I found a great link for the Vikings & Medieval History, that is kid friendly. This is one rough period of history & it often boils down to weaponry & fighting for boys. This site allowed us to load a boat with supplies that would meet the needs of the mission. Of course that mission involved weaponry & fighting but it did have numerous of first source references that really brought it to life. No surprise it's from the BBC. Check it out.
I've also been reading 'Repairing the Ruins- The Classical & Christian Challenge to Modern Education. ' -- 'an ordered summary of talks given at national conferences of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools.' Douglas Wilson, Author of 'Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning' is the editor of the written version of these presentations, with such speakers as Marlin Detweiler, Tom Garfield, Douglas Jones, Jim Nance, Chris Schlect, & Tom Spencer. Narratives from Douglas Wilson are also included.
So far I've read 2 in particular, one about the Grammar stage of classical education, and now I've moved into another about Logic & Rhetoric.
If you've ever wondered, thought about schooling at home, or wondered why your friends homeschool 'went to the trouble,' books like ones mentioned above are what convinced me. I also read Susan Wise Bauer & Jessie Wise's 'The Well Trained Mind' which actually walks you through what it takes roughly talking through graduation.
Sites like the BBC come about when you are entrenched in the day-to day of it, but there are some fundamentals that convict one why 'to go to all the trouble.'
Photo credit: Viking Rune Stone
Resource for teaching Viking History: The Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer Vol. II
1 comment:
I know I have said this before, Laura, and I hope it's ok to say it again...your children are so very blessed to have you as their teacher and mother.
I am of course a huge proponent of public education...having dedicated almost 30 years of my life to this calling. However, I am more a proponent of parents meeting the educational need of their children as they see fit. You obviously have the skill, the resources and the patience to meet those needs for your boys. How wonderful.
I pray for you as the Holy Spirit brings you to my mind as I know that what you do does not come without unique challenges.
Thank you for posting this resource as I can imagine that it would be so helpful to others studying the same subject.
blessings and grace to you
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