Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Everyday Homeschooling

Our schoolroom hasn't changed much, and like most folks we wind up at the kitchen table anyway. Jack is studying the Medieval period at Master's Academy one day a week, so we're doing activities & reading right along with the program. He's trying to work with gold leaf here in this picture, and although our technique isn't accurate, he loved it. Exposure is the key here. He can tell you anything that is included in the Story of the World about the chapters we've covered.

Meanwhile we've been celebrating birthday's (one more shot of 'day of birthday celebrating'). We stopped at Ike & Jane's for some incredible donuts. Henry went classic with chocolate & sprinkles. Jack had Resee's Peanut butter donut (yuck). He licked his plate.

We continue to press on with house hunting, for as much as this house is beautiful, it is not for us. The blessing is realizing this while renting. I won't go into all the details, but the stumper for me is the hesitancy to stick stuff on the walls. I'm not just talking about decorating, although I've done some of that. But the hanging of poster's, charts, timelines. Must say, it's killing me. I'm a pointer... one who points to reference while teaching. And in my mind, the bigger the better. We're getting to a critical boiling over, and then I'm reminded of our rental status by a call that the house will be shown tomorrow before lunch. This is a good thing. But annoying only, only, only because keeping a house clean while having 2 boys, 1 dad, 1 dog & and only 1 mom with 'the vision' of a clean house is taxing.

OK, sob story over. Thankful for COOL weather! It's beautiful.


You Can Call Me Jane said...

Sending thoughts of house-finding your way. I can't wait until you're settled and we can see your school space walls covered with things to point to:-).

I love donuts.

Annesta said...

Just love hearing about your homeschooling "adventures". I'm a public school educator for almost 30 years so I love knowing what you do and how. You are doing an awesome job. Your children are truly blessed!
I was praying for you this week. I usually pray for all of my blogging buddies on Monday. I pray that soon you will find that perfect house for you and your family. I can relate to having to keep a house clean with so many challenges.
As far as the dilemma of putting things on the walls for illustration and pointing, have you thought of investing in an infocus projector to be used in conjunction with your lap top and you can project things onto the screen?

The Unlikely Homeschooler said...

Hey I saw an awesome idea the other day on homeschoolchannel on facebook. It was a rolling clothes rack transformed into a poster holder/flip chart thing. It was ingenious I thought. They had simply used the large rings to hang posters on it and it looked good, neat and all posters, charts, etc were easily accessible for pointing, etc....

I used my sliding glass door and chalk markers all the time for writing on like a black board or dry erase. The kids love it and it works and cleans up SUPER easy!!

anyway...just some thoughts to get you through!!
Thinking of you my friend!!

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