Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Clover Lane: On Spanking

Clover Lane: On Spanking has precipitated an excellent conversation on spanking. I suggest you travel there, read & comment. Sarah appreciates comments. She's an upright gal, with excllent thoughts on Vintage Parenting. She puts it out there, when other's don't. Although I have issue with some of the comments made today, I hope you'll travel there, & comment. She appreciates your thoughts. Not harassment, thoughts & opinions.
I have thought about this most of the day & am sure any parent who lives in our modern society has pondered the issue at least a million times.
May God help us all to teach our children to be Godly citizens of this world in need- Laura
ps. I would never re-direct someone to another's site for an ambush. I hope you'll consider this a compliment to Sarah. I admire her for her for many things, not the least of which is her parenting & appreciate her blog as it is one of the most beautiful blogs out there.
Thoughts produce action,
Action produces habits,
Habits produce character,
Character determines destiny.


Anna Marie said...

I just came over from Clover Lane. I loved reading your comments and couldn't agree more with you. I appreciate that you used God's word to back your comments. Just thought I'd tell you that. God bless!
~Anna Marie

Anita said...

Read it and saw that there were several problems....."I don't care who said it or wrote it..." or something like that? Hmmmm....God's word NEVER changes.

You did a great job in your comments of sharing the truth of what God's word says. Good for you!!!

You Can Call Me Jane said...

Thanks for this link- a very interesting read (the comments as much as the post). I see truth on both sides and try to walk the line with my eyes on the prize.

Karin @ 6ByHisDesign said...

Nice job truly writing a thoughtful commentary on Sarah's blog. I, too, am a big fan of hers. But did not agree today. I appreciate the way in which you were able to disagree.


Laura at By the Bushel said...

I too see merit in both 'sides' of this issue. I have changed with parenting in my thinking (imagine that..) But I'm never ok with dismissing what God's Word has to say about it.
I worked for several years with kids that were abused. I think I know the difference, but also think I can always learn & be challenged in what I 'know' to be true. She's a fine gal, & often I agree with her - wholeheartedly. But today, was not what I would have expected. But that's what friendship, even cyberfriendship, is about. Considering the other's opinion, and not just dumping the friendship.
Thanks for your encouragment here. I respect your opinions, and appreciate your perspectives.

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