Thursday, August 4, 2011

New House, Summer's End, & School

So much to say, but my time is limited per the library video games novelty, will eventually wear out, & I'll have to haul my boys out, lest we become permanently evicted from our new library. We currently have no internet at our house and because of a glitch in our new service, we won't have any until August 23. I have a new phone that lets me access internet, but I broke my glasses, and now that I'm elderly, I can't read the screens, no matter how hard I squint or lean back.

Just when you need the convenience of internet most....

Because there are moments you don't want to squander in childhood that are just too precious.

We have started back to our schedule of daily educational goals, but still are enjoying/waiting out the summer of record heatwaves. But thankful to be in our new home. Thankful doesn't cover it. I am overwhelmed most of the time, not because of the number of books I've actually realized I have, now that they are all unboxed, but because we really don't plan to move. I can leave something there, and not worry if I should be remembering where I put it, so I don't leave it behind. I can put olive oil in my decanter my mother-in-law gave me, and not wonder whether/on what it will leak when we move the next time. I can paint, and no one will tell me to re-paint. I can't plant basil where I want to. This is only the beginning of my list, I'm too tired to count, but it's there, it's coming, the list that is. Because I'm counting, no matter what day of the weak, because there is too much for which to be thankful.

I've been reading John Stott's 'The Incomparable Christ'. Wonderful book. He recently passed away. I've had this book for 4 years, and haven't read. I guess it didn't make the first cut that didn't go into storage.

The boy's and I are reading Matthew & reading the parables, gearing up for our Memory work in Classical Conversations, from the book of John. I will be Henry's tutor this time. I'm truly looking forward to this. Everyone says it adds just what your missing. I think it will be just the ticket for us.

I'm participating in a yardsale tomorrow and throwing a birthday party on Sunday. Painted a room this morning and will be pricing things all night for tomorrow.

Our freezer doesn't work. I buy a bag of ice per week, and we just figure things out. The debate begins to replace our applicances. For now, we are able to function well, with many projects ahead, but for now the zip-line is up! and the boys are enjoying the swimming. Me too for that matter.

So much more, so little time, so thankful that the busy-ness is good. Thanks to God, the giver of all things good.


You Can Call Me Jane said...

So glad to hear you are feeling settled and falling into routines. Blessings to you, Laura!

Annesta said...

Oh Laura, dear friend...I'm so happy for you! I rejoice in answered prayer and am delighted in all things small and large...working and not. May you continue to work through all the little issues and enjoy the progression of settling in.

Kellie said...

I'm so happy for you, and I pray all the details will get worked out easily. I'm helping my dad move right now, so I'm remembering what an enormous effort it is!

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