Motions videos I posted afterall. Jeremiah's Mom let me down last week(wink). She had as busy a week as I did(probably busier & I should have reviewed them anyway) and Jeremiah didn't know the motions. {big smile & hug for that little guy} Some days are just a barrel of challenge. My own little guy worked his way around the table a couple of times and gave me just the dose of personal challenge I needed. ('Mom, I don't really want to be here', number 2 whispered in my ear. I replied 'I'm so glad you're in my class. Now go sit down, please.') Again he aided Satan and walked around the table and said with only 5 year old tones in his voice ('Mom, I don't like CC,' and I replied, 'but other people do, including me. Please sit down, sweetie.')
Somedays you just gotta roll with it. Dance with the one who brought you do the dance and Not, I repeat, not look over the septic tank. The grass will always be greener, no matter what. I'm sure Jeremiah's Mom (who also tutor's an even younger group than I do, and very well I might add) had her share of hair-pulling moments down the hall.
When it comes to tutoring-- presenting & reviewing new classically presented grammar, it's all about the repetition. Not about the perfect behavior. Because no matter whether they are standing on their head, or constantly circling the table to personally aggrivate momma/tutor, they're hearing the material. And that's what matters. Hammering the peg of knowledge one more time, often against all odds. But providing that firm place to hang further information when the time is right. My rule of thumb, especially with little one's behavior is just this: unless it is truly disruptive to the learning environment, and to others specifically, then it's probably normal and ok. There's something that could be said for training for future years, but during these younger years, it's not what I'll focus on. Lots of years ahead for that.
*note: if you are a CC tutor of Abecedarians, I utilize a 'segway' method which is thematic. As we don't have ready made seasonal bulletin boards, I usually have somekind of picture or item that helps them with a behavior that will help them with 'quiet for listening' or walking to another location for science or art. First 6 weeks in fall, we were Memory Master's in the Making-participating in a classical conversations circus-- who happen to be lumbering elephants with long trunks. We didn't 'monkey around'. It didn't hurt that elephants are thought to have wonderful memorys. It was fun. 2nd 6 weeks, we were Fall Owls that were 'wise old owls'. It worked well as it was also the same sensation to say 'whooo' as it was to blow our tin whistles. We flapped & tucked our wings & walked quietly down the hall, seeing who could 'whooo' the quietest. Winter, 3rd 6 weeks-- we are snowflakes, all unique, made by God, just as each person/child is unique as He made them. We often tap as quietly on the table to see how quiet we can be as snowflakes, and then rest in a blanket of snow. Now, spring... maybe bunnies. Bunnies are very quiet. These help with an imaginative break after lots of grammar. Especially for me, and my lack of memorizing the handmotions... (shame on me.)
** this is our first year, and folks say, you pick your battles when you first start. Can't wait till next year!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Classical Conversations of Lake Norman Veritas Hand Motions

Part 1 of Classical Conversations Timeline Motions from Lake Norman Tutor. We are currently on week 15 and will need to look for the Part 2 on Youtube.
Classical Conversation tutors are just crazy with great ideas for memorizing basic grammar.

Classical Conversations of Lake Norman Hand Motions Part 2

These are the motions we use for Classical Conversations Timeline Cards Memory Work.

I finally bit the bullet and just started watching. I'm usually the slacker tutor who just wing's the motions. Our community doesn't 'require' the motions, but we all use the same one's (Lake Norman) so we don't get confused. My 6 year old Jeremiah in class usually leads our motions. :) He's a sweet heart.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

'This is Spring'

So as I arbitrarily start a classical CD of compiled classical music, I think I received at the hospital, (one of those exposure Cd's of music,) -- Jack pipes up and says 'This is Spring'. And I am overjoyed. For it is not spring but winter, but he has remembered even the composers name, 'Vivaldi, Antonio Vivaldi,' he says.
Moments that make a momma's heart sing.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Prayerfully. Thankfully. Joy.

Yesterday, I heard a radio announcer on a christian station talk about an intimate relationship with God. Jack was listening too. I don't usually talk about having an intimate relationship with God. I do try to have an intimate relationship with God. But that's just not a phrase I use. Everybody's jargon is different. But it makes me think of the many Thanksgiving holiday meals I've watched on tv through the years, where everyone goes around the table and gives thanks for what they are grateful but to know one in particular. (One movie 'Eat, Love, Pray' comes to mind vividly) Perhaps to a spouse, but not to the Giver of all things. (We have done this, it isn't always an ambiguous effort. But we stopped with accompanying candles after my nephew, Noah burnt his hand.)
So my thanks today... for gifts & blessings from God. I'll try to make the connection with God as I go through my day, as that is the point I believe. Not just to notice the 'goods', but to notice He who is Perfect & Good.
Warmth from cold temperatures.
Luxuries - cars that run, clothes we like, opportunities above our immediate needs.
Over-the-top opportunity & convenience. Sometimes the cards all line up.
Books, books, books. To think of a day when books were not readily available.
Gumption. Inner strength. That 'little voice', quiet voice, followed by gumption.
Recipes that actually fly.
Personal strength to make your kids eat it. Because you're trying to keep a budget.
January. Month of new things. That matter.
I post with others over at One Thousand Gifts with Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience.
I am blessed knowing all over the world many are determined to seek and acknowledge God's gifts. The Joy challenge is next. Yes. Joy.

Friday, January 13, 2012

{this moment}

Joining with SouleMama and others.
{this moment}

Norman Rockwell

Our 2nd artist for study in Fine Arts at our Monday classes of Classical Conversations will be Norman Rockwell. He's a true favorite of mine, as I'm sure he is to millions. We had a coffee table book full of his precious artistic endeavors. I looked through it a million times.
One of my favorites is a part of the series '4 Freedoms'. I can see the deliberation in this man's simple words. Thanks be to God for our freedom of speech. As I'm tutoring a class of 5 year olds, I will probably have them pose with limited costumes to get the idea of how Rockwell often worked, with live subjects, embellishing as they went. He was a master of capturing the face. Then we are to 'create our own' Rockwell style piece of work. Should be interesting.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Real January

~~I changed my blog format and its a little out of wack. But that would be what the first 2 weeks of January have been like for us anyway. Do you Jenga? This is Henry's new game. And he's all over it. in fact he's upside down for it.
The weather doesn't help. We've been to the nearby shoals lately and enjoyed the new camoflage in our closets. You can't really see my stick-child in the middle of the picture can you? He's there. They always ask 'can we get wet?' Why, of course you can. What would be the point of coming here. Of course they were frost bitten (at 60*) and had to have hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows when we got home. But that was the point. We needed out of the house & we needed winter. Fire in the hearth winter. And our weather just hasn't given us any.
I made cookies last night while the boys painted miniature electric football teams & soldiers. We call Henry''s 'the blue-men'. Eric painted Georgia men, but came home with U of Florida paints. I told him I didn't think LSU did so poorly the other night that we needed to change teams. He said he just needed an opponent. Not to worry.
I'm a 'johnny come lately' fan of LSU. but you can't not be while living in Baton Rouge. We we're there for 4 years within walking distance of the campus, and I was 'team-less'. A blank slate if you will. Eric was unchanged. But loves it like he loves other SEC teams. He's a 'Big 10' man. I was a woman without sports religion. Remember, I went to school in Kentucky. Land of Basketball. Sorry UK, you don't bring it, in football.
Anyway, 'real January' is here. We start Teaching Textbooks Math today. And continue with all of our other curriculum. We were sick on Monday, so we missed our first CC class, and start up of the new 6 weeks. Our next fine arts 'Artist' is Norman Rockwell. I'm so excited.

Once Upon a Time, I was a Runner ~ February 2025

 Once upon a time, I was a runner. Well, to be specific, I was fast. I could sprint and win. There's a difference between runners and sp...