Thursday, September 30, 2010

Looking for my Starbucks next to the Scratch Feed

I pondered the differences in my former life to what is 'the new reality.' And this is what comes to mind. I remembered a day when it was normal to see a Starbucks coffee barista in my local Target Store. Friends, we've crossed over to the 'new reality.' While buying some last minute, whoops I forgot to buy Millie dog food- cans-o-chow, I saw this. Not the starbucks on aisle 4, but the scratch feed. Yes, chicken feed in my local grocery store.
If you've known me forever, you are laughing. If you've only known me a few months, you may see the irony, or you may be offended. Don't be offended. You see there is a large lot of us city-dwellers, who are very thankful to see chicken feed on aisle 4. Especially when we're not used to stopping by the feed store & the grocery.
Still no chickens for us, but working on it.
Today, I am thankful-- yes, thankful am I.


Celee said...

Where I live we have both (not in the same store, though)! I love Starbucks and our local and improved version of it, but it's nice to be able to pick up some bales of hay or alfalfa on our way to the ranch for a hayride. My husband and I both grew up in rural cities, if that makes sense, but met in the big city. We're both thankful to be back here in a large, not huge, but rural city. The best of both worlds!


Sarah Mae said...

I just found your blog and I adore it and your sweetness!

Yay for a new bloggy find!

Annesta said...

I was laying in bed this morning thinking of you and prayed for you in your search for a new home and in your quest to find your niche in this new "lifestyle". I actually have "life envy" for where you are right now. Not the having small children so much but the living in the country away from the concrete and hustle and bustle of the city. I love this post.
Prayed also for your children and for your teaching them and all the new concepts that you are helping them to master. I asked God to give you strength and wisdom and patience.
I pray that you have a refreshing weekend and a wonderful Sabbath rest tomorrow.
grace to you, my friend!
And, can't wait to see the pictures of your chickens when you get them!!

Tonya Gunn said...

Wow that is wild! We live fairly secluded up in northern Vermont and we can buy feed at local little hardware store - what a wonderful sign, though, if chicken feed has gone mainstream - as long as they are being raised sustainably.
Glad to have found your blog.
Warm wishes, Tonya

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