Friday, November 12, 2010

Boy's and the Outdoors

Not too long ago, I received a call from an old friend who has the most precious little girl named 'Piper'. While we talked she could hear my boys running through the house, crashing into things & the consequential yelps that came with all that rushing about. My threshold for mayhem has grown. I'm a quiet mushroom type person who could sit cozied up by a fire or quietly for hours reading on a summer day. Call it laziness, or whatever, but I'm not inclined to suggest that 4 mile round-trip hike to the top of a mountain to see the waterfall. Or the tromp into the woods to just see what we can see. But your kids will make you do things you never dreamed you would.
Like let your 4 year old walk around with a red-rider bb gun. But we're training him to be safe with a benign rifle before he moves on to a .22. Does it hurt to be shot with a bb gun?(you remember, I have a brother) Sure it does, but he can't pump it past 2....
So while I was talking to Piper's mom, I was invited to go shoot army men in the yard. She was (literally) invited to go to 'twinkle land'.
(Ironically enough they neither wanted to stick their hands in the pumpkin goo. )


Annesta said...

It sounds like you are my kind of friend...sitting by the fire and reading for hours...yup, my kind of day!
I have been blessed with girls but they can be active, too. Not as much as your boys, I'm sure!
have a fun weekend...maybe you get to sneak in some quiet time!

Abbi said...

Boys and Girls ARE different. I am blessed with two of each -though my youngest has been greatly influenced by her big brothers!

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