Saturday, February 19, 2011

Homesteading Revisited

We feel we've been on a break, and found ourselves just needing to 'survive'. A move of any nature is disturbing & disruptive. We are in a 9 month position of recovery. We're getting our feet. Perhaps because we've 'figured out' what we really need, and 'how far out' is really far enough.

It's likely we'll put yet another offer on a house this weekend. We've missed a couple, but that's just part of the learning curve, growing process, and character building. I'm curved, processed & built enough. I WANT TO GO HOME. Hang up my horseshoe over the door and plant the garden. And it's really time to start living, stop fretting & wringing hands.

We had a serious moment last week, that sent our Valentines day into a tailspin. Our dog of 11 years bit H. A dog nip is one thing, but this was serious. We knew it. It was time. She's gone and a chapter in our lives has closed before we were ready. We love her and miss her. How silly, not really, time invested into a living creature... she gave us so much and we hope we cared for her well. We know it's a part of life, but she's gone. Our hearts broken are ready for the opening of the new chapter.

Chickens, goats, horses? Perhaps a new dog, when the season comes. I was able to vist Lazy B Farm in person, & savor the company of likeminded women for an evening of coffee and discussion. Excellent. Next meeting in a few weeks for those who are nearby.

For now, we appreciate the simplicity, have played tennis everyday in the beautiful weather, and have enjoyed our Valentines as best we could.


Annesta said...

Oh, dear friend,
My heart grieves with you on the loss of your beloved pet. It is indeed a very sad day when we have to say good bye to our furry friends.
And, feeling that you are so ready to be "home"...I just can't imagine! I continue to pray for all the pieces to fall into place so that you can move "home". And, it will be a most lovely home, filled with love, adventure and many,many years of great memories.

Wishing you a wonderful Sabath rest tomorrow

The Unlikely Homeschooler said...

Oh girl. We've been through that with a precious pet, it's not easy!

Now you have me wanting to go to Lazy B farm. never heard of it, and now....AAAHHH!!! Looks great! I want to go to a chicken seminar, and well...ALL the homesteading seminars!!!

LOVE your heartshaped biscuits!! LOVE them!!

Me said...

I lost my dog 3 years ago... I feel your families pain. Praying for you all.

On the other hand...

Love the heart shaped pancakes... precious.

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