Monday, February 21, 2011

An Apology for Latin or Math

I've been juggling the math question and stumbled upon this article. Latin seems so mandatory to me, but I have long been a believer in delayed math. But common practice & marital bliss have required a start in the subject. But the article above (linked first) shed a little light about math being a 'subject' not a grammar subject, much like Latin.
I'm working on a start in Classical Conversations which will provide the memorization facts, but give freedom of planning in our educational plan.
Another related article about Latin I found very interesting can be found here.
We'll be incorporating Latin for sure, and math in a slower pace, 'grammar' of the subject way as time unfolds.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lifemeds #36

Counting still {1000 gifts}

301 Nana's who come to visit & do the laundry.

302 watch the kids

303 celebrate victories no matter how small.

304 Jack finally losing a top tooth

305 Henry's attitude (happiness)

306 opportunities in homeschooling to solidify connections made in learning.

307 beautiful weather

308 concert at UGA to hear amazing musicians (Punch Brothers)

309 Eric's williness to see & enjoy the moments of life (he got the tickets without my knowing)

310 Valentine Junior Mints from my sweetie.

311 Excellent DAR meeting

312 the boy's enthusiasm for playing tennis -- TOGETHER
That's my list for now...
Be sure to visit the Gratitude Community over at A Holy Experience to enjoy the company of others counting what could be an endless list of blessings ~ One Thousand Gifts.
I call it ~ Lifetime Meds.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Homesteading Revisited

We feel we've been on a break, and found ourselves just needing to 'survive'. A move of any nature is disturbing & disruptive. We are in a 9 month position of recovery. We're getting our feet. Perhaps because we've 'figured out' what we really need, and 'how far out' is really far enough.

It's likely we'll put yet another offer on a house this weekend. We've missed a couple, but that's just part of the learning curve, growing process, and character building. I'm curved, processed & built enough. I WANT TO GO HOME. Hang up my horseshoe over the door and plant the garden. And it's really time to start living, stop fretting & wringing hands.

We had a serious moment last week, that sent our Valentines day into a tailspin. Our dog of 11 years bit H. A dog nip is one thing, but this was serious. We knew it. It was time. She's gone and a chapter in our lives has closed before we were ready. We love her and miss her. How silly, not really, time invested into a living creature... she gave us so much and we hope we cared for her well. We know it's a part of life, but she's gone. Our hearts broken are ready for the opening of the new chapter.

Chickens, goats, horses? Perhaps a new dog, when the season comes. I was able to vist Lazy B Farm in person, & savor the company of likeminded women for an evening of coffee and discussion. Excellent. Next meeting in a few weeks for those who are nearby.

For now, we appreciate the simplicity, have played tennis everyday in the beautiful weather, and have enjoyed our Valentines as best we could.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mt. Hope Chronicles: Q & A: Homeschooling

Visited Heidi @ Mt. Hope Chronicles: Q & A: Homeschooling for some homeschooling questions about boys, and just in general. Head on over for some excellent information about Classical Conversations (links), and some good detail about her world of learning. And you'll get to see Lola. Don't miss Lola.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


This photo from Southern Living is inspiration to me. perhaps it's the big french doors. The fireplace, with it's contemporary art, or the persian rug. The 2 kids in my house seldom if ever sit that still. We are working on 2 offers, on 2 different houses. Life moves on. So literally.
Jack is working on memorizing Ephesians 6, and is currently in the midst of the armor of God. What an amazing illustration for us. Henry is quoting 'The earth is the Lord's and everything in it,' taken from Psalm 24:1.

Southern Snow and Slow Decorating - January 2025

Are you comfortable in your home? Have you been hanging on to things that don't serve your aesthetic? Yes, we all have an aesthetic. It...