Monday, February 8, 2010

Meds for Life - Gratitude - a Lifelong Antidote

You know when you get near to the end of an anti-biotic, and you may be inclined just to stop taking it? You feel better right? Will one more pill really make a difference?

I have been feeling the benefits of the gratitude antidote. I have been ignoring the corrupted software on my hardrive & have updated my approach to word-processing. (7 Habits of highly effective family's likens our conscience to a hardrive, ch1 - for more see SimpleMom Bookclub). Some of that software is hard to remove. It won't be removed with a simple program. It will take large doses, and a lifetime of gratitude to clean up the hardrive.

So I need to keep up with my meds-more on the 4 gifts we all have in another post.
48 Coffee
49 pre-cut valentines with sweet scriptures
50 homeschool co-op valentine parties
51 my washing machine
52 my small quiet neighborhood wal-mart
53 church potluck
54 opportunities for friend's-prayers answered
55 friends you know you'll have forever
56 books you've kept that have come in handy
57 time to read the books you've kept
58 success in menu planning
59 a walk on the levy on a sunny day
60 hope eternal
61 that He carried the cross
62 confidence in His resurrection
63 His love that sustains me
It is Monday at the Gratitude Community over at A Holy Experience. Visit there for beautiful spiritual images, & a host of others who are counting One Thousand Gifts.


Jenny said...

Joining you with large doses and a lifetime of gratitide...well put!

Jenny said...

I like the antibiotic comparison. The gratitude lists really help me overcome a grumbling/complaining heart (even when I'm not complaining out loud, it's there inside me a lot).

Annesta said...

I do like your analogy! I too feel that this gratitude journey that we are on is life changing.
I so enjoy keeping up with you daily.
Grace and peace to you

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