Sunday, June 13, 2010

Reverence - Lifetime Meds #27

Teaching kids to pray... hmmm. Right now, Henry has the motions down, but our content is really, mmm, questionable. 'Thankyou God for Godzilla, & Scooby Doo, and let us go to the big pool tomorrow that's really deep, AAAAmen." And there you have it. And during someone else praying... he's praying, sort of speaking in 'Henry tongues'. A prayer unto itself, loudly enough so that he can't hear you say, 'it's not your turn to pray.' This kid will not be denied....

Enter our discussion about reverence. We've been struggling with alot of changes, so we're playing alot of catch up on alot of different issues. Currently, reverence in prayer & chain of command are the 2 biggies.

Praying what's on your heart is one thing, but the silly stuff just doesn't cut it. Afterall, we're talking to the Creator of the Universe, and even tho this is Abba FAther, there are still issues of what's appropriate & courtesy, and it is my job to teach it. Canned prayers are not what I'm suggesting, but respect during someone else praying or using it for a platform for power & control. Not going to happen.

I don't worry about my children's faith in God. God is big, bigger than I can ever describe Him, but my confidence & seriousness about Who He Is speaks volumes. Am I serious, respectful, but trusting enough to even laugh when I'm happy & thankful? Do I share my joy over good times to my Father in Heaven, who I believe watches me while I do whatever my hand finds to do? Do I stop the tears just because I may not be able to speak the words if I cry?

Perceiving the difference-- is my prayer & request to God just now. Wisdom to parent well. Not perfectly, but well.

Reverently thankful to the Giver of all for:

#177 Rivers in which to play, with slippery rocks & breathtaking views

#178 Brave children

#179 Strong Husband

#180 time to enjoy it

#181 health to carry me through the day

#182 worship & fellowship with believers in Christ

#183 God's strength to carry me through during transition

#184 Christ who redeemed me and made me presentable before God

#185 Opportunity & a bright future

#186 a lesson today on Psalm 1 & Psalm 15

Join me with others at A Holy Experience in thanksgiving for One Thousand Gifts.

I call it my Lifetime Meds, (dose #27)

Be blessed, friend. ('blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly... but who meditates on the Word of God day & night... he will be like the tree who is planted by the waters.' Psalm 1 loosely paraphrased)


Heather of Swallowing A Moose said...

Awesome Post! I'm sharing with you in those thanks!

He knows those desires and seeks to bring them to pass in your life and that of your family. :)

Annesta said...

Your quest to have a reverent spirit and heart that parents such a godly request. I join you in gratitude for a Christ that redeems us and makes us presentable before God which give us the ability to parent well. Your children are blessed.
It is a blessing to me to have the opportunity to pray for you as you parent well...not perfect...well.

K-Sue said...

This is a wonderful post - well-put.

Just last week a drama presentation at church focused on growth in prayer from childhood - from the sing-song prayer of a toddler, through the Santa Claus prayer, the 9-1-1 prayer, to the King James prayer of the holier-than-thou college student - I related to all of them! -then to the prayerlife of a maturing Christian.

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