Sunday, January 11, 2009

Things kids say

January is here, and around our house it might as well be the height of tax season. We made an error in our taxes one year that held up the normal process, and since then, we start January 1, filing our paperwork. So apparently it was on our minds and consequently in our conversation. Jack piped up the other day and said, "Jesus is more importanter than taxes." I'm not sure if he was really talking about taxes, or about money in general. There's so much talk about the financial world in going around these days. We try to be consciencous about our finances, and talk pretty openly around our table. Our kids are young enough, we're still naive to think they don't understand some things they do. Even Henry at 2 is gathering way more than I thought he was. Anyhow, here's to a New Year of hoping that we truly make God's priorities our's.

In light of that, we've been doing the Daily Bible Reader my Dad published years ago. There are 2 volumes but we're using the original with the updated study helps. Tonight we read about the Tower of Babel. A few brief verses, and a few brief questions. Good stuff. You can check into getting your own copy from the Biblical Resource Center & Museum. You can also go directly to the museum e-bay store and buy a copy here.

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